44 Replies to “Justin Trudeau’s Canada”

  1. Leftists don’t want you to listen to Muslims describing Islam to you, and you should not believe your own lyin’ eyes – Islam is a religion of peace and enlightenment.

  2. Without sounding too naïve, I think it only fair to point out the fellow Ezra is interviewing is a (former?) IDF Military Intelligence guy. It probably fair to suggest he is not interested in presenting a favorable impression of his life-long enemies. That said, religious freedom is under assault by feminists, leftists, rationalists and humanists across the (western) board. If people are happy in their “beliefs” and not imposing them on others, what business is it of mine? Clearly there is a huge problem with radical Islam, but even a poor student of history knows there is more to this story than meets the eye.

  3. It IS a form of education – they are telling us what Islam is
    When THEY tell us what Islam is all about, why is it that the leftards won’t listen?

  4. “I think it only fair to point out the fellow Ezra is interviewing is a (former?) IDF Military Intelligence guy.”
    Backhanded ad hominem above.
    Why don’t you address the points in the interview that you disagree with and tell us the part of the story itself that is ‘more than meets the eye’ instead of trying to impinge the source.
    By the way, Jonathon Halevi speaks Arabic as well as English and Hebrew. Few people who speak Arabic are going to criticize Islam unless they are not Muslim, in which case you could similarly impinge their credentials as all non-Muslims are infidels and potentially on the receiving end of the tender mercies of the ‘Religion of Peace’.

  5. The unfortunate truth is that few people outside the bubble of former Sun viewers will ever see/hear/read anything that would cause them to think about the hard realities of Shiny Pony’s self-deception, on Islam or any other topic. And few people think for themselves anymore, anyway, so many are not likely to counter the MSM narrative on their own, no matter how convoluted that narrative may be. While the Internet has made it possible for people like Ezra to make these interviews public, most people on the Net go to their regular sources, which tend to back up, rather than challenge, the views they already have. That goes for SDA, the Onion, and everything in between. The absurdity of JT being a contender for anything, let alone PM, just does not occur to most voters. And most voters, unfortunately, will not see countering views. Even in private conversation, when I challenge their views with facts, quotes, or logic, you can tell that they smile, label me as “not nice, kind of like Harper” and go back to believing Mansbridge.

  6. Quite true, but the LPC now has 3rd party status for the first time in it’s history. That could be the beginning a trend. Mulcair isn’t going to want to relinquish the Official Opposition title for his party(Jack Layton’s legacy) and I’m guessing that we’re going to see plenty of attacks on J. Trudeau from the NDP whereas before, the NDP used to focus almost exclusively on attacking the conservatives.
    Since the NDP and Liberal’s have many policy goals in common, I’m guessing that the NDP will be attacking Trudeau’s personal unfitness for office instead of Liberal policy as election time looms.

  7. The fact that Mr. Halevi has worked for IDF military intelligence makes me take his statements very seriously. The IDF knows that ignorance of your enemy can lead to your entire nation being ‘pushed into the sea’ and I’m sure that the IDF trains its people to report facts not assumptions or unfounded theories.

  8. @oz “I think it only fair to point out the fellow Ezra is interviewing is a (former?) IDF Military Intelligence guy.”
    Backhanded ad hominem above.
    How is it any different than someone on CBC interviewing some one on say pipelines, and not disclosing the interviewee is a member of Green Peace?
    As I said maybe I am too naïve, but where I come from intellectually; two wrong don’t make a right.
    It’s the same as ABCNBCCBS interviewing retired military, current lobbyists, as objective observers when in fact they are just flogging war for profit.

  9. Man, wait till old Sunera Thobani, Judy Rebick, and Maude Barlow hear about this.
    That book will be yanked off the shelves and the author banned from Canada quicker than….oh, I don’t know….maybe, Afghanistan turning into a secular democracy????

