Eating seal, it annoys all the right people…..

I had a chance to go to the Taste of the Arctic event in Ottawa the other night. Let’s say eating seal and wearing fur is popular with the crowd that shows up there and it makes lefty heads explode.

25 Replies to “Eating seal, it annoys all the right people…..”

  1. A lot of years ago I was in Greenland so I had to try the reindeer. It was horrible. Much to gammie. On the other hand I had had Caribou when I was in the NWT it was fabulous. Canada must have a better grade of tundra.

  2. As a proud Newfie, I can report that I’m sitting here typing this comment in my very comfy seal skin slippers, my wife has a beautiful pair of seal skin boots, and there are a couple of feeds of flippers out in the deep freezer. If some of the folks who do all the bitching about how seals are harvested, ever set foot inside a slaughter house, they would expose themselves for the hypocrites they truly are. The only difference between seals and cows, are that the seals are cuter, to some, and the harvest of the cow does not happen out in the open for all to see and film. BTW, we haven’t killed a white coat seal in this country for over 20 years now…..I would even argue whether the gray adult seal is any cuter than the cow, but everyone is entitled to their opinion. The seals are so numerous off our coast, that there is no need for one more human being on this planet to die from starvation or suffer from malnutrition. We have enough high-grade protein to feed the planet. But the animal huggers will never let it happen. Dead humans are less important than dead seals…..and they call us dumb Newfs!!!!!

  3. Yeah had the same experience with caribou myself in Rankin Inlet. Expected something that eats lichen to taste pretty awful but it was damn good! Maybe it’s the season makes a difference?

  4. Inuit cultural sentiment is only useful to leftards as long as it doesn’t interfere with their particular chosen message. The second it does, the Inuit cultural sentiment (in this case, seal and whale consumption as well as using fur) is cast aside like so much detritus. Its almost as if leftards have a multiple personality disorder in this regard. Not surprising; leftism is, after all, a mental disorder.

  5. Yeah eating seals realy upsets the animal rights idiots and norway especialy upset these jerks who wachted crap like THE GOLDEN SEAL and FREE WILLIE or BABE and GORDY and BABE II PIG IN THE CITY these PETA idiots have even said feeding a child meat is Chilkd Abuse No PETA jerks Child Abuse is forcing your philosephies crap on them

  6. I lived in the Arctic for 6 years and we ate caribou regularly. I was sent up to Tuk to count the reindeer herd when the gov’t sold it. We ate reindeer, which is good but diferent than caribou- how can two so closely related animals eating the same tundra taste diferent? Musk-ox is good but some what stronger flavour. During the rut the bulls are really strong – pretty much not edible. However at my age I could use all the extra hormones. Im hoping A&W will have a button for extra steroids and extra hormones
    instead of extra onions!!I miss the people of the Arctic with whom I shared many marvelous– off the land meals!!I might learn to spell some day.

  7. I lived in the Arctic for 6 years and we ate caribou regularly. I was sent up to Tuk to count the reindeer herd when the gov’t sold it. We ate reindeer, which is good but diferent than caribou- how can two so closely related animals eating the same tundra taste diferent? Musk-ox is good but some what stronger flavour. During the rut the bulls are really strong – pretty much not edible. However at my age I could use all the extra hormones. Im hoping A&W will have a button for extra steroids and extra hormones
    instead of extra onions!!I miss the people of the Arctic with whom I shared many marvelous– off the land meals!!I might learn to spell some day.

  8. I would love to try seal meat sometime. I have been scouring the internet trying to find where I can buy some. Has anyone here found any sources that ship to Alberta?
    I used to work for Travel Alberta and we would regularly get angry emails from Europe about how we Canadians are terrible for killing seals. Complaining about the seal hunt to a landlocked province shows a certain laziness on the part of the complainer. We always had a good giggle from those emails and, unfortunately, we weren’t allowed to answer them. That had to be done by someone up the chain who was more diplomatic than we would have been.

  9. Have you ever noticed that the Left’s insistence of multi-culturalism only extends to those cultures that they deem appropriate. What’s even stranger is that Lefties will insist that we have no right to judge the practices of how Muslim men treat women yet they vociferously criticize the way Aboriginal Canadians treat animals. Think about that for a second. They are very clearly placing animals ahead of human women. That’s just sick.

