36 Replies to “The Tolerant Left”

  1. A biased push-poll given away by this sentence:
    “Not all of those who agree with Harper on the niqab think we admit too many visible minorities…”
    Equally true is that some of those who agree with Mulcair and Shiny Pony DO think we admit too many visible minorities. The difference is that the Dippers and Libs have stifled their own internal opposition. This is a worthless push-poll (not surprising from Ekos) because the pollsters are trying to pretend that what they define as racism is found only among conservatives.
    And yes Syncrodox is right; the Libs are trying the same game of race-baiting that Obama has used. They want to undercut the support that Jason Kenney made among Canada’s minorities during the past decade.

  2. I want Graves to define ‘racist’.
    I prefer to think we are more educated and less politically correct.
    Is that what he means by racist?

  3. You know that tactic of accusations of your opponents being intolerant privileged whitefolk kind of loses its momentum when the ones pushing it come from a privileged background and their only claim to fame is a famous last name.

  4. I dislike immigration and the reason is I hate people, not that I hate any particular people. I love sparse population and wide open spaces. I am not sure why we want to populate some of the most inhospitable climate on earth. It’s silly.

  5. You know what’s really sad… someone somewhere will tell me that that poor woman was exercising her religious liberty in that hole. Followed by quaking, “Harper is raaaasist(sic).”

  6. Pollster Frank Graves, the EKOS pollster who provides weekly data and analysis for the CBC, is apologizing and retracting what he described as his own “incendiary” comments describing a potential strategy for the Liberal Party.

  7. It seems like only yesterday the Left were insisting that people of faith keep their religion out of the public square? My how times have changed now that the Left have become the Defenders of the [Islamic] Faith ™.

  8. Not that this should be about political calculation, but what happens when the Libs realize this means an increase of Con Seats on Quebec to about 12-15. More than making up for some expected losses in Toronto with the implication being continued Con Majority.
    Justin may not care, since he really is just seeking to displace Mulcair.
    The libs are running a two election strategy, just not so sure the Liberal party holds itself together following a loss. Being Official Oppo probably means he stays.
    When does Mulcair start carpet bombing Justin? That where the fight is.

  9. I’ll be more accepting of immigration if only immigrants would be more accepting of Canada. Lets face it, the niqab is more likely to be worn by women who have had their genitalia mutilated. And if your a women who has had the latter, it isn’t exactly your choice to be wearing the former.

  10. It is simple Math.. The liberals favor cultures where Men dominate their wives = 2 vote advantage. If the wife votes independent of her Husband = 0 vote advantage.

  11. Read the following carefully: “Opposition to immigration can be driven by factors other than racial discrimination, such as economic anxiety. But it’s hard to see how those saying too many immigrants are visible-minority can be motivated by anything but racial or cultural bias. It may not be particularly insidious but it is racial intolerance — and these numbers should alarm anyone who believes in an open and tolerant society.”
    Here in a nutshell is why there’s so much support behind a niqab ban at the citizenship ceremony. Graves obviously doesn’t realize it — a sense of irony doesn’t seem to be his strongest quality — but people “who believe in an open and tolerant society” look at women in niqabs and see something very troubling and at odds with Canadian society.
    And notice also how Graves starts by saying that “it’s hard to see how those saying too many immigrants are visible-minority can be motivated by anything but racial or cultural bias,” but then in the next sentence drops any reference to “cultural bias” and sticks only to race. But most Canadians (in my opinion) are troubled by the niqab for cultural reasons having nothing to do with race. It’s obvious to me that Graves has a narrative here — Canadians have become more racist under the Conservatives — and is going to push it, even though he knows that there’s a different explanation, namely that Canadians have no trouble recognizing cultural practices that are incompatible with our own society. And of course the niqab is a single reflection of bigger cultural dissonances.

  12. Canada’s supposed success in multi-culturalism is superficial IMO. It is a well funded effort that the vast majority of Canadians have no real involvement. If governments were actually balancing budgets and had to make hard decisions on what government functions were actually funded multi-cult would be a early victim.
    IMHO Canada faces enough internal challenges with native issues and equalization which should restrict immigration levels that exist. The conservatives have tried to restrict admission based on what a immigrant has to offer Canada and that should be accelerated. Admitting refugees from the ME should be eliminated. Displaced persons in the ME should be settled in Saudi Arabia or the Emirates not North America. They are the authors of their own destiny.

  13. Well I think it was nice of Mr. Graves to let us know we can completely ignore any future polling from Ekos, because it’s clearly Liberal Party propaganda.
    Thanks Frank!

  14. Remember his accurate prediction of a Liberal minority victory three days before the last federal election? Nothing more needs to be said about Graves.

  15. Liberals and demacrats all need to make like lemmings and throw themselves off a cliff and into the sea

  16. Re: CT’s comment – “Canada’s supposed success in multi-culturalism is superficial IMO”
    Agree whole heartedly.
    It’s my belief that PET’s pipe dream of a cosmopolitan Canadian society has been seriously derailed by progressive federal bureaucrats while successive governments were asleep at the wheel.
    All the while Canadians have been passionately out-screwed by MENA immigrants, so Canada will change and not necessarily for the better. It’s just a matter of time. It won’t be the first time that procreational sex has become the favored tool of conquest. Just read your history.

