10 Replies to “Global Test”

  1. naah ,that is not their endgame..
    they want equality..
    for everyone they leave alive..

  2. Iran hasn’t invented political driven Science YET! Give the UN time to inject useless science as an economic choke.

  3. Isn’t sending windmills to Iran kind of raaaaacist? It’s like saying they aren’t enlightened and culturally advanced enough to want to Save The Plantet like proper Toronto “Granite Club” liberals.
    The soft raaaaacism of low expectations applied to a whole country! Heavens!
    Maybe after they nuke Israel they’ll be ready for the windmills, eh?

  4. Beauty!
    It’s a pity that the hand-fed lapdogs in Washington’s press corps aren’t capable of pointing out the utter contradictions in the preachings of this sordid administration.

  5. Liberals and the Dirty,Dssatrdly Demac-RAT want to turn all the oil drilling arae in Alaska into Wilderness to appease the Eco-nazis and OPEC the Dirty Donkey needs sent to the glue factory one way trip no return ecept in a little bottle or post-it- notes

  6. Heh.
    Most devastating tweet since ” If Harper is Kim Jong-un, why aren’t you a dead body being dug up for food?” (IIRC)

  7. “Why don’t you [John Kerry] ship them a bunch of windmills?”
    Starting with yourself.

  8. The “Frankfurt School” realized their goal of global socialism would never succeed with the US capitalism in existence, in the 1930’s,…..then moved to the US to destroy it from within.
    Yeah……it really is a communist plot.
    We know because they bragged about it…..
