5 Replies to “Wynneing!”

  1. They obviously must not be aware of the thousands of illegal aliens working Toronto’s construction industry!
    Call the Human Rights Commission at least any non-white illegal aliens will get paid.

  2. What do they call this stadium – two spirits amphitheater??
    As for unpaid union workers – hey you can redeem your LPC utopia chits at the local bankruptcy trustee office.

  3. Filing liens against the general contractor when the subs remain unpaid is common and not something to get excited about. Show me a job where this didn’t happen.

  4. Beefaholic is absolutely correct, this is standard operating procedure in a liberal-socialist utopia. Happens every job. What would be news is, if the beat up subcontractor was paid his full invoice amount ahead of the due date.

  5. Yeah, I was a subcontractor for most of 27 years, and it’s S.O.P. for some companies,only had to put a lien once,the threat was usually enough.
    This Pan-Am project doesn’t seem to have gone the way of the ’76 Olympics,YET. I don’t know anything about the Ontario construction scene, but is it possible they are more competent and less corrupt than their counterparts in Quebec?
    Btw, has anyone done a cost versus income analysis on the Games,one that isn’t based on fantasy? Does Ontario expect to make a profit or at least not lose money?
    The book cooking for the 2010 Olympics here in B.C. was outstanding, with hundreds of millions in costs allocated to other “votes” to give the appearance that we never lost a cent on this show.
    When your province is in deep financial shi*, put on more circuses for the dumb dumb masses,they’ll forget all about their and your problems.