  10. “How is it any different than someone on CBC interviewing some one on say pipelines, and not disclosing the interviewee is a member of Green Peace?”
    Difference 1) Why don’t you address the points where Jonathon Halevi is wrong, hmm?
    If we were discussing a CBC interview with a Greenpeace member we’d be pointing out the factual errors with all the B.S. Greenpeace talking points. That the interviewee was a Greenpeacnik would be a distant second.(as if the CBC would be interviewing someone like climate scientist and skeptic Tim Ball) What are Jonathon Halevi’s errors?
    Difference 2) As I said above Halevi speaks Arabic. Who else is going to tell us what Arabic speaking Imam’s are saying if not an Arabic speaking infidel.
    It’s irrelevant that Halevi is former IDF. Most Israelis who are not current IDF are either too young to be in the IDF or are former IDF because all able bodied Israelis must serve in the IDF, male and female.
    No, the really really important reason for ignoring him and Levant is that they are Jews, which coincidently they didn’t mention either because that too is just as irrelevant.
    Again, what are the errors in Jonathon Halevi’s message and why should the fact that he is former IDF be more important than the truth he speaks?
    Do tell us the Muslim side of the whole story here that is missing that you alluded to earlier.
    You know, the part about why beating women is educational and an acceptable cultural practice that we here in Canada should embrace with open arms. Don’t be coy, show us how you can dig a little deeper.

  11. “most people on the Net go to their regular sources, which tend to back up, rather than challenge, the views they already have. That goes for SDA, the Onion, and everything in between. The absurdity of JT being a contender for anything, let alone PM, just does not occur to most voters. And most voters, unfortunately, will not see countering views. ”
    Dead on, Bud. However, even the MSM has to broadcast the names and photos of the losers charged with terrorism or killed in the act. And it isn’t a fast process for sure, but sooner or later even the dumber voters start to put things together and arrive at the conclusions that our yellow media goes out of its way to avoid. Pain and proximity can also be great motivators.

  12. “It probably fair to suggest he is not interested in presenting a favorable impression of his life-long enemies.”
    Maybe he can’t/won’t. But you (or anybody else)are certainly free to go for it.

  13. Yours is a good point, which may put the kibosh on Elizabeth May’s proposal for Green Party, Liberal and NDP members to vote strategically – the same plan she cooked up with the ill-fated Stephane Dion, when he was the Liberal leader.
    The Liberals seem hell bent on going into elections, led by elitist bunglers. Oh, well.

  14. Dear Oz, so who is he convincing? You? You already accept what he is saying. He is not some former conscript in the IDF, he was (and probably still is) a senior commander in the intelligence services…the senior one of who’s motto is “By way of deception though shalt do war”. Like all good propaganda it must be “true”. And I’m sure what is being presented is accurate as far as it goes…but is the notion that there are extremist views in all faiths wrong? There are just as many notional Muslims as there are notional Christians, born to it and accept the broad tenets of their faith but aren’t strapping on explosives. The only ad hominem here is the tarring of all Muslims as fanatical, wife beating extremists. The exact reason SUNTV failed is because it this kind of agenda driven McNews scared away those who could benefit from a more pragmatic look at Canadian and Global “news”. In preaching to their choir, they alienated their potential congregation…and that is who they (and we) need to reach. There really are bad guys out there, of all faiths and creeds, Whipping the masses into their “minute of hate” is not going to move us any closer to a better world.

  15. “he was (and probably still is) a senior commander in the intelligence services…”
    Still with the ad hominems, eh? Let me point out that “and probably still is” is your opinion based on confusing Mossad with Israeli Military Intelligence.
    Military intelligence’s role is not the same as an intelligence spy service’s role.
    Canadian military intelligence in not CSIS. Israeli military intelligence is not Mossad.
    Military intelligence is about developing the intelligence to effectively fight against enemy armies and forces in the field in order to direct one’s own military in battle.
    Halevi was a soldier, not a spy.
    Israel is not at war with all Arab Muslims everywhere.
    There are Arab Muslims living in Israel who are Israeli citizens.
    You are casting aspersions on Jonathon Halevi based on your own prejudice and hoping it will color people’s view of the talking points in the interview, which you refuse address.
    All Israeli citizens are either about to be IDF members, or former IDF members. Your position can be summed up as ‘no Israeli can be counted on to give the truth about Islamic talking points because they are/were IDF’.
    Well, peter, tell us the truth that he is leaving out then!
    Stop evading and serving up ad hominem attacks on the messenger and get to addressing the issues.

