A building, you say?

Could you put a dollar figure on how badly you want that permit?

(New York Mayor Bill) de Blasio’s administration has demanded that, in order to get a permit to build a new school building, Collegiate School-a private school that traces its roots back nearly 500 years-must contribute enough money to build 55 units of “affordable housing.” Worse, those 55 units are estimated to cost at least $50 million (nearly $1 million per unit is affordable?), and if they cost more, Collegiate has to pay the difference. (If they cost less, the city pockets the difference.)

I think that’s called extortion.

22 Replies to “A building, you say?”

  1. This is some kind of sleazebag – the kind that reminds one of the sleaze that resides on Penn…………..

  2. De Blasio is the property of the Teacher’s union. They pull his chain and he does tricks for them. He’s done whatever he can to stall the growth of choice and competition in education. A typical looter and thug of the left. Given enough time in office he can do to New York what his more colourful Democrat comrades have done to Detroit.

  3. Being a died in the wool socialist, DeBlasio must hate private schools. What better way of showing it than to make it impossible as a financial enterprise to survive ? The tuition fees would be through the roof. All students must be brainwashed by the socialist agenda of public schools and what easier way is there to deny competition with Marxist agendas ? It’s the socialist way.

  4. Appropriate Gracie mansion and turn it into condos.
    Use all of 5 blocks Carl Schurz park and you can build over a hundred units easy. 500 units if they build them in the approved socialist style, little hovels for the little proles.

  5. I predicted it here as soon as he was elected:
    Bill De Blasio will do more damage to New York than Osama bin Laden did.

  6. The Chicago Way is also the New York way. The politicians want to dip their beaks. Nothing to see here.

  7. I hear the Obamas want to retire to New York City if they ever ‘retire’.

  8. The Collegiate School should leave NYC and re-establish elsewhere. Or just close up shop.

  9. This is the trouble that private institutes get into when they don’t “donate” to the right political funds. Don Corleone would never have made that mistake.

  10. A million a unit is chump change if somebody else is paying. And my guess is some of Big Bills lefty pals will get the view units.

  11. I wonder if Warren Kinsella is still a fan? He was falling all over himself when de Blasio was running for mayor. Hell, he even went to his installation as mayor – although his seats were usurped by someone closer to the seat of power.
    Just wondering if they’ve kissy-kissy made up since then.

  12. mojo “New Jersey is right across the river, folks.”
    And nothing crooked goes on in Jersey?

  13. Yes. The U.N. headquarters is in New York. Obama would not have to be elected as U.N. leader and he could further punish his enemies in that role.

  14. Nothing new, building something for the government to get your building permit has been happening in Alberta for at least 15 years that I am aware of. It is what happens when those who produce nothing have say over those who produce something.

  15. That’s gotta be on the short list of moves that really should (but probably wouldn’t) set off a civil war. I guess, in order to have a civil war, there needs to be some form of civic coherence.

  16. I WISH this was a NYC-only Socialist nightmare … but sadly it is typical throughout dozens of CA cities. In a horribly misguided policy … Developers are FORCED to provide a ratio of BMR (below market rate) units with every multi-family housing project they propose to build. The further below market rate, the fewer the units. But it is a massive burden on housing costs throughout the State … and of course … the lucky tenants of the BMR units are hand-picked by a politically appointed Board of Directors.
    But this practice pales in comparison to other Developer Fees in CA. Most local School Districts charge a “Developer Fee” for new construction and remodels. The average fee (read: TAX) is about $ 2.50/SF … but can be as high as $ 6.00/SF. And Jerry Brown has recently bypassed the PUC (Public Utilities Commission) and given every local water district the mandate to jack-up their water fees and new connection (Developer) water fees. I have a project in the EBMUD water district that is being charged $ 66,000.00 … JUST to get a water meter ! You read that right ! $ 66,000.00 !!!! This FEE is about what a starter-home costs in many parts of the US. No wonder these Socialists need developers to provide BMR units ! Socialists make EVERYTHING more costly, scarce,and Unaffordable … think; Soviet bread-lines, and poorly-built mass housing units.
