This Is Not Your Grandma’s Humane Society

Here’s a break down of the [Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals] based upon their 2013 tax returns:
They have 557 employees.
They have 1,500 volunteers.
They have 450 foster homes (who take care of the animals for them).
They own a 55 acre farm.
They own an animal hospital.
They operate four animal sales outlets.
In 2013, they sold 6,992 animals.
CEO Carter Luke received a salary of $346,800 and $147,337 in “other” compensation.
VP of Human Resources Kathleen Collins received a salary of $203,650 and $109,415 in “other” compensation.
VP of Development Alice Bruce received a salary of $180,405 and other compensation of $20,446.
VP of Finance Amy Miller-Fredericks received a salary of $168,102 and other compensation of $31,185.
MSPCA also paid $943,254 in direct mail services to solicit you for more cash. MSPCA earned $1,654,734 in interest on investment income. And I could go on and on but I think you get my point.

And here is how this “private non-profit” rescue organization resupplies.

13 Replies to “This Is Not Your Grandma’s Humane Society”

  1. “CEO Carter Luke received a salary of $346,800 and $147,337 in ‘other’ compensation.”
    I always love that “other”.

  2. Interesting, but the bottom linked blog post was atrocious. Just because dogs are socialized doesn’t mean they aren’t abused. Did they have adequate food, water and shelter? One of their owner’s recently lost his job, it says, so perhaps there wasn’t adequate funds for care, including veterinary care. The pay for the CEO and other employees is high in my opinion but the post says that having $111 million in assets equals cash in the bank yet that is just patently ridiculous. Sure, there are a lot of terrible animal organizations out there, PETA for sure, the ASPCA comes to mind, but there are also a lot of organizations that do good work for more than reasonable compensation, and they deal with some truly terrible animal abuses. It’s not all about breeders, believe it or not.

  3. Put up evidence or shut up on mindless speculation. You’re sounding like a leftist.
    It is not in a breeder’s interest to neglect his/her animals.

  4. There is more than enough human abuse of innocent people especially children in our own backyard. For that reason and forgive me for sounding uncaring, but I just don’t care enough if animals are being abused or not. Yeah, its bad if they are but lets rebalance our sense of priorities.
    I own a dog and cat btw and love them both to bits.

  5. glasnost, no it’s not taxpayer abuse. They spend the most money on TV channels targeted at the seniors … Goebbels’ propaganda learnt.

  6. Strange that they need a HR VP. They must have a lot of benefits to spread around, like Condos & Developments in off-shore jurisdictions. A non-Profit generally means they don’t have a corporate structure that carries profit or loss from one year to the next. They must distribute in the same manner as an S Corporation.
    The Obama nation (IRS) have changed all the Laws for those that contribute to the Democrats.

  7. The Human resources person receives more than me, and what do they need a director of development for? What does it do? Go out and catch stray dogs?
    A classic example of there being money in them-there hills.

  8. Any chance these guys are hooked up with CSA? If not, it would be a linear integration of business models.

  9. Wayne Pacelii has totaly ruined the Humane Society turning it into just another version of PETA pushing their idiotic philosephies on us all

  10. Did ya ever notice that “non-for profits” are very lucrative for those involved.
    Suzuki seems to be doing well……
    Just sayin……
