9 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Islamic State isn’t about establishing an Islamic state, so the Ferguson cop shooter’s motivations is anyone’s guess. Even if it’s somehow related to the Mike Brown incident, this protester isn’t representative of the whole movement. If corporations paid more taxes, this man wouldn’t feel so alienated.

  2. “Islamic State isn’t about establishing an Islamic state”
    Got that right. It’s about killing off all the black useful idiots, (who don’t no history in that the muzzies enslaved them looooonnngggg before the white infidel) ,then the white useful idiots, and establishing a muzzie caliphate. Caliphate beats a state any day. But then I guess growing a beard and beheading people beats cutting cotton. Dumb Yanks shoulda cut their own cotton (TKS Kathy).

  3. Islam is about forcing everyone to convert to islam and live under backwards stoneage Sharia Law