    Why don’t you tell us all why what Halevi has said, the actual talking points, are in error and tell us the Muslim side of the story?
    You keep avoiding dealing with the talking points and instead keep trying to impinge the character of the speaker, Jonathon Halevi, based on conflating his IDF service with being a Mossad propaganda agent.

  16. “… It probably fair to suggest he is not interested in presenting a favorable impression of his life-long enemies. …”
    Of course he doesn’t need to present a favourable impression, he can serve his interests perfectly well by presenting an accurate impression of them.

  17. I just watched some of CBC’s ‘Power and Politics’.
    The NDP talking head (didn’t catch her name) says that; ‘Harper should cool down the rhetoric lest he inflame a recent convert to commit acts of terrorism’.
    I’m paraphrasing, but that is the gist of her comment.
    Islam will not be responsible, those who don’t accept their ways will be.
    Be very afraid of anything but a Conservative majority. The left will form a coalition quicker than you can say ‘Deputy Prime Minister Thomas Mulcair’.

  18. “but sooner or later even the dumber voters start to put things together…”
    How much time do we have until infinity?

  19. “How much time do we have until infinity?”
    Won’t take that long. Even the dumbest understand cold, pain, and hunger. I don’t think those things are that far away.

  20. Peter, here is what Tarek Fatah says is in every prayer that muslims say in Canada. Is he wrong or biased as he is a muslim and is dismayed by what goes on in mosques across the country. I have been sending emails to my TDSB trustee Gerri Gershon trying to pin down exactly what is being said every Friday to muslim children in Valley Field Public School and in the other 13 schools used as mosques. She beats around the bush, saying though I can not go to the school to verify these prayers, she feels, as she does not know, they are okay and no imam is preaching to these children.
    That prayer is: “O Allah, pour patience upon Muslims, strengthen their feet and give them victory over ‘Qawm -el Kafiroon’ (Non-Muslims). “O Allah, give victory to our brothers the Muslims, the oppressed, the tyrannized and the ‘Mujahedeen’ (those who fight jihad against non-Muslims)”.
    Wynne is breaking all the rules of human rights in these schools as I have told her to her face but it doesn’t matter as the left supports islam. These are the Human Rights points that must be adhered to but simply are not.
    “Some relevant factors to be considered and addressed when these issues arise include:
    The need to guard against religious indoctrination/coercion;
    The need to accommodate religious practices/beliefs without endorsing or sanctioning any in particular or favoring some over others;
    The role of schools as institutions that promote a variety of societal goals including tolerance and respect, the promotion of equality (including gender equality), and the prevention of discrimination against marginalized groups;
    The educational opportunities that arise in different accommodation contexts; and
    Respect for the rights of the child and the rights that students have to participate in their own education.”

  21. Careful Ezra;
    You may inadvertently convert some of your watchers!
    I’m sort of kidding; but a lot of lost souls in Canada are looking for something real to follow and if you don’t get a clear rational worldview at home you could easily be seduced by a worldview that provides black and white guidelines. The ‘country n’ western’ cliche “that if you don’t know where you stand you’ll fall for anything” is popular for a reason.
    Regarding the beating of wives in Islam. If you are allowed to take a wife at 6 or 9 years old what is the difference between arguing it’s ok to beat your wife and it’s ok to spank your child? After all, many right thinking Canadians still argue they should have the right to spank their children.
    Also, I’m not a movie database, but how long ago did Hollywood movies glorify violence against wives as a normal occurrence in an American family?
    Finally, how many young women have watched their ‘role models’ make horrible decisions in the name of feminism? Their ‘role models’ have followed the feministas down the rabbit hole and they now lead lonely lives of drudgery. In my own secular family a whole generation of smart you women took up the feminist banner and now with two or three kids from different sperm donors implore the government to make up for the lack of a husband and primary bread winner in their lives. They may still think they have achieved some sort of liberation; but an objective young girl might compare them to others who chose to sacrifice their career to be at home with the kids and frankly have maintained family and sanity.
    Clearly ‘radical Islam’ has an audience in Canada or we wouldn’t be in the conundrum we’re in now.
    Can a secular world-view without a grounding in faith drown out the cry of the ‘mosques’? I hope so, but in my own life I’m not betting on it. My Faith comes first and I pray my kids will grab on to it to steel themselves through the persecution that is coming. Of course in the end I can only pray for this and they will make the decisions that count.
    Keep up the good work.
    Calle Dbyname

