Renegade Regulator

Restore CSA;

The story goes like this. First, as we already know, the CSA is always looking for foreign companies to purchase with taxpayers’ money. One such acquisition target was a British company called SIRA. This target was a testing company, smallish and highly specialized…

12 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. If CSA is so bad…
    Where are bodies? In theory, a CSA certification is a safety certification – and, again in theory, products that fail CSA certification are considered unsafe. But if the certification is largely bogus, then lots of unsafe products should be in daily use – and that should mean lots of odd injuries and some deaths.
    So where are they?
    If they don’t exist, then I see only two possibilities: either CSA certification is meaningful, or the entire certification process is pointless. If the former possibility holds, then most of knight’s claims must be wrong; and if the latter holds, then knight is trying to lawsuit its way into a pointless business.
    So, bottom line, where are the bodies?

  2. People don’t normally produce unsafe products because of liability concerns and yes, CSA testing is irrelevant. Totally a pointless business.

  3. I had a brand new CSA approved extension cord end blow up on me last weekend, second day used. Maybe there are…

  4. One does tend to get the overall impression that the RCMP should get more
    involved in investigating more associations in addition to that of the OPP.

  5. Are you suggesting manufacturers are morons? CSA is the minor certification.
    Second point is correct.
    As every manufacturer needs to sell into all of North America to compete, CSA has been unnecessary since free trade.
    This partly explains the ever growing corruption.
    Irrelevant bureaucracies always turn cancerous.
    Those bodies you hide behind are not missing due to any action from CSA.
    It is classic government self justification, claiming credit for rational behaviour by private citizens.
    Very much the model of the OHS religion currently crippling construction.

  6. By the way Paul, nice job of trolling.
    How does the conduct of the CSA personel outlined in the posted article tie into your comment?
    So it is not so bad when public treasure is just pissed up against the wall by staggering incompetence?
    Awash in cash extorted from the Canadian manufacturers and taxpayers( via the use of a government enforced monopoly), the bandits were so desperate to launder this money before budget time, that they could not even be bothered to even behave in a practical manner.
    But thats OK, cause somebody has to think of the children…Safety first.. The logic of parasites is wearing mighty thin..

  7. Re: “knight is trying to lawsuit its way into a pointless business.” With respect Paul, it seems that you’re not following this story very closely. The lawsuit in question was launched by CSA, not PSKnight, and its about eliminating PSKnight, not expanding PSKnight into CSA business lines. You’ve got the storyline exactly backwards.

  8. Yeah like trsuting the fox to guard the henhouse Smarting thinking all the way to the top

  9. I have already provided restore csa in the last restorecsa post all the math they needed to deliver an extremely hard kick to CSA with Industry Canada.
    Don’t be pussies – go for the jugular.

  10. Unsupervised bureaucrats have a nasty habit of empire building.
    THE EXAMPLE OF THE Canadian WHEAT BOARD owning elevators and ships is typical.
    This causes me to ponder what the LONG Gun REGISTRY could have evolved to beyond a bloated bureaucracy.