  10. Tony W, was the caribou you had a bull or cow in those instances? The testosterone in male animals makes a noticeable difference in taste and since most hunting regulations allow only the bucks and bulls to be harvested that is why deer and moose are reputed to taste ‘gamy/gamie’. Friends of mine who have taken does (in Ontario WMUs where the deer population is too numerous you can get ‘antlerless’ tags) tell me the meat is sweet and quite different from that of a buck.
    Supermarket beef is mostly from steers and old cows and I was told a long time ago that when the slaughterhouse receives a bull they castrate it before slaughter so it will taste better.

  11. To those who don’t know, reindeer and caribou are 2 different names for the exact same animal.
    If reindeer doesn’t taste as good as caribou, it may be because reindeer is domesticated and because of that the meat may have been from older animals. It also may be that in the nations where they call caribou ‘reindeer'(they actually ride them as horses) the cooks aren’t as talented as we have in Canada.

  12. A judges overturns california’s stupid ban on Foie Gras earlier this year and the animals rights idiots especialy from PETA were upset over this Yeah Consumer choice over idiotic animal rights poppycock

  13. “If some of the folks who do all the bitching about how seals are harvested, ever set foot inside a slaughter house, they would expose themselves for the hypocrites they truly are.”
    And dat’s da jaysus troot, B’ye!
    A few years back my wife and I were having lunch in a Cornwall restaurant with a local farmer and a gal who owned a restaurant in a neighbouring town. The farmer and I were talking about deer hunting when the gal – with indignation, disgust and head-shaking – stuck her nose into our conversation.
    “Deer hunting! You know what I think about deer hinting? You don’t want to know what I think about deer hunting!”
    It was one of those lovely moments when I had the right response right on the tip of my tongue. I asked her if it was a cute little beef calf or a cute little goat in the shawarma sandwich she was chewing on, and, if she still had meat on her restaurant’s menu.

  14. In Iqaluit, I had “Arctic Surf and Turf” – caribou and Arctic char. In Resolute it was seal meat and in Inuvik, a taste of Muskox. And I survived! Canada has protein as well as oil and lumber, who would have guessed?

  15. I have had the good fortune to have been a guest of a profession lumberjack who has missed his calling as a chef.
    When the invite mentioned venison…I anticipated gamey cooked workboot but was in awe…..apparently marinated then swissed rather than roasted….tender and delicious…more like yearly beef…..
    fish?…cat food….

  16. Unless there are different rules your side of the big puddle I think you’ll find that bull meat goes into the small goods side as it will carry a fair bit of water to the product weigh out scales

  17. Some years ago just after the Exon Valdez incedent a paiof seals that had been oiled were released by enviromentalists nuts they played a band peopke cheered then along come a killer whale(Free Willy to eco-idiots) and ate both the seals and hummingbirds getting eaten by other birds(Scarlet Tananger,Great Crested Flycatcher)Nature isntnice stupid eco-freaks,tree huggers and granola munchers

  18. Yeah well, at one point in my farming phase, we sold directly to the packers….
    Funny (queer not haha) thing despite selling on the rail…not live….the price varied with the gender of the critter…..the excuse…..gender varied the “dressing percentage”…..yet the weight was dressed on the rail.
    I also noticed that old cows, young steers and old bulls etc when in the chute but only Grade A “steer” beef emerged to be shipped to the consumer…..never did see that device that changed the gender… was the printer in the front office.
    I recall dining in a GTA restaurant that assured all comers that they only served purebred Aberdeen Angus beef…..then brought me a steak that the dimensions related to a COW…..Aberdeen Angus just don’t get that big.
    It’s called marketing…’s really lying……..

  19. Slaughter houses do not castrate bulls or boars…..
    They are castrated on the farm at least 2 weeks prior to shipping….
    The reason yer sausage tastes a bit weird at times is because they gring in the gonads along with all the other flesh which don’t make cuts or steaks……
    The only thing that escapes a slaughter house is the squeal.
    Because of the MAD COW DISEASE (spongiform encephalitis) brain and spinal cord must now be discarded.

  20. A few yars ago some PETA idiots wer at a Burger King restruant with a dumb sign PLEASE DONT EAT BABE FOR BREAKFAST oviuosly that stupid James Cromwell movie then Cromwell was arrested at a Wendys restruant in Fairfax Virginia with some other PETA idiots and PETA has annoyed parents by trying to give their kids some crappy PETA comic books LIFE OF A COW,YOUR MOMMY KILLS ANIMALS and YOUR DADDY KILLS ANIMALS while PETA has itself killed over 90% of the animals they have adopted THE TWO FACED HYPOCRACY of PETA
