
As Seattle’s restaurants begin to go out of business ahead of the $15 minimum wage law, the comment below was offered in reply to a typically pious and self-flattering leftist:

No you don’t get to get away with that. You don’t get to advocate policies [i.e., higher minimum wage laws] which allow you to use force to deprive people of their jobs and their opportunities, and then claim that those who would have provided the jobs are the heartless ones. You don’t get to trot out the insipid, mindless, tendentious talking points about how you are morally or intellectually superior when every “solution” you proffer is destructive and is based upon forcing others to do your bidding. You don’t get to decide whose job is worth preserving and whose isn’t and still claim the moral high ground.

As yet, the leftist in question has not seen fit to respond.
One of these.

22 Replies to “Consequences”

  1. Soooooo…..when we figure in wages and overhead (cost of coffee,power rent/lease on building, municipal taxes, etc, you wonder why they can’t operate. WOW. I guess math is hard. Sad thing is, not enough are willing to stand up and say enough is enough to the clowns in power.

  2. “As yet, the leftist in question has not seen fit to respond.”
    Probably looking for some ointment for that sting.

  3. This is the same community that melts guns into stupid Peace Bricks tha can then be used to smash windows or crack heads. Darn stupid liberals

  4. That lefty bitchslap was well deserved and very salient.
    Lefty always covers his crimes in moral or intellectual superiority – even though both in reference to the dogmatic left are an oxymoron.
    Being a lefty true believer is all about coping with the reality of the big lie you propagate.

  5. But they do get to get away with it. The people they hang out with will never call them on it. The papers and websites they frequent will never say “you know what, we were wrong”. Just like how Barney Fwank could righteously blame Pres W Bush for the sub-prime mortgage scandal, there’s a disconnect between “we love people and know what’s best for them so raise their benefits” and “the factory got closed down”.
    I’ve tried using Dr. Sowell’s soviet era glass factory in discussions about how to get bureaucrats to be productive to illustrate the point that central planning cannot work because there’s no individual incentive or incentives that can replace “the consumer’s won’t buy it”. When the quota was square feet of glass produced fitting standard 4″ or 6″ frames, the average “window” was a millimetre thick (and the forklift tires were wearing out at 4 times the normal rate because of underinflation for a smoother ride). When the quota was volume of glass fitting the sills the “windows” were 4″ and 6″ thick respectively, and unusable because of high weight and non-transparency. a free market glass factory would have closed, instead the factory met it quota month after month without producing a single usable window.
    Those who insist that the masses are too dumb to manage their own affairs will never understand how the wisdom of a crowd is far greater than the intelligence of a member of the intelligentsia. And the member of the intelligentsia, knowing his own intelligence, will come up with more and more Byzantine explanations for why their predictions never come true. It will never be because they are wrong, because they are so sure that they are the smartest one in the room. They will never see that the potted plant beside them could do the job better than they do just because the potted plant won’t always make things worse.

  6. The thing that is not being mentioned is the fact that the wealth for the business owners is being completely destroyed. The owners have input large sums of time and money and that is gone now. These businesses are virtually unsellable. No one in their right minds would even consider buying them. It’s just another unintended consequence of retarded liberal policies.

  7. In answer to one of the commenters to David’s article. Yes, socialism is the same as communism. Communism is socialism in a hurry and the end result is the same.

  8. so when no-one except the intelligencia with their fat government salaries or grants are the only ones who can afford to go to these socially acceptable restaurants will the normal people all be protesting the economic inequalities this entails?

  9. Trying to get a Leftist – politician or peon – to admit that their policies were destructive or just simply wrong is more difficult than the average person constructing a spaceship to fly to the Moon. It’s possible but highly unlikely.
    They can’t be honest with anyone else so why expect them to be honest with themselves. 🙁

  10. Its what looters and thugs do, they destroy, all in the name of the greater good. And yet we still send our kids and grandchildren to socialist institutions to be indoctrinated by it.