  22. You seem to be all hat and no cowboy. I don’t care what his talking points are. I care about the method of presentation and the purpose. Is it to illuminate and inform…the purpose of news. Or is it level ad hominem attacks against an entire faith and stampede public opinion? I certainly claim no expertise on Israeli domestic politics, however I do read widely and it looks as if the fanatical right in Israel is about to lose its grip on power…perhaps that is why you are so cranky. Make no mistake, I support Israel’s right to exist as a safe, secure ally in a dangerous neck of the woods. I have far more in common with them than with Islam. However, sooner or later at the rate they are going, they are going to lose the goodwill of the west…not because of their words, but because of their actions. Let us all hope they reconsider their national direction and make peace with their “Arab citizens”.

  23. “You seem to be all hat and no cowboy. I don’t care what his talking points are.”
    It was obvious from the beginning. Your only interest is to shoot the messenger.
    “Or is it level ad hominem attacks against an entire faith and stampede public opinion?”
    Clearly you don’t know what ad hominem means. Halevi is telling us what the rest of the media won’t, the truth about what a minister of Islam is preaching right here in Canada. A truth you care nothing about.
    The truth isn’t a smear attack, it is the truth. If following the tenets of Islam makes Islam look bad when an uninformed public is told about it, it isn’t ‘stampeding public opinion’, it is an informed opinion.
    “Make no mistake, I support Israel’s right to exist” yada yada yada
    “Let us all hope they reconsider their national direction and make peace with their “Arab citizens”.”
    Israel is at peace with Israel’s Arab citizens. When all Arabs recognize that Israel has a right to exist, which at present Arabs Do Not recognize Israel’s right to exist, then Israel will be at peace with all Arabs.
    If you were really a supporter of Israel you would already know this is why Israel cannot make lasting agreements with the Arabs.
    The Arabs cannot make a legitimate treaty with a country whose very existence they refuse to recognize as legitimate.

  24. Perhaps these Canadian imams are Israeli spies too, Peter:
    AQ, Al Shabat and the Taliban have previously been issued fatwas by this group of imams. There’s that’s the predominate feeling among Muslims, they argue with some validity, not obscure claims of Islamophobia by Islamists caught out and trying to divert attention from their disgusting deeds.
    Are you going to shoot that messenger too. Peter, are you too ignorant to realize most Arabs who live in Israel live in peace and prosperity. BTW if Israel defending itself causes her to “lose the goodwill of the west,” then so be it. Your comments are just plain silly Peter.
    Wallyj, the NDP is apparently having second thoughts on the niqab matter:
    Maybe they realize this is non-issue because it impacts next to nobody, except perhaps for a few chauvinistic Islamists. The Muslims don’t even care about this issue. Their big mouths and fascists are the one causing the stir here and in Israel, and getting Peter and others going over this utterly insignificant issue which in no way impacts how Canadians view themselves or their freedoms – quasi religious smokescreens is all.

  25. You have more faith than I do…..yes, even the dumbest understand pain, etc, – but will they hold the correct people responsible for whatever anguish is inflicted upon them? Sadly, I think not.
    (Take Ferguson, Mo, as a prime example.)

  26. “It’s the same as ABCNBCCBS interviewing retired military, current lobbyists, as objective observers when in fact they are just flogging war for profit.”
    There you have it. Straight from the Marxist’s mouth. Peter is a commie. Full stop.

  27. “but will they hold the correct people responsible for whatever anguish is inflicted upon them? Sadly, I think not.”
    We’ll see. I still have hope that the average North American voting dummy is head and shoulders above the Ferguson MO trash when it comes to intellect.

