On Mobs and Melodrama

An academic speaks. Anonymously, of course:

Personally, liberal [i.e., leftist] students scare the shit out of me. I know how to get conservative students to question their beliefs and confront awful truths, and I know that, should one of these conservative students make a Facebook page calling me a communist… the university would have my back. I would not get fired for pissing off a Republican… The same cannot be said of liberal students. All it takes is one slip — not even an outright challenging of their beliefs, but even momentarily exposing them to any uncomfortable thought or imagery — and that’s it, your classroom is triggering, you are insensitive, kids are bringing mattresses to your office hours and there’s a Twitter petition out demanding you chop off your hand in repentance.

One of these.

13 Replies to “On Mobs and Melodrama”

  1. Read the whole article. This may be the first and only time in the writer’s life that he questions one of his own assumptions. For one thing, he thinks that colonialism is capitalism, sloppy thinking strike one. He thinks that the natural sciences are as clear cut as mathematics, strike two.

  2. Progs and radical Islam have an affinity – both are intolerant of antithetic thought or belief, both are ruthlessly dogmatic and both belief systems are vanguarded by a cult of treacherous zealots.
    Universities have deteriorated into prog madrassas, centers for radicalization – which produce intolerant zealots and true believers in the prog theocracy which must be spread by authoritarian repression.
    – And like radical Islamists, Progs are conditioned/indoctrinated into radical enmity-based beliefs – also like the scourge of socially destructive Islamist extremism, the key to controlling bigoted sectarian progressivism is to route it out of the institutions which are despoiling our children and young people.
    University reform is long overdue. These used to be places of diverse thought, learning and tolerance but since the advent of dogmatic progressivism they are places which concentrate the worst facets of misanthropy into ideology, philosophy and culture.

  3. This is main reason why I went from high school straight to the workforce after graduating eleven years ago.

  4. Molly-coddling the insane is unlikely to be helpful. Start tossing the troublemakers off campus, rather than the victims of their insanity.

  5. Speaking of Gubmint TV and rape, anybody note Ontario’s (most corrupt government ever) using TV commercials to condescendingly preach about how bad it is to rape the women folk ?
    I guess if you have no moral compass you assume everyone else is a psycho too.
    Probably no adscam going on there, eh.

  6. The problem is leftists have been taught, and believe, that we live in a “intellectual” world where words = reality. So when any idea is brought forth that doesn’t ‘fit’ it is an existential threat to their entire worldview.
    That is why anyone who disagrees must be immediately and mercilessly attacked in the most vile ways. They panic because their life literally depends on suppressing that reality.
    It is also why it is near impossible to argue with them. Facts are irrelevant – their thoughts and beliefs however are real.
    How else could one believe the things they say, such as global warming causes global cooling?
    To paraphrase Orwell, some ideas are so stupid only progressives could believe them.

  7. What? Not happy with the Brave New World you and your ilk worked so hard to usher in?
    Next thing you know they’ll be moaning about the good old days when students came from those evil nuclear families.

  8. A long time ago when I went to university, I didn’t think profs classified students as liberal or conservative, only dumb or smart.

  9. Cure is so simple, withdraw taxpayers money from these cesspools of academia.
    Whole entitled pool of losers goes away.

  10. From the article by Prof. Kipnis: “The feminism I identified with as a student stressed independence and resilience.”
    Women who are independent and resilient don’t take orders. That’s why today’s feminists are the opposite of yesterday’s.
