Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors

Math is hard.
Update! SDA gets results: This entry has been edited to correct a typo in the results.
h/t wallyj

23 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. I’m thinking the typical CBC reader wouldn’t notice the math problem. Maybe the media types learn the new math at Ryerson.

  2. the correct percentages are, for those mathematically challenged CBC reporters and readers, yes 85.1%, no 8.4% and can’t make up my mind 6.5%.
    Since this is a CBC poll the numbers are very much on the Harper side. Quite amazingly so in my humble opinion.

  3. The effects of an eastern education. They could probably name very kind of sexual variation but are unable to determine a simple percentage (88%-9%-5%). I guess the honest results would not be to the lefties liking so they had to gin it up some way.

  4. 42% is accurate of the number is 1130 as you suggest. I think this is more typo than mathematical error, although it’s sad that you can’t rule out the latter.

  5. Polls/shmolls, we don’t run the country via polls. This woman appears to be a political activist who thinks she can do as she pleases. If hasn’t got the grace to show her face and respect for our way of life to swear the oath of citizenship of this country she should not be allowed to remain here.

  6. When you use 1133 as the number of no votes that equates to approximately 42%. I think its just a case of the CBC hillarydicking the numbers.

  7. It’s now changed to “Results to come.” I wonder if they’re correcting the math or if the No votes are going to suddenly be increased to match an actual 42%?

  8. 87.8% agree, 6.9% disagree, and 5.3% are not sure. If you can’t do these divisions … I was going to say, “get a Mac” but in fact Google has a built-in calculator.
    Let’s see; Clueless Bombast … I can’t figure out a good (polite) word for the second “C”.

  9. That P&P poll is always reflective of left-wing leaning liberals. Even if the ‘yes’ vote is only 55%, that is absolutely astounding. Day after day, that poll is nothing but a shill for the big L liberals.

  10. Niqab at citizenship ceremony? What about other female abuse concerns of stone age cultures? Maybe wife beating and genital mutilation and honor killings have a place in citizenship ceremonies. I guess the problem with the poor ignorant Westerners is that they see the niqab as nothing less than gender abuse and we don’t stand by and watch someone being abused unless our name is Trudeau.

  11. CBC doesn’t report what happened. They are the Official State Broadcaster of Canada. They report what you’re supposed to think happened. So when a poll goes “wrong”, they just make it the way its supposed to be.
    Let us ponder for a moment the concept of a -poll- going “wrong”…
    …and now add the concept “state run broadcaster”…
    …and finally consider such a thing in the hands of people who can’t manage a simple percent calculation. Or if they can, they don’t proof read their work.
    Why is there no angry crowd with torches and pitchforks in front of the CBC building? That would be the true question at hand, I think.

  12. Just checked:
    This entry has been edited to correct a typo in the results.
    Mar 16, 2015 12:08 PM ET”

  13. I attempted to check on the CBC’s numbers by taking a look at the ‘Power and Politics’ shows as they developed.
    ” Debating the niqab
    Law student Kawsar Mohamed and author Farzana Hassan have different takes on face veils”
    At about the 7:30 mark the CBC shows the ballot box question;
    ” Is the niqab an insult to the dignity of women? ”
    That is apparently the March 12th question.
    The ‘Power and Politics’ show that aired March 11 is not available.
    That would be the show that asked;
    ” Should there be limits on where and when the niqab can be worn?”
    Why would that be?
    I certainly don’t know.
    Why do they allow Adam Vaughn’s baby mamma to host their political program ?
    I certainly don’t know.
    Guiding principles and ethics in the daily conduct of CBC/Radio-Canada employees.
    1. No conflict should exist or appear to exist between the private interests of CBC/Radio-Canada employees and their official duties.
    The father of Rosemary’s baby is one of Trudeau’s ‘star’ candidates.
    Nothing to see here folks, move along.

  14. She admits to removing her veil when having her drivers license photo taken, and when going through airport security. She claims that she will remove her niqab to allow herself to be identified at the citizenship ceremony. So the issue here is that she refuses to allow people see her lips moving as she swears an oath, not that she is exposing her face.
