Caption This

Ladies and Gentlemen – we have a winner. But first, the Dishonourable Mentions:
“Workers survey the almost completed Beyoncé Easter Parade inflatable”kevin
“Fourteen injured at Lulu Lemon R&D Lab mishap, story at 6”richfisher
“New CBC logo?” kuzo
And the winner is… Steve from Rockwood!


“Everything was going fine until he hit the twerk button.”

Send me an email, Steve and we’ll get your book out to you.

205 Replies to “Caption This”

  1. Bowing to LGBT pressure, workers start preparations for the Ace & Gary (Ambiguously Gay Duo) balloon for this year’s Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade.

  2. When it started twerking John Boehner knew he’d finally found Hillary’s un-hackable server.

  3. Headline: Spanx failure could delay Hillary’s candidacy announcement, however, medical team recovers missing hard drive.

  4. Safety is priority number one. Safety precautions dictate that workers must never stand directly behind the exhaust.

  5. “Assuming that Hillary will run makes an ass out of you and me”
    – Bill Clinton

  6. Worker examines a mock-up of the proposed addition to Mt Rushmore, honouring President Obama.

  7. The GOP unveiled their new logo in Washington today. The elephant no longer reflected their policies on the middle class voters of America.

  8. Pictured at Cape Canaveral,Canada’s NASA replacement for the Canada-Arm, aptly named the Canada Ass in memory of former PM Trudeau.

  9. Scientists have just discovered a camera lens that is wide enough
    to capture Michelle Obama’s ass.

  10. Looks like the marketing dept from the makers of Imodium took it a tad too far with this hot-ass-air balloon conception.
    Can you imagine a line forming to ride that? Me neither.

  11. “I know not all that may be coming, but be it what it will, I’ll go to it laughing.”

  12. Davis Suzuki and Al Gore now have concrete evidence as to the source of Global Warming : seeking double UN worldwide taxation to contain the leak…

  13. The effect of strict new Truth-in-Advertising Election Laws introduced by the Conservative Party is shown as workers prepare to paint the new Liberal Party logo its familiar red.

  14. Workers prepare the Justin Trudeau statue that will accompany the Nobel prize Trudeau will receive once elected.

  15. Following a long and beloved tradition, newly elected New Brunswick Premier Brian Gallant plants a kiss on the posterior of one of the bigwig oil baron Irvings.

  16. The newly elected Acadian Premier of New Brunswick kisses a symbolic Acadian ass in appreciation for sweeping the French vote in the recent election.
