We Don’t Need No …


…all for the same green energy that has put this pretty little Northern Ontario community in a situation that has its 3,549 citizens wondering how their $18-million ended up in a garbage dump more than 600 kilometres out of town.

19 Replies to “We Don’t Need No …”

  1. A town of 3549 was allowed to borrow $ 49,500,000 for a business investment? Just a reminder – municipal politicians are amongst the stupidest people on earth. Why are they allowed to borrow $ 13,948 per capita or $ 55,790 per family of four? The second stupidest group of people, provincial politicians, should never allow such things to happen. Government in business has never succeeded and never will.

  2. “It is a story that begins, as so many such tales do, as something that seemed like a good idea at the time…”

  3. A town of 3500 in Arizona halfway between Sault Ste. Marie and Sudbury, decides to borrow 49.5 million dollars to build a “massive solar farm”. Probably 99% of the readers of this site could have told them in advance how this would end.
    Whoops – change of plans. Next they instead “invest” $25-million in some smaller solar initiatives that led to 17 jobs. A million and a half dollars per job! Well done. But they weren’t done yet. They managed to lose a further $18-million in a scheme to turn Ottawa’s garbage into gold electricity.
    “But still they believed.”

  4. This is scarcely different than borrowing money to go gamble in Las Vegas, other than the odds in Vegas are better.
    How anyone could believe that turning garbage into plasma so it could be burned could possibly work is beyond me. Go look in you kitchen garbage pail. What is the first thing you notice? It’s wet, right? City garbage is wet with water. Any scheme to burn garbage has to account for the delta H vap of the water content, and that is considerable, You probably could burn garbage at least semi-cleanly if you first sun-dried it by spreading it out in a thin layer on a slow-moving conveyor belt, but that would be a massive capital expense, and what do you do in Winter, or during prolonged cloudy weather?

  5. Well, the answer to that question is clear: you burn the snow! After all, if Blind River is dumb enough to fall for a bridge for sale, excuse me, I meant solar farm then they are also dumb enough to burn snow.

  6. Ontarians aren’t alone in their half-baked environmentalism. In BC the municipal leaders of Greater Victoria have decided to pay 4.7 million dollars to ship all food scraps by barge to Richmond for composting rather than wait for 18 months until they have a processing plant of their own up and running.
    Only a few million, you say, but this is in addition to the already huge cost of duplicating pick-ups and handling of compostable and non-compostable garbage. Of course there is already a separate pick-up of garbage for recycling. Three trucks and three different work crews. To handle garbage.

  7. The unfortunate thing about recycling is that it, in all liklihood, produces more CO2 and pollution than it saves. Alberta ships its recycled electronics back to Asia when the local landfill works just fine. Gives us a warm cuddly feeling, though.

  8. Reminds of what happened years ago in another nearby somewhat larger community.
    Long story short:
    Local merchant class conned into fronting for a $20 coupon book scam as a painless charitable fundraising effort.
    A very few years later a very civic minded fellow business person passing through town learns of their shame and
    vows to help redeem the marred image of the cheated merchants by organizing a real $20 coupon book fundraiser.
    The rest of the story pretty well rewrites itself.

  9. All this MIGHT be easier to take if the watermelons didn’t continually remind us that they are the smart ones.

  10. ‘municipal politicians are amongst the stupidest people on earth’
    ..and the people that vote for them or fail to show up to vote are partly responsible. The voter will nearly always opt for the bread and circus show as opposed to the boring old task of balancing the ledgers.
    The good guy in this story who pointed out the stupidity of the project came in 2nd in his bid for mayor.

  11. No “in all likelihood” about it. Price theory is your friend; any time some one gasses on about the Glory of Recycling, just ask them why, if it’s so damned great at reusing expensive materials and saving the planet, is no one paying us for our garbage?

  12. Greenpeace in their ship RAINBOW WARRIOR II its got deseil engines and churns around and Greenpeace other ship ARCTIC SUNRISE they go all over the world in their garbage scows disruptingoccupying and making pests of themselves while at the same time getting the usial suckers to donate money to them and the usial celberty fools to do stupid ads or junk mail for them one man who used to belong and in fact founded Greenpeace knowns now that their nothing but radicals who wont be happy until all of humanity is returned to living a miserble primative exitence

  13. Har is right. Serves the town right for believing the wind and solar snake oil salesmen.

  14. BLIND RIVER, all that needs to be said
    maybe they should change their name to STUPID FALLS

  15. I have seen pictures of protesters over welingly opposed to Windtrubines in Canada and Scotland that you wont see in your adily birdcage linner/Parrots Toilet or from the talking heads
