25 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. EBD, I truly appreciate all that you do and contribute to this website however i have got to ask How do you find this stuff. As well what do you do for work that allows you the time to find these things?!!

  2. Yarn unravels – who knew? Actually, my mother did. Legally blind, she continued knitting and corresponding with friends for many years. The label she had on both sweaters and letters was the same: “All errors are intentional.”

  3. Meanwhile, in feminist circles: Silence.
    “Topless woman removed from House of Commons after protesting anti-terror bill” (citizen)
    “Farkhunda ‘didn’t burn Koran’: Afghanistan mob killed innocent woman”
    Last Thursday, the world reeled in horror after a mob of men beat the 27-year-old religious scholar to death.
    They then threw her body off a roof, ran over it with a car, set it on fire and at the end, dragged 300m, threw it into the Kabul River near one of the Afghan capital’s most renowned mosques, the Shah Doshamshera.
    The attack was captured by cameras and has been widely distributed on social media.”

  4. Caplan: Socialism’s communist feminist spokesman.
    “… because the socialist country’s economic problems make it impossible to ensure the proper running of radiation machines in public hospitals, where patients receive free treatment under Venezuela’s universal health care.”
    I used to dislike the niqab. Harper showed me how wrong I was” (G-M)
    “More mastectomies as Venezuelan economic crisis turns medicine back to ‘the 1940s’”

  5. The Rebel.
    Ezra talks about a white fellow that shouted “white power” then walked off. The police pursued on foot, a scuffle breaks out and the cops shot him. Hmmm? Double standard much. This was in Calgary Saturday.
    Never moving back to the city, there be crazies there.

  6. Never have I seen more ads by a government for their “stuff”/programs they’re offering up that costs us money, paid with money they don’t have in this mess called Ontario. Now they’re banning the importation of Killer Whales, something most couldn’t imagine to be a top of mind problem for a province drowning in debt.

  7. Alright, I could almost understand the voluntary mastectomy that Angelina had because she was afraid of Breast Cancer. Almost. But now she has had a full hysterectomy because she is afraid of ovarian cancers and such….. this is a form of self hate or cutting as far as i am concerned. Mutilating your own body to release your fears about the future??? Tad nutty much?

  8. AGW Kills.
    “Freezing rain predicted to fall in GTA” (ctv)
    “Coroner investigating body chewed up by snowblower in Quebec: ‘We think we know who it is, but we can’t be sure’”
    “The region has received a lot of snow recently. At 12:45 p.m. Monday, a snowblower was working on a road and approached a driveway.
    At this point the operator realized something other than snow had passed through the machine.
    The operator was treated for shock, Doiron said.”

  9. PM stands in H of C to propose extension of ISIL mission 12 months, the PM’s remarks without media spin:
    “The good news is this: the territorial spread of ISIL, something occurring at a truly terrifying pace in the spring and summer of last year, has been more or less halted. Indeed, ISIL has been pushed back somewhat at the margins. In significant part, this is because of the breadth and intensity of the international opposition that it has provoked, not just in the West, but in the majority of the Muslim world, both Shia and Sunni, and specifically in Arab nations.
    “Nevertheless, ISIL’s territorial hold remains substantial, and its leadership and networking of wider jihadist forces has continued. ISIL has made it clear that it targets, by name, Canada and Canadians. Why?
    “For the same reason it targets so many groups, in fact, for the same reason it targets most of humanity: in ISIL’s view, anyone who does not accept its perverted version of religion should be killed. It is as self-evident to them as it seems insane to us. But it is far from an idle threat.
    “In fact, in its crimes, ISIL targets innocent men, women and children, particularly the most vulnerable and peaceful ethnic and religious minorities. Why do we know these things, Mr. Speaker?
    “Not because, as is so often the case, the behaviour of brutal regimes inevitably becomes public knowledge. No, Mr. Speaker, we know these things because ISIL brags about them.”
    The Opposition, of course, opposes the mission because it the not “right for Canada” to show international leadership on this obvious threat to peace and freedom. But, when it comes to shutting down the Canadian economy, particularly our oil, gas and transportation sectors, to fight climate change, they’re all for it. According the them, this is where we should show “leadership,” on a issue tailor made for socialists, based on the flimsiest of evidence, which has already wasted $billions “fighting” an insignificant greenhouse gas (but vital to life on this planet) to which humans contribute insignificantly, to which Canada contributes insignificantly.

