7 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: Planetary Fever Update”

  1. Greetings from sunny Huatulco, Oaxaca, Mexico! No snow here, it’s +32!!
    Not looking forward coming back to Alberta!
    Mexico is very mountainous, the summit of that particular mountain pass (Mex 150D)is almost 10,000 feet above sea level! Given the climatic conditions and adiabatic lapse rate, while snow is unusual, it certainly IS possible! There’s usually rain and fog on the way, anyways! Wonder how long the ‘snow’ persisted for? Noting the conditions of most driver’s tires around here, it’s no wonder they closed it!
    Look at the volcanoes in the state of Colima, Mexico, the dormant one (Volcan De Nevado) only an hour or so from the coast, is usually snow covered, hence it’s name!
    You can also find snow some months of the year, in Barrancas Del Cobre (Copper Canyons) inland from Mazatlan, which are twice as deep and larger than the Grand Canyon in the USA!
    I still don’t believe in man made glow bull warming, though, the earth is gonna do what its gonna do whether we are here or not!
    Viva Mexico!

  2. I can see in the not to distant future, where Canada and Mexico will make an agreement where Canadians will be allowed to stay in Mexico for more than three months, thus transforming our relationship with the USA as flyover country

  3. Couple of quibbles:
    > Look at the volcanoes in the state of Colima
    Nevado de Colima is actually in Jalisco, not Colima. Go figure… It’s not usually snow-covered, but it often is (mostly in Spring).
    > twice as deep
    Not nearly.
    Interesting article on cold and snow in Mexico: wattsupwiththat.com/2011/03/01/a-cold-day-in-mexico%E2%80%99s-icebox/

  4. Al Gore,David Suzuki and all those Greenpeace idiots should be made to go there and shovel out driveways and sidewalks
