Caption This

Ladies and Gentlemen – we have a winner. But first, the Dishonourable Mentions:
“Workers survey the almost completed Beyoncé Easter Parade inflatable”kevin
“Fourteen injured at Lulu Lemon R&D Lab mishap, story at 6”richfisher
“New CBC logo?” kuzo
And the winner is… Steve from Rockwood!


“Everything was going fine until he hit the twerk button.”

Send me an email, Steve and we’ll get your book out to you.

205 Replies to “Caption This”

  1. “Ottawa’s Press Corps, Waiting for Justin Trudeau in the 2015 Election Campaign”

  2. Michelle Obama starts planting early this year at the Whitehouse garden with a new greenhouse.

  3. Hillary at the Dolce Gabbana warehouse sale in spite of Elton John’s boycott could spell trouble in the election.

  4. With Obama’s head stuck firmly inside all you could hear was “Not until Netanyahu is gone”

  5. The designs for the Barack Hussein Obama Presidential Library were officially released today.

  6. And finally the White House’s official entry for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. “The New American Pilgrams”.

  7. Israeli Embassy in Washingon erects monument to Obama following Bibi’s election win.

  8. I didn’t think it would be possible after Benghazi and the email scandal but Hillary has gone and made an even bigger ass of herself.
