10 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. This is all part of the bolsheviks history rewrites, that they always do. Not only is it taught in bolsehvik government schools that that it was the dhimocrapts that fought to free the slaves, they also teach that the republicans did the jim crow thingy, and it was not the republicans, but the dhimocrapts, that passed ALL the civil rights acts. The Selma march was a republican doing. The only dhimocrapts were bull connor, george wallace and the KKK. However, ask anyone under 21, any dhimocrapt or black, and they will tell you the republicans had nothing to do with it. If you pick this up right now, you can get a jump on the re-education camp.

  2. Whenever I get into a debate with my left-of-centre friends on any issue, it quickly becomes apparent that their views have been deeply shaped by the occasional headline, photo, and TV news spot they’ve glanced at. Put another way, they’ve been brainwashed by people who VERY MUCH KNOW that they’re shaping opinion through their alteration of the facts. It’s not an accident.

  3. The Times is just following the lead of their political masters. Wasserman-Schultz also tweeted a cropped photo eliminating the Bushes.
    However, noticeable by their absence were the Bill and Hillary show.

  4. Eco-freaks in last years Peoples(Useful Idiots)Climate march saw pictures of these people bowing to a pagan idol rolling through the streets Yes enviroemntalism is deffenetly a backwards pagan religion that worships nature wild critters and trees and Earthday which is next month is one of their big celebration days

  5. The mediocracy minions were just centering the picture to provide a Lincolnesque image of Obama as he deals with another yet non issue while MIA on America’s actual interests, allies & threats. No problem, even though GWB is “out of the picture” he will be held in reserve to blame for the Dem’s continuous statist mishaps and inevitable failures.
    Think of it, with JEB (John Ellis Bush) likely in the race for POTUS, we could have two Dem administrations, both lethally negligent during their watch, failing to deal with the dangers of Islamist capabilities, sandwiched between three Bush administrations, all demonstrating a commitment to deal with America’s jihadist enemies.
    What a delightful thought!!