  17. I love sparse population and wide open spaces. I am not sure why we want to populate some of the most inhospitable climate on earth. It’s silly.
    Heh, you don’t see too many of the modern immigrants out on the land. They’re all huddled up in the cities.
    Btw, the socialists in Sask are really good at that.

  18. I am still open to immigrants of any culture, race, or religion who want to come to Canada and join us. I never was and never was open to immigrants of other cultures, races, religions coming here and joining them.

  19. You can probably figure out at “never was and never was” I meant never was and never will be.
    The simple rule for immigrants is F.I. or F.O.

  20. FIFO – Fit In or Fly Off ?
    Some despise the charter but refer to it to justify their opposition to all it stands for and their sharia demands. Trudeau pere has a lot of responsibility for this situation with the multi-culturalism clause. As usual, an intellectual couldn’t think further than his pants.

  21. Tolerate from the OED “endure or permit with forbearance, sustain or endure (suffering etc), be capable of continues subjection to, find or treat as endurable.” Tolerance does not mean what they think it means. It means put up with crap that you would not put up with if you had a choice. It doesn’t mean “celebrate diversity”, it means don’t burn your neighbours house down and run them out of town. We have proven that we tolerate immigrants because they are here. If we didn’t they wouldn’t be here. Just because we tolerate muzzies doesn’t mean we will ever welcome them into our homes and befriend them.

  22. I will add at this time that the most racist people I have ever met are hard core NDPee supporters. They -hate- all immigrants, and are not the least bit shy about it. To them multi-culti is a ploy, a tactic. Something to be used against their political enemies, not something to be taken seriously by them.
    As is everything else they do, when you get right down to it.

  23. “Tolerance does not mean what they think it means.”
    I agree. Tolerance doesn’t mean we think it’s all OK. It means we simply accept someone’s right to live as they choose even if we disagree with it.
    Not because we’re swell folks but because we expect tolerance of our own choices.

  24. Gee, maybe, just maybe, Canadians are starting to wake up to the fact that there might be something wrong with the gatekeeping in our immigration/refugee systems, and, perhaps becoming a bit suspicious about the Trudeaupian nonsense that multi-culturalism is nothing but peace and prosperity in perpetuum.
    The article rightly notes the hardening attitudes since 9/11, but Graves then makes the silly and disingenuous statement “But it’s hard to see how those saying too many immigrants are visible-minority can be motivated by anything but racial or cultural bias”.
    He, along with most of his MSM bretheren, knows full well that within the last decade just about everyone who has been involved in terrorism activities in this country either fits into a “visible minority” profile, or, has been coached or influenced by people who are decidedly “non-European” in origin. But the only reference his article makes to terrorist violence of any kind is an oblique reference to the 9/11 attacks. Not one word about the Toronto 18, the murders of our soldiers, the recent arrests in Ottawa, or the ongoing trials of Esseghaier and Jasser and their plots commit mass murder of Canadians by destroying VIA trains. It’s as if he wants us to believe that the hardening attitudes have sprouted unbidden, as unwanted weeds appearing in a garden in Shangri-La.
    So, to serve Graves up his own form of argument: It’s hard to see how the statement “Canadians can’t be motivated by anything but racial or cultural bias” is anything but yet another shining example of yellow journalism.

  25. Excellent comment. Well said. I’d like to add that Canada’s(LPC’s actually) success in bilingualism has been equally successful to it’s experiment in multi-culturalism.

  26. If I had wanted to live in India or a muslim country I would have moved there. Amazing that politicians in their own little world like in Sweden or the UK and now in Canada can demographically change that country into what their social engineering goals are without any consultation or referendum from the current inhabitants. No country in the world benefits from having more muslims in it.

  27. you peoples hate us’n immigrants, I think I should get some $$$$$$ because of that!!!
    actually, Graves lets the cat out of the bag right from the gitgo, it’s a hit piece on the cons, nothing more.

  28. I am not prejudgiced I hate every one equally.
    Minuteman nails it, our Libtards do not understand tolerance.
    I tolerate all kinds of idiocy, I do not like the idiots nor condone their stupidity.
    Progressives have a clear history, blatant hypocrisy,vile self projection, and complete lack of ethics.
    Naturally they mistake silence for agreement, lack of hysterical shouting as approval..
    And are always shocked when the voters say “No thanks..losers.”
    Secondly anyone who believes in polls, well.. we have some Global Warming for sale.
    Great deals buy now, guaranteed to warm in North America for next 3 months, exclusive springtime offer …

  29. To liberals are the United Nations a terrorists is anyone who supports the U.S. Constitution andopposes the NWO and want america to resign from the wretched United Nations

  30. I like how underneath his little homily about why we we’re so racist for not wanting more immigrants there’s a link to an article about how the ISIS-Boko Haram alliance helps both groups be more sustainable.
    There’s a clue for the author in there but I’m sure it’ll go unnoticed.
