23 Replies to “Pollspotting”

  1. *
    how about a similar poll for non-urban police officers?
    “Do you agree guns are important for ‘safety’ in rural patrol areas?”

  2. Here you are lucky if the RCMP show up within 24 hours of a break-in in progress being reported. Furthermore the danger may very well be a bear or cougar which cannot wait for the arrival of outside help.

  3. ‘Safety’. Interesting euphemism for ‘self defence’.
    Also interesting is that urban and suburban dwellers should have a vote on the importance of the type of ‘safety’ rural dwellers should be having.
    Agree with Ken that all people, regardless of where they dwell, need to have ready access to ‘safety’.

  4. I’ve got the odd Grizzly and Cougar that I don’t want to test my negotiating skills on. Remember the video we used to see of the guy playing with Grizzleys telling everyone how gentle they were. By all accounts, he was delicious.
    If I called the RCMP they wouldn’t come until I told them I pointed a gun at someone. Then they would come to arrest me.

  5. “Do you agree guns are important for ‘safety’ in rural homes?”
    As a matter of fact, my answer would be: depends what you mean by “safety” and where the rural home is.
    However, that weasel-worded question avoids this obvious, overriding truth: a private citizen’s reasons for having a legal firearm or firearms in their rural home (or in any home) are irrelevant.

  6. Yes 3324 (73 %)
    No 1241 (27 %)
    Total number of votes: 4565
    Somehow I don’t think that this is the desired result. Look for the numbers to magically rearrange themselves.

  7. That’s funny, Greg G. I just voted too at around 3:35 and it is still exactly 73/27 for the good guys but it’s at 5008 votes cast (IIRC). So about 500 more people have voted since you did but the proportion is still the same. That doesn’t seem suspicious at all.

  8. CTV’s site has a FAKE photo of thousands people in Syria, supposedly displaced. Seen this photo before, last summer.

  9. The people voting ‘no’ are likely never to be farther than a few blocks from a Starbucks for any length of time.
    They just like to meddle in other’s business.

  10. I personally never worry about someone blazing in with a gun and stats back me up on that. However, if some people need that feel good but, then fine. Gun deaths are a big media deal, but whether it’s canada the usa or Sweden it’s really a non issue in terms of overall mortality. It’s stupid that we get caught up in this debate.

  11. Tim, read history would ja. Germany was gun free, China was gun free, USSR was gun free, Cuba was gun free.

  12. The poll/post was about whether we think guns belong in rural homes. As someone who lived in the country for many years, the answer is an overwhelmimng “YES”, which I voted at the CTV poll.
    At different times and places,I have seen bears, coyotes, wolves and cougars nearby. If a person has children and is living in a rural setting,hopefully he has the common sense to not only own a gun, but have one ready to use at a moment’s notice.
    A friend once shot a cougar about to attack his four year old right in the yard fifty feet from his house. Try calling the cops or game wardens in that situation.

  13. I have no doubt that you…..
    ……..”personally never worry about someone blazing in with a gun”…….
    A lotta folk like that……
    in denial……
    A few years back I was the victim of a violent, home invasion robbery…..most did not believe it occurred………some accused me of having an overactive imagination….until it appeared in the local rag.
    Big loss of face for me……
    In the process I learned this was but one of many in the district…..18….the work of a pair of “youths” (young adults)…..whose excuse was that they were doing a lot of crack….

  14. I only ever knew of one gun-shop in the Lower Mainland of B.C., and that was Gold’s Guns out in Surrey, that’s been gone for years now. Considering the number of shootings out in Surrey, one can only assume that there are so many illegal guns around, that they cannot compete anymore.

  15. Apparently the star provides total service polls , when I went to the poll site they told me I had already voted . Do you suppose they would tell me which side I voted for? Not really so I will tell you the answer has 3 letters , incidentally my side now is up over 3-1 keep giving them hell!zzzehh
