32 Replies to “17’5 pr0b4bly n07h1n6”

  1. So what is happening? Any speculation? Any other better links? And how do these Anonymous guys know?

  2. I wash born here, an I wash raished here, and dad gum it, I am gonna die here, an no sidewindin bushwackin, hornswaglin, cracker croaker is gonna rouin me bishen cutter.
    — Gabby Johnson in Blazing Saddles
    Something is definitely wrong here.

  3. Forgive me, if the tweeter does not instill me with the feeling that he is a man in the know. Just another hack loser.

  4. I think he/she needs to be a lot more specific. My ‘In’ basket is full of past, current, and future bad sh*t happenings.

  5. Putin just went to ground to test our ability to find his new Bunker… He is waiting for Obama to follow suit..it’s an old bunker that Joe has told everyone about… We can hope those
    Star Wars weapons actually work..

  6. My theory: He had botox injection. Migrated to eyes like with Bob Costas. Laying low til it clears up.
    …..either that or the hard(er) liners had him rubbed out. Putin apologist Steve Cohen has been warning about this possibility for a while now on the John Batchelor Show.

  7. Message was related to Russia putting nuke forces on alert, allegedly, and significant tick up in us military chatter and traffic, apparently.
    If true something was up as in something bad was happening. We will see if there are any confirmations.

  8. In the olden days, we’d get a week or so of funeral dirge music on the radios of Moscow, then an announcement would be made.
    Loads of strange reports out there… Putin’s bodyguard being killed is just one of too many.
    $43 for West Texas oil huh

  9. Do you know the sequince to program a computer for the self ditruct of a federation Star Ship it take the Captian First Officer and Chief Engineer

  10. According to Fox News
    MOSCOW – The Russian military has launched massive military maneuvers in the Arctic, part of its effort to expand its presence in the polar region.
    Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said Monday that the drills will involve 38,000 servicemen, more than 50 surface ships and submarines and 110 aircraft. He said in a statement carried by the Russian news agencies that President Vladimir Putin has ordered the maneuvers to check the readiness of Russia’s Northern Fleet and the military’s ability to deploy additional forces from central Russia.
    The exercise comes amid Russia-West tensions over Ukraine. The United States is planning to conduct joint exercises with forces from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania later this month.
    Shoigu said that “the new challenges and threats require further increase of the armed forces’ capabilities.”

  11. I think that Steve Cohen started out as a Brezhnev apologist. No matter what changes, the old perfesser, on every media Rolodex as the go-to “Kremlin expert”, serves up the predictable old favourites.

  12. According to Pravda, the Ukrainian parliament is to meet tomorrow 17 March to implement a political settlement necessary for the Minsk accord to go through. According to the same source, the US is undermining the Minsk agreement.
    Last week there was a NATO naval manoeuvre in the Black Sea.
    I do not regard Pravda as a reliable source but it is all I’ve got. I do believe them when they say that the US has built up anti-Russian sentiment to a fever pitch.
    War tomorrow?

  13. The United States doesn’t advertise its current DEFCON alert level.
    The linked site is civilians running their own – unrelated – ‘DEFCON’ alert level. Which is confusing, I know.
    They raised their alert level based on radio communications that indicated a battle between Russian and U.S. forces, ignoring the fact that Russia is currently engaged in training maneuvers, and the radio intercepts were almost certainly part of a training exercise.
    Considering the fact that the maneuvers themselves are Russian sabre-rattling, they were almost certainly intended to be intercepted – (“See, we’re training for a fight against the Americans!”).

  14. US government URLs end in .gov; military ones in .mil. “defconwarningsystem.com” is neither. The defense readiness conditions are described here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DEFCON
    Also this: http://fas.org/nuke/guide/usa/c3i/defcon.htm
    It is unfortunate that we have worked ourselves into a lather of hatred and contempt against Russia. More respect is shown to the Iranians than to the Russians. Had this happened in the 1950s we would have had war long since.
    Russia does have historical rights in Crimea and the eastern Ukraine, at least as great as American rights in the Confederate states of the US – which would probably secede if they could.
    Furthermore, the Ukrraine has facilities which are important for the Russian nuclear armoury, and at least in the first years after the breakup of the FSU seemed prepared to respect those interests. Whatever the rights and wrongs of a situation may be, mucking about with a nuclear state’s nuclear armaments will not have good consequences.
    We got through the Cold War without a hot war. We will see what the situation looks like come Friday.

  15. John Lewis,
    Correct that site is NOT a US Gov. site. Think of it as a discussion board for “Trainspotting” Mil Radio transmissions. Bottom line it is community that listens to HAM transmissions.
    Interesting site, some of the people on there know what they are talking about, clearly ex mil. Some are breathless speculators and of course the Russian Government Cyber trolls show up on occasion.
    The only facts that I can see are increased radio traffic that would be expected when facing a short notice Russian exercise on you border (northern Border). Outside of that everything appears to speculation that is not backed up by any other confirmations. I wont repeat the speculation as it gets pretty wild.
    Interesting site. Clearly lots going on, but until someone starts confirming or we see convoys or other unusual activity I would say, an exciting but normal day in the neighborhood.

  16. “Russia does have historical rights in Crimea and the eastern Ukraine”
    Indeed they do. Russia has the right to respect Ukraine sovereign territory as they promised in the historic agreement that they signed with Ukraine so that Ukraine would give Russia it’s nuclear weapons.
    “Had this happened in the 1950s we would have had war long since.”
    Too bad it didn’t happen in the ’50s. Western military and nuclear superiority was very clear cut in the 1950s. As it was, the Korean war(1950s) was a proxy war which had both the U.S. and Russia involved, China also. Too bad Truman-D didn’t let General MacArthur win that one. Vietnam would then have never happened and Cuba would not have had the Castros ruling it since ’59.
    Russia invaded Georgia in 2008 and used the same pattern with which they took South Ossetia and Abkhazia to take Crimea and Eastern Ukraine, with a few refinements and a little bit more stealth in Ukraine.
    Backing down and abandoning Ukraine to the rapacity of Russia will only encourage Putin to be more adventurous in the years to come just as allowing Russia to win in Korea did in the 1950s.
