Media party runs their own campaign

Ottawa’s media party has an issue to run against Stephen Harper on and they won’t let go. They are determined to twist his words on guns, made two weeks ago in Saskatchewan and use it as a campaign issue against him.

34 Replies to “Media party runs their own campaign”

  1. Oh my, even Michael Bryant is on the case, I’d like to remind him that my guns injured less people than his Saab.

  2. Pass the gravol…I had to see Oliver and Fife….and Ditchburn!
    So people actually listen to those guys? Scary!
    Thanks Brian…good analysis.

  3. Well the ‘moron-tariot media’ would go on about blowing away your neighbours…
    Shooting your neighbours happens on a daily basis in Canada; why its an epidemic as bad as ebola! /sarc
    The media party is so far divorced from the rural Canada; they might as well be on different planets.
    When was the last time these cretins ever spotted a coyote making off with one of the
    chickens in the hen house?
    When have any of the media party last dined on meat a hunter has brought in; such as lean
    deer steaks?
    I’m sure they’ll be trotting out the ‘guns in your streets’ ad any minute now;
    for some more low brow PM Stephen Harper bashing. ‘Cause he’s a dictator doncha know..!?
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  4. Listening to this Liberal crap about guns has convinced me to become a firearm owner. Just took the course and test and am awaiting the certificate to submit with my PAL application.
    In a couple of months I hope to be another proud Canadian firearms owner.

  5. These media types need to be whacked in the head with an unlicensed shovel. Although, I’m sure a ladle would do the trick on their tiny widdle intellects.

  6. I would like to see a national conversation on Canadian’s lack of rights to defend their lives. If one can’t defend their life with a firearm or any other weapon of convenience than they have no right to life. Does Craig Oliver think that the monopoly “legitimate” gun holders of the state who are anywhere from 15 minutes to hours away from a call can actually do that? That’s how fascists think.

  7. The campaign never ended from these presstitutes.
    Heard fragments of a love in on CTV where they were repackaging Angry Tom, as if he is unknown to canadian voters.
    Shamelessly promoting Tom , I wondered if they were abandoning Pretty Vacant, before I changed the channel.
    Funnily enough I think the desperation obvious in the media parties blathering is going to guarantee a conservative majority.
    Even those of us luke warm on the conservative lite party will still vote.. against Pretty Vacant and Thomas the perpetually angry.
    Where as Liberals who can add, there must be some, will be hard pressed to come out on election day.
    It must be so embarrassing to have such empty suits offered up as the leaders of your political ideology.
    The contempt the Liberal Party of Canada shows toward canadian voters is just breath taking.
    Hey Libtards..that $40 million your party stole.. hows the payback coming?

  8. “Does Craig Oliver think that the monopoly “legitimate” gun holders of the state” Craig Oliver was educated in a DC bar washroom in the 1970’s, with his ear firmly stuck on the urinals. His opinion of America is stuck on stupid. He has to try some upscale drinking establishments. A pompous fool is feed BS

  9. They drag Bryant out of some crypt and let Craig Oliver go all senile & stuff claiming Harper wants a gun under every pillow!
    The Canadain media.

  10. No logic involved with the anti gun nuts. In rural Canada almost every household has a gun and gun related death is almost non existent. In urban areas almost any criminal can get a gun that is not registered and create havoc on a unarmed public. Yet they can’t see the irony in their anti gun stance or that disarming law abiding citizens will only increase gun related deaths. They don’t seem to understand that police are not there to protect anyone. They are there to catch the perpetrators of the crime after they draw a chalk outline of your body. I keep wondering how we, as a nation ever became so stupid and whatever happened to common sense ? Compare any “armed” state to “guns are bad” state and the evidence of their stupidity will slap them in the face. Yet this nonsense goes on and on. As often stated on this forum…..can’t fix stupid.

  11. The most basic human right is the right to defend yourself against a predator, whether that predator is a grizzly bear, a mountain lion or a human being makes no difference. Whether the mechanism that’s utilized in that defence is a rock, a club or a fire arm is irelevent if your life is in danger.

  12. Good for you. In a 22 caliber I would recommend a 10/22 Ruger.
    Why is it that I want to vomit every time I see and hear Craig Oliver, Baghdad Robert and Ditchburn? They are prime examples of the Laurentian Eilite that is brainwashing Canadians.

