20 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. Defund this kleptocratic rats nest and send them all packing back to their countries of origin.
    The UN is beyond a pathetic joke, it’s time to kill the cancer.

  2. Well they had Pharrell, whoever the F he is, give an Algore type scary bedtime story, globull warming speech there at the UN also, and what rapper or singer is not qualified to tell more lies about a lie, (awg), than a useless actor or another useless musician?

  3. It’s neurotic surreal edicts like this, from the presumed global governing cabal, which makes us realize the arena of politics (and particularly global politics) is populated by the very worst kind of people. There is only one direction a cabal of dystopian fools and extremist autocrats will lead you, and it ain’t Utopia.
    Not only should we flee en masse from this monument to the dystopian nightmare, we should curb-kick ANY of our own political class with the same dystopic authoritarian ideas.
    Seriously, what possible political motive could there be for accusing the freest nation on earth of oppression? cui bono? Exactly who is pointing the accusing finger?

  4. I am glad we’re still members of this thing. The membership in the UN thing has done more to advance the cause of common sense and conservatism in Western nations than any other factor except for lone-wolf Jihadism.
    At this rate, political parties in Western countries will need to campaign on various aspects of the conservative platform if they are to have any hope of election success. We’re not there yet, but this stuff helps.

  5. Fits right in with Mugabe as International Tourism Minister , DiCaprio given the podium for speaking against global warming, the push for Agenda 21 and Obama praising the success and virtues of Islam. The UN is a world class nut house employing the most professional busy bodies on the planet. It’s like the EPA and PETA rolled into one and on steroids. A sanctuary for tyrants and despots should not be funded by any country with a ounce of self respect. The inmates have taken over the asylum and it’s time to stop feeding them.

  6. The UN today is nothing but a club for Despots and Dictators and calling it the “United” Nations is an oxymoron. It’s of no benefit to our democratic countries which at this point are outvoted in that place. It’s nothing if not a shrine for the Left.

  7. What? They missed Canada and our horrible treatment of aboriginal women??
    (sarcasm off)

  8. I got it in one guess, as I expect everybody else did.
    Golda Meir was elected Israel’s prime minister on March 17, 1969. How many other countries had had a female chief executive by that date?

  9. The difference between the UN and a cage of monkeys is that the alliances responsible for the feces-chuckers in the UN are all based on irrational contempt, tribal hysteria, theocracy and envy, whereas the monkeys, although filthy little buggers, tend to react more rationally. The exciting screaming though, is almost identical in terms of volume and content.

  10. They don’t want to disturb the two elephants in the room
    That most of the violence is from aboriginal men
    And that they are drunks

  11. Christian Pilgrim “What? They missed Canada and our horrible treatment of aboriginal women??”
    Yeh – and we need a judicial inquiry to tell us that the missing and murdered Indian women were mostly killed by Indians and it’s white man fault.

  12. If aboriginal indian women killed by hand of alcolist aboriginal men ! It can be white shirt government, if they are one market LCBO wine and other alcohol among them to make government rich but government not provide enough policing what happened next when bottle of alcole finished. Is main reason men drink too much over stress or poor life style to forgot their pain. Finish. Day by day. Excluding irish who always drunk sorry I should comment about alcolist because I never drink alcohol. I beleived people who are crazy drink alcohol damage their brain. Letms first ban alcohol before ban nigab of muslim women in emergency case. About women who originally run UN like Golda Meir said she loved prophet mohamd history war,she was ukranian rusian race grow in US moved to Israel fight all arab men messup. Verses aboriginal women who killed by men as their weakness may those women need to have gun or know self defence walk with security guard to fight men. At end some women abused men some get abused

  13. Behind every good man must one good women living if aboriginal men drunk may problem is linked to bad communication of their women or bad method grow their child boyhood to men they need ontario teach them how to grow their men respect their women. I also believed women who come outside too beautiful seexy dress up are easy targeted by men please don’t. Or women who under stress look like golda meir face look like almost men their heart is no more women. Why women should act like women.i have uncle beleieved only ugly women are working and must go universitybut beatiful women don’t. This is silly.

  14. If peace was achieved between Israel & Palestine the money flow to the UN would cease. It has been three (3) generations of displaced People funded, almost completely, by UN agencies. They need to keep the money flowing for at least 3 more generations, or until the stupid wakeup.
    It is corruption when 85% of the funding never reaches the intended purpose.. Sticky fingers have no bounds.

  15. I dunno, maybe ok could collect cigarette butts off the sidewalks, instead, or maybe empty cans from garbage cans.
    Much more time consuming and, they might learn the language eventually, from reading the cans and bottles.

  16. Thanks for your concern I have one already plus I like iranian hand made carpet collection and arts. Strangly we can see all country weired cases mostly like saudi arabia men bothered saudi arabia women such as do not drive car abused. Or aboriginal men in canada over aboriginal women, but in strange case of Israel that israeli men bothered palestinian or lebanese women. I think I know maybe why! Israeli women is main caused grow up men like that plus for strange reason majority of israeli women like sara, or golda we see their face with big noise may be me so ugly look like men wore wigs pretend they are women excluding mix race of jewish with euroopean or aryan , pure israeli women look ugly that is reason they bothered arab women or aryan women because they are beautiful and they are jelous or can be I am wrong I don’t think Elizabeth taylor was israeli! Isreali men bothered other country women that is reason UN bring give them rank #1. With so many evidence facts.

  17. I think we can guess that Obama has no obvious future with the UN or EU But…But… What is in the future of Valerie Jarret, is she a candidate to be Iran’s President, or President of any other Iranian friendly country? Only the CIA would know
    Who is George Soros, when did he stop serving intelligence agencies…Nazis to >>> ????

  18. I also believed women who come outside too beautiful seexy dress up are easy targeted by men please don’t.
    Isreali men bothered other country women that is reason UN bring give them rank #1. With so many evidence facts.

    Israeli troops/men rarely, if ever, rape, assault, any Muslim women in their occupied areas of combat- Google it.

    ok, you believe that half naked, shapely, sublime, yellow poky doted bikini clad French Canadian women, lying provocatively out on summer beaches will cause tsunamis and volcanic/male eruptions ?
    Don’t we, OK?
    you’ll see, YOU’LL SEE..
