11 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Pony!”

  1. ‘Ultimately, my friends, the antidote to repression is liberty. It is this idea that will defeat terrorism and totalitarianism in the long run. It always has’
    Unless the drill has magically changed lately, terrorism and totalitarianism are defeated and liberty WON with the blood and sacrifice of soldiers and citizens.

  2. @nold…Now that’s not fair. In Justin’s world…tweets “bring back the girls” and the bad guys disappear because you wish they would. There’s never ever any need for that rough stuff like soldiers firing guns and planes dropping bombs and killing the bad guys…that’s way too messy and politically incorrect. All guns are evil you know.

  3. I had trouble getting past this line.
    “– that most pivotal of events during the most critical juncture of what we all heralded at the time as the Arab Spring – ”
    BS Terry. Progressives stated it, heralded it, trumpeted it, and attempted to bully everyone into believing it. Just another lie in a long list of whoppers.
    Terry, its journalists like you who have brought evil to our shores. You invite them, incite them, and protect them by labeling those opposed as racists. Cirrillo’s and Vincent’s blood is on your head Terry, and the Citizen’s, Globe’s, Star’s, CBC’s etc.

  4. “You have to admit it took some serious campaign-strategy cunning to ensure that the counterrevolutionary terror of Islamist barbarism that went on to immolate the Arabs’ dreams of liberty”~Terry Glavin
    Arab dreams of Liberty? Islam means submission. A Muslim is ‘one who submits’.
    None of them were ‘dreaming of liberty’.
    That was a delusional ‘dream’ held only by western Leftists who refuse to understand Islam.
    Even the so-called ‘moderates’ were fighting to unseat the largely secular Assad in order to bring about another Islamic Republic ruled by Sharia.

  5. My comment posted on the article;
    Michael McCallion · Top Commenter · Brock University
    It is quite obvious the Muslim Community in Canada has reached a critical voting block in the large Urban centres of Canada. This after all the only significant areas of voters which are easily coerced through Liberal Party Of Canada/Ontario vote buying with Tax Payer funds.
    As has been demonstrated frequently by the handlers of the Newish Leader of the Federal Extension of the Liberal Party of Canada/Ontario the handlers really do not understand the mores of Canadian culture. Whether the present dominant group of Trudeau’s advisors are the U.S.A. Democratic Party retreads or the Ottawa Liberal Party retreads kick out of Ottawa it all revolves around what scheme or scam the insiders are able to establish.
    it certainly is not the approach to family life the Muslim Canadian’s have. Deceit and terror mongering belongs to the apostates of the ISIS (ISIL) barbarians destroying any semblance of civilization throughout the Middle-East. Apparently the Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada/Ontario (Federal Cohert) has been advised through demonization of Canadian Culture he will have touched the hearts of Islam in Canada.
    He has been easily lead astray once again. The Middle-East Apostates are not Canadian followers of the Prophet Mohammed.

  6. May as well swear in bandits in balaclavas, for good measure.
    But then the LIEberals have consistently taken the side of the ‘goodfellas’.
    Getting ‘ready for leadership’ in another galaxy far far away…
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  7. It’s always a treat to watch how an insulated silver spoon Marxist defines “liberty”. Obviously the Bouffant kid thinks some tyranny is OK and other types not – just as all amoral progs think evil is relative, tyranny likewise is all relative – and liberty – well we progs cannot justify any violence even self defensive violence or violence needed to suppress tyranny and gain liberty – because ya know, liberty comes from bigger and bigger government, you don’t have to fight for it or to keep it – it’s just there – if you vote the right way donchaknow.

  8. Well he does like China so that seems to go with your observations regarding some tyranny is OK as long as JT approves it.

  9. Just for reference if anyone is interested in Justin’s version of Iggy’s “rise up” speech I think I’ve found a link.
    It must have been during his post secondary days and he looks like he put on some weight.
    Matter of fact he looks a bit like John Belushi.
    Nudge and a wink
    You can tell that Leisuresuit Larry never studied history.

  10. Those idiot students and their knownting proffesors as well as then idiot president at University of Oklahoma should be made to read the U.S. Constitution instead of their usial lies and crap they read in hose leftists written text books