  13. Dont listen to Ken Kulak , Get a marlin 795, out of the box the most accurate semi auto .22 out there however ruger has tons of accessories availible and very customisable and you can make them very accurate as well!! .22 best pastime for country kids for over a century “PLINKING”
    I own both several of each actually and over 10,000 rounds

  14. What a bunch of elitists!
    When Michael Zehaf-Bibeau shot Corporal Nathan Cirillo and then stormed the Center Block, they were so relieved that Kevin Vickers was there for their protection. In their view, rural people are of lesser value, not deserving any protection. (It takes police 2 hours to get to my place for a 911 call).

  15. When it comes to guns the media prefer to lie,distort,fabricate and use such terms as Assualt Gun,Gunned Down and Gunman their all over paid leftists propegandists

  16. Welcome to the club. Get the restricted PAL while at it. Start with a .22LR rifle. Get a bolt action, from any major manufacturer. Not a semi auto, bolt is simpler, you’re starting so go simple. Start with iron sights, only when you begin hitting your target at 50 yards you should contemplate getting a simple 2x-7x or 3x-9x scope. Get a range membership.

  17. Itchburn, and that skanky smarmy old Oliver have about as much sense as the chair they plunk their liberal asses in. Sorry pathetic media and dopey liberals, Canada has moved on, your Justy and Angry Tom have as much relevance as a eunich at the Mustang ranch. Steven Harper is a leader with the ability to make sense, just listen to Justys Saturday night speech if you want to what it is like to take drugs without taking drug, the guy is coocoo.

  18. When will the media in this country ever be satisfied with just reporting the facts? Will they ever give the Prime Minister credit for anything that he’s said or done? And finally, will they ever honestly report the incoherent musings of Trudeau and the mad dog rantings of Mulcair, which would quite fankly reveal these two as being totally unable to run a garage sale never mind a country?
    If the media could just refrain from its perpetual criticism of Mr. Harper and the constant embellishment and misrepresentation in order to portray him as a bully and a dictator and provide some honest, fair and unbiased reporting, common sense would rule and the next election would be a cakewalk.
    Is this even remotely possible especially now that the SNN is gone? The only bright side to all this is that the MSM is becoming more and more irrelevant as each day passes.

  19. Is this yellow journalism even going to effect anything?
    If gun issues, either pro- or anti-, are on your radar as a voting concern, the parties have already long since positioned themselves on that issue. They might not go as far as you’d like them to, but at least you know which way they lean.
    And if you’re indifferent to gun issues, the lurid headlines might get you reading, but you’re not going to see any SUPER SECRET TORY HIDDEN AGENDA (TM) to emulate Texas or change anything for that matter. Certainly nothing that’s going to inspire a “Dear God, we have to stop this man!” epiphany.

  20. _ men, with guns, in our cities, we are not making this up!”
    Time to start running subliminal gun images in pro liberal messaging – to the walls, to the walls – release the hysteria – the evil BushitlerHarper is polling well!!! We must fear monger our patrons into office!!
    Seriously when are we going to disempower these partisan assclowns and douchenozzels in the Canadian MSM?? Frankly the looming crash of cable TV will take care of that issue, and no one but zombies read news papers these days – I’m unconcerned about what the media party does.

  21. Thanks to all for the suggestions. I have spent some time with a friend at the range and feel I’m ready for a .22 semi. Got my eye on Ken’s Ruger suggestion. Now it’s hurry up and wait for the PAL.

  22. After watching the police practise shooting skills at my range I was horrified. I am now an instructor and much better armed and trained than 95% of those officers.

  23. The anti-conservative, pro-Liberal media bias in the next election well be overwhelming and quite hard to take, actually. 2011 will be dwarfed by comparison. Because unlike that election there is a cult of personality at play this time. Justin with his so-called charisma while Iggy had none. Combine that with Trudeau’s penchant for committing gaffes and the Media Party will be working overtime, both trying to deflect criticism against him and redirect it at PMSH and the CP in the daily news cycle. The stench of this well be overwhelming. The good news is that they’re going to get caught — over and over again. This will further erode what little credibility they have left… if you’re a gullible Canadian who believes they have any left, which I don’t.
    BTW, on last night’s CTV National News with Lisa LaFlamme, the intro from her on Cruz’s bid for POTUS: he is a “controversial, right-wing, Christian conservative”. Jam as many adjectives in as you can when you’re trying to smear conservatives it seems. By contrast, a report filed for the same broadcast on cuts to social programs by the Lib gov’t in Quebec made no mention of it, in fact, being Liberal. Generic descriptors such as “the provincial gov’t” were the choice for this shoddy newscast led by a discredited woman.