  28. Listen to more of Trudeau’s distortion of facts on the Rebel Media.!!
    When Boy Trudeau refers to the ”none is too many” immigration policies towards Jewish people, he refers to the title of the book: ”None is Too Many: Canada and the Jews of Europe 1933-1948,” a book co-authored by the Canadian historians Irving Abella and Harold Troper. What the young and confused Trudeau leaves out of his eloquent speech is that the policies of the Liberal government of Mackenzie King are a part of what led to the book being written. Here is the web site that spells it all out.
    Look for the paragraph that says: ”On May 15, 1939, the St. Louis, a steamship carrying 907 German Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany, set sail from Hamburg, Germany for Havana, Cuba. However, on May 30, when it reached the Havana port, the Cuban government refused to recognize the passengers’ entrance visas and none was allowed to disembark. No other Latin American country would admit the refugees, and the St. Louis had to leave port. Canada and the United States were the Jews’ last hope, but Mackenzie King ignored the protests of Canadian Jewish organizations and said the crisis was not a ‘Canadian problem.’
    Vote Liberal!!

  29. Quebec Imam (translation): We believe in treatin” wimmin folk gentil-like , but first you got ‘t git their atenshun – big ‘ol 2X4 ‘cross the rump shud do thet – allah be praised for edjukational lumber.

  30. Errrrrrr….wellllll. The Imams are right. It is an education. The education being that if you are an Islam man, you can beat,rape, downgrade, have twice the voting rights of all FOUR of your wives, and even kill them if one po’s you. However, if you are white and Christian or even white and atheist, you are a racist. Sure hope PeterObamapaedophile isn’t married.

  31. Peter – Please point out where the gun is to the Imam’s head forcing him to say the things he is saying. If you agree with the Imam – get your shit together and get out of my country – back to the shithole you came from.

  32. I think it’s time we choose what kind of country we are going to be, and what kind of country we want to live in, when we grow up.
    Ezra has put forth his evidence, which he always does and which is, naturally, subject to criticism and debate. Overall, I find it compelling, assuming it’s sustained, but the basics have to be addressed.
    Are we going to allow the abuse of women, to one degree or another, or not? There can’t be one standard for one subset of “society”, and another standard for another subset of “society”, and yet other standards for every other group in “society”.
    I find it enormously ironic that Justin could be advocating for a “public inquiry” into the matter of “missing and murdered” (his words) Aboriginal women, but still consider it the most natural thing in the world to advocate for the oath of citizenship to be sworn behind a veil.
    I leave it to our friends in the law enforcement community (Jamie MacMaster, in particular), to describe how that can all end. I’m guessing, of course, but the facial identity, over many years, of the victim, is a pretty important consideration.
    Remember William Lyon Mackenzie King — “Conscription if necessary, but not necessarily conscription”; and, as you have remembered, also Irving Abella, who is married to Madam Justice Rosalie Silberman Abella, the last Chretien appointee to the SCOC, and, anecdotaly, guest speaker during my MBA convocation at Western University in 1991: “Not a Canadian Problem.”

  33. All this niquab debate is all very well though in Quebec it all seems deja vu, but when are we going to have a debate or referendum about Muslim immigration? I’m sure if the majority of Canadians were asked they would say let’s choose more Polish people or Philippine applicants or any people that share our values instead. God knows there are lots of people who want to immigrate to Canada. Of course Quebec gives preference to immigrants with French as a lst, 2nd or 3rd language, i.e. immigrants from Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, and nations from the African francophonie.

  34. That is exactly what the muslims are looking for. The advance and gradual acceptance of sharia law through fear. Terror is the Muslim way of war.
    They wage hard jihad and then the soft jihadis say various soothing things and demand acceptance and understanding and no islamaphobia. Inch by inch, the bad cop – good cop approach advances their cause

  35. You are paraphrasing Jerry Jeff Walker’s Driftin’ Way of Life circa 1974…the lyrics go “I believe in treating women gentle, but first you gotta get their attention..take three or four steps back and give a drop kick right in the crotch.”

  36. Not sure what is more troubling; that we Canadians are party to this type of behahaviour, these beliefs on full display in our Universities…OR the idea that Justin Trudeau , the niqab apologist, might be Prime Minister some day.

  37. “The maintenance of civil order in society rests on the foundation of family discipline. Therefore, a child who disrespects his parents must be permanently removed from society in a way that gives an example to all other children of the importance of respect for parents. The death penalty for rebellioius children is not something to be taken lightly. The guidelines for administering the death penalty to rebellious children are given in Deut 21:18-21:”
    Republican candidate Fuqua endorses death penalty for rebellious children

  38. Not in my family, or in any other truly Christian family. Beating the wife is seriously NOT in the New Testamant.
