10 Replies to “Bill’s Wife”

  1. Obama’s doesn’t need the Clintons anymore,so he’s stabbing her in the back.
    And here I thought De Prez was this honorable,upstanding guy!
    Treacherous SOB. They deserve each other.

  2. Elijah Cummings must have made a deal…Drop the anvil on Hillary
    and the IRS hearings will not mention him…

  3. Is this a political party or a mafia?
    Did Valerie Jarrett put out a hit on Hillary?
    And what happens if Hillary decides to kneecap Barack?

  4. Look! Hillary is not the Hillary of 3 years ago, she has serious medical problems (the stroke).. How does the DNC tell all those hopeful ladies that she won’t run,or if she does she won’t win.

  5. The meoment some political hack suggests shooting blacks in self defense be a federal crime its time for them to be send to the loonie bin

  6. So pleasant to watch the “progressives” rip each other apart when The Cherry Blossom Throne is up for grabs. Blood is in the water and we are about to watch the feeding frenzy froth the political waters. There will be more information leaked into the dirty underbelly of the White House dealings revealed than a month of Fox News faux reports. All the Republicans have to do is shut up, take names and times and dates and line up the prosecutors.

  7. From the outset, it has been evident that Hillary was not afraid of the Republicans, but rather went to a private email server for fear of her fellow Democrats reading her emails, particularly the Obamites such as Jarrett. Hatred between Jarrett and the Clintons has been more than hinted at.
    I wonder how much Valerie Jarrett has on Hillary? I would love to read some of Hillary’s love letters. I bet they are hot stuff.
    How much does Hillary have on Obama? His activities in his late teens and early twenties might be known to her. They are no doubt squalid enough; but he is not running for President.