  10. Without being too trying to be judgmental; I too have struggled with the morality of the preventative steps AJ has taken.
    On one hand I admire her courage, and what she is willing to sacrifice for the sake of life; but, as you allude to, I do have concerns for her mental wellbeing.
    I’m no expert on AJ, but from what I’ve gathered over the years, she seems well rounded and intelligent. In other words, she doesn’t strike me as the self-loathing type, but I digress.
    I seriously wonder what the information she is getting from her doctors; perhaps the risks are significantly high in her case. who knows?

  11. Mohammed vs adultery.
    “ISIS militants stone Iraqi couple accused of adultery, parade bodies in public square in Mosul”
    “It was the latest in a series of public executions of people accused of social crimes in the city, which ISIS wrested from Iraqi control last June” (NP)
    “Stephen Harper’s vow: Canada will fight ISIS threat overseas for ‘as long as it is there'”
    “Both Mr. Mulcair and Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau refused to support the plan, with Mr. Trudeau warning that the mission could result in Syrian dictator Bashar Al-Assad “consolidating his grip on power.””

  12. The battle for second place in the next federal elections is surely underway now, with progressive priorities such as coats for Kurds, niqab nonsense and country bumpkin vigilantes heading the meme issue list, encapsulated nicely in the Opposition rejection of the extension of the ISIS mission:
    Mr Mulcair’s comments show how he bases his objections and accusations on his own ignorance:
    1. NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair spoke first after the prime minister and quickly accused the Conservatives of misleading Canadians about details of the ground mission.
    OK Mr Mulcair, perhaps we could put the operations orders on Facebook. Perhaps we could email ISIS an itinerary.
    2. He said the prime minister vowed during debates last fall that Canadian soldiers would not direct airstrikes or accompany local troops to the front line. “We now know that simply wasn’t true,” Mulcair said.
    Aside from his mischaracterizations – It’s easy to pontificate from Ottawa, but training of combat troops involves a lot more than classroom work. Of course, it’s better to have higher civilian casualties, rather than have our special forces involved in “combat” spotting and painting of targets. Idiocy.
    3. He said the mission has no clear objective and no clear strategy.
    Your stupidity and stubborn, willful ignorance of anything resembling a military mission is your problem, not the government’s or the voters’.
    Meanwhile Justin Trudeau is ensuring the LPC, formerly the natural governing party, is no longer fit to lead the nation; rather they have become socialist cheerleaders, pontificating about poor little isolated head choppers who weren’t popular enough at school. IOW irrelevant to the adult debate.

  13. O’narcissist: the *** from s.n.u.b.s.
    “Obama Snubs Nato Chief as Crisis Rages”
    “… European security is at its most perilous moment since the Cold War. Russia has moved troops and weapons into eastern Ukraine, annexed Crimea, placed nuclear-capable missiles in striking distance of NATO allies, flown strategic-bomber mock runs in the North Atlantic, practiced attack approaches on the UK and Sweden, and this week threatened to aim nuclear missiles at Denmark’s warships.”
    “… Stoltenberg, twice the prime minister of Norway, met Monday with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper in Ottawa to discuss the threat of the Islamic State and the crisis in Ukraine,…”

  14. “The Putin Way”
    “Putin is following a blueprint that dates back to Philip of Macedon. Nothing that Vladimir Putin has done in gobbling up territories of the former Soviet Union is new. In fact, he simply apes every tyrant’s time-honored four-step plan of aggression.
    INVADE, WAIT — AND INVADE From Philip of Macedon to Napoleon, aggressors did not necessarily have a grand timetable for creating an empire. Instead, they went at it ad hoc. They took as much as they could at any given time; then backed away for a bit, if they sensed strong opposition was building — only to go back on the offensive when vigilance waned.”
    “The deadly chaos behind Putin’s mysterious acts”
    “Two distracting but telling events have occurred in Russia recently. First, President Vladimir Putin disappeared for ten days, then suddenly reappeared. Second was the killing of opposition politician Boris Nemtsov, under very murky circumstances, on Feb. 27. Both events showed how utterly dependent on one man Russia, and its nuclear arsenal, have become.
    Beneath the dramatic events in Russia recently – the disappearance of President Vladimir Putin for ten days, and the killing under murky circumstances of opposition politician Boris Namtsov – an even more dangerous narrative has emerged involving Mr. Putin’s use of Chechnya.
    At heart is Mr. Putin’s personal and essentially feudal arrangement with Chechen despot Ramzan Kadyrov.”
