20 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Al Sharpton want to make it a merdal crime for a white person to shoot a black person in self defense STUPID DEMACRAT

  2. Income taxes, if that was the whole story. Factor in the differences in Provincial sales taxes. Alberta has no PST, BC has 7%. Health care premiums (taxes) BC Medical Services Plan, a mandatory service, costs me $1572 per year That in itself is a tax. BC has a 6.67 cent per liter carbon tax on gasoline. These are just a few that come to mind and I’m sure there are many more.
    mid island mike

  3. My old New Jersey friend visited me today and the talk turned to the WH security. How does a person (lady) walk up to the Gate, throw a package, scuffle with Guards and drive away?
    Tony has an interesting Bio, he was a GI Flame thrower in Korea, fought in 3 Major battles, won 3 Battle Stars. His last Battle Star was pinned on by IKE and when IKE was elected President Tony served on his WH Color Guard. He was frequently stationed at the WH front Door armed with a 45 (no rifle allowed at the front door…Ike did want to make anyone to think he was afraid of Americans) all others had rifles.
    1.Never saw the Secret Service at the WH unless the Limo arrived or departed…
    2.Never saw anyone jump over the 3 foot fence (now 9 foot) or fired his gun.
    3.No Snipers on the roof
    Tony was lucky… Flame Throwers are out front and seldom survive long in battle. Tony said he never hesitated to pull the trigger. I think IKE knew who to trust.
    Obama has blind IT staff looking for Lois Lerners emails, does he also have blind snipers on the roof?

  4. This is what passes for an editorial here on the Island:
    Note that she indicates that the “radical brothers” were compelled to slaughter Jews in Paris because islamophobia manifests itself as anti-Semitism or something…
    This convert to islam and her twisted hate literature is using our local newspaper to pedal jihad. I say she needs more exposure.

  5. Hi, Peterj
    Thanks for the link. Have known this for some time. Obviously Premier Prentice only talks to the big boys when he boasts Albertans have the lowest tax burden. Okay, no provincial sales tax, but that presumably affects all Albertans more or less equally. The big issue is with the flat tax: I did an analysis, and only those with a taxable income of over about $130,000 paid lower provincial taxes than did Albertans. As for the corporate income tax: the big boys do indeed get a break, but the average CCPC (Canadian-controlled Private Corporation) who did not make into the big leagues, taxation-wise, paid more than – for instance – Manitoba which has a 0% tax rate on it’s CCPC’s who qualify for the small business break.

  6. Czar Vladimir. Da.
    “Russian President Putin makes first public appearance since March 5
    “Putin meets Kyrgyz President Almazbek in the Constantine Palace, outside Russia’s second city of St. Petersburg”
    “The Judo Master”
    “If after all the excitement he suddenly shows up at ordinary meetings then the next time he drops out of public sight the public will be less excited.”

  7. Get the popcorn…
    Over 2,000 people show up to protest Kathleen Wynne’s sex-ed agenda in her own riding
    …as thousands from the predominantly Muslim community took to the streets yesterday to protest Kathleen Wynne.
    Khalid Mahmood of the Thorncliffe Parents Association tells me that “with [Kathleen Wynne’s] new role in implementing sex ed, residents of Thorncliffe feel betrayed.”

  8. AGW RIP.
    AGW’s “pride” snow event.
    “Still, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh took pride in the city’s new record even after the widespread problems it caused.”
    “Solar Impulse 2 Flight-Around-The-World “Without A Drop Of Fuel” In Fact Will Burn Tens Of Thousands of Liters!”
    “Sun-powered Solar Impulse 2 aircraft is to circumnavigate the globe “without a drop of fuel”. However it will in fact need thousands of litres of fuel from support planes.”
    “when one examines the flight more closely it turns out that mission indeed involves a huge fossil fuel carbon footprint.”
    “According to an audio report by SRF Swiss Radio and Television the Solar Impulse 2 mission involves the substitute pilot, a technical ground crew “of dozens of people” and tonnes of equipment and logistical supplies that have to be flown behind using conventional charter flights. The “fossil fuel-free” Solar Impulse 2 journey is in fact being made possible only with the use of tens of thousands of litres of aviation fuel. This is a fact that is being almost entirely ignored by the media.”
    “Boston Sets Snowiest Winter on Record With 108.6 Inches”

  9. Europe Mohammedrein?
    “Is It Time for the Jews to Leave Europe?
    For half a century, memories of the Holocaust inoculated the Continent against overt anti-Semitism. That period has ended—the recent fatal attacks in Paris and Copenhagen are merely the latest in a mounting tide. Today, right-wing fascist strains of Jew-hatred are merging with a new threat from radicalized Islamists, confronting Europe with a crisis, and its Jews with an agonizing choice.”
    “Spanish newspaper: Europe got Muslims for Jews”
    “The truth must be told! All European life died in Auschwitz
    By Sebastian Vilar Rodrigez*
    I walked down the street in Barcelona, and suddenly discovered a terrible truth – Europe died in Auschwitz.
    We killed six million Jews and replaced them with 20 million Muslims. In Auschwitz we burned a culture, thought, creativity, and talent. We destroyed the chosen people, truly chosen, because they produced great and wonderful people who changed the world.”