  24. Bit OT but I happened to catch a few CTV ads promoting their news cast and some of their reporters while watching last night’s national news on the media player a few minutes ago, to quote Laflamme’s intro verbatim.
    Has anyone else seen these ads and notice how these journalist see themselves a celebrities who have an inflated sense of self-importance? Bob Fife is ACTING in the ads featuring him where he does a great job, well, promoting himself and projecting his AWESOMENESS onto Canadians. In one part of the ad, he is shot by the cameraman from behind and then, almost in a Charlie’s Angels kinda away, turns around with his hands on his hips, staring you straight in the eyes. But the end of the ad is the best, featuring Bob being filmed walking through the main corridor on Parliament Hill, using slow motion video to convey that COOL factor. I thought I was watching the opening of Tarantino’s “Reservoir Dogs” with Bob being one of the gangsters.
    (0:17 mark)
    Another ad for CTV News features Hill reporter Laurie Graham standing half way up the steps of a staircase on Parliament Hill with her back against a wall, turning sideways with her chin nearly on her shoulder and almost puckering like a model while another ad promoting 5 of their most seniro correspondents (LaFlamme, Fife, Oliver, etc) shows them posing like super heroes (The Justice League of America, for example) on the cover of a comic book. Disgusting stuff, really.

  25. biffjr ” and the mad dog rantings of Mulcair”
    That’s it. – “Mad Dog Mulcair” – you’re a genius. I will call him nothing else.

  26. Progressives also loathe the rural person:space ratio, perceiving it as unfair distribution, esp. given that farmland is “private” property. To them, the “police don’t respond fast enough in the country” canard (and it IS a canard as anyone who’s survived surprise violence will tell you) is not a bug but a feature of the nudge to rural->urban migration. A majority of progressives would likely endorse forced rural land redistribution to parks, collective farms and native bands if they could get away with it.

  27. A bit off topic here myself. I just had to get something out that has been niggling me. Ordinarily, I would have let it go, but the comments here impelled me to post.
    I tell myself not to be biased but when I view Bob Fife, I wince. He boasts of his contacts around Parliament Hill. He looks into the camera and speaks-“And what they tell me- I tell you”. The sneaky tattle tale voice and his delivery makes me squirm.
    I will concede that it could be just me though.
    CTV and CBC have perfected the art of not showing harsh judgemental bias, but an insidious working in of negative and suggestive statements conversation style imho.

  28. Then there is Bob Fife.
    He fixes his gaze on the camera. Says he- “And what they tell me, I tell you”.
    It might be just me, but it just makes me writhe. I do not trust him
    Originally talk of a coalition between the NDP and Liberal Party was being sounded out. This to finally get rid of our squeaky clean Prime Minister. I could see a problem with that – who then would be Prime Minister? Problems, problems and more problems, methinks.

  29. Though they work both sides of the street, the ever fringe-attracting CFAX had a wingnut on yesterday who described Cruz as a right wing,(of course) fringe racist extremist or something like that. I was about to call in and ask how this view was justified – I got my answer – he was a right wing (ie not liberal I guess) Republican with eek, conservative views. That’s it, IOW about half the American voters are racist. This will be the game plan going into our federal election, take a reasonable position, government should live within its means and promote, not denigrate, liberty, twist and pull the idea out of shape, like a rhetorical Gumby, and re-define that as extremist/right wing/mean spirited/not progressive, (another example is the characterization of at least two thirds of Canadians who apparently are racists because they support the government on the niqab); throw in a few remarks, mix generously with “what Canadians want,” then memespeak about hidden agendas and the tea party etc, that our PM actually dared to mention that people own firearms for personal security, and voila, the majority view has become “extremist,” and only dangerous people would vote for Harper because Marx and Lenin would have been so ashamed of our country. Only the progressives can save us from this slippery slope into freedom and prosperity. Remember, in socialism we must all be equally poor.
    Political projection at its finest. My favourite is 60% of Canadians voted against Harper, never mind that a much higher percentage voted against the NDP, Liberals or Greens (95% of Canadians voted against them, but they are mainstream and oh so progressive). By all means, join forces and see what happens.
    The self-appointed intelligentsia in academia, the bureaucracy and the media will fail here (not so sure in US), but try they will.