  11. I am not a fan of minimum wages. I am not sure they help anyone. What I do find disturbing is bringing in foreigners to keep the wages of the poorest workers down. In Alberta, when the wages of restaurant workers might get bid up to $15 or $20, in come foreigners. There is usually a cat-fight when foreigners are brought in to replace higher paid skilled workers. Our poorest people are denied work so we can have a $5 burger instead of a $6 burger.

  12. Actually GlobalYogi came back for another round….he’s none too bright….
    GlobalYogi 10 days ago
    This article is a piece of propaganda masked as news in an attempt to dismiss the minimum wage raise.. If your establishment can’t thrive while paying your employees a fair minimum wage it means you don’t have a healthy business model and you should examine that. If your establishment can only survive at the expense of your staffs wages it means what you are is a profiteer, which means you are not a business any how.

  13. As I get older I appreciate that the cracks are getting bigger for those unprepared. Our education system is dominated by those, who in my opinion, have little real world experience. Society has entrusted our children with preparing them for sustaining life when they graduate. This is a abdication of society’s responsibility but this is the reality.
    My sister works in a government services office in our small BC town. She tells me that there is a steady stream of young people, a lot of young men, who come in applying for welfare. The attitude is that they want all that is owed them by government. Supposedly the real number of unemployed in the USA is +25 million. How destabilizing is that/
    When I came out of high school a young man could get a good paying mill job and raise a family on a single parent wage. Those days are long gone. What happens to those who cannot pursue a higher education simply because they are not capable of the academics? Work by the sweat of your brow is mostly gone. The room for error by these folks is pretty narrow.
    How society deals with the growing disparity of incomes is not solely a capitalist issue. Capitalism is likely to take the brunt of an attack by those who deal in oversimplified solutions.

  14. Ah Hell! I say, $50 per hour minimum wage and screw it.
    And screw all the people out of work.

  15. So a lot of California restaurant workers are now being paid the TRUE minimum wage, which is $0.00 per hour.

  16. CT “When I came out of high school a young man could get a good paying mill job and raise a family on a single parent wage. Those days are long gone.”
    Those jobs have moved. In our desire for cheap consumer crap with a fraction the life of North American stuff, we have turned our economy over to China. I am sure there are lots of job opportunities there, if you’re Chinese. All that’s left of our economy is serving each other burgers, then they bring in tens of thousands of foreign workers to do that.

  17. You think it’s unintended?
    More welfare cares. More dependence upon gvt.
    Until they run out of producers to rape and plunder, that is.
    (great username btw)

  18. Scar;
    I have not read about the Chinese processing BC wood in mills in China. While I understand that many manufacturing jobs did/are moving to cheaper Chinese labor my observation is that automation has killed many forest related jobs. Not only are the mills automated but harvesting has mechanized to the point that 5 or 6 workers can produce the same amount of wood that use to take 12 – 18 workers.

  19. Yes, it’s automation in the forest industry. Harvesting is all mechanized and the pulp mills employ a fraction of previous workers. Add to that the politics that prefer bugs eating timber to humans harvesting it. Then there’s the fact that no-one reads any more and Americans all live with their parents and you have an industry in decline.

  20. I live not far from the Seattle area.
    When they started talking about the 15 bucks I laughed. First of all. Seattle is full of people in the downtown area you don’t wish to meet. So more people head to the suburbs for lunch or dinner.
    Now that hurts the restaurant biz, then to slap them with the 15 bucks not inculding the cost of even doing business in Seattle is $$.
    Libs are fools and they will kill what little econ they have.

  21. scar, there is one hell of a lot more to it than your over simplification. Americans were producing better products but at an unreasonable price. The auto industry is a prime example, rice burners were much cheaper and almost as good, then they were almost at par price wise but a lot better quality, now the American car ind has almost caught up, we’ll see how long it take the unions to f*ck it up again. The same is true in many other areas. Why the h*ll would I buy a back up generator that will out last my life time, when I can do with a “reasonable” one that will croak about the same time I do. Much of production shifting to China is due to stupid customers. I’v got 15 years experience running small businesses and stupid doesn’t even come close to describing many customers.

  22. No, it’s not “our desire for cheap consumer crap”, it’s taxes and regulation over several decades at several levels of government that are to blame.
