28 Replies to “Cornell Dean Advises on Starting ISIS Club”

  1. Disgusting. Beyond that, I’ll let Ann Coulter respond in her usual eloquence as to what’s happening at her Alma Mater.

  2. The threat that Islamist Jihad presents to Western Civilization. It is the second most under rated threat there is.
    It’s second only, to the threat posed by the sheer number of really stupid people sitting in positions of power and influence..

  3. Will that include Blow Yourself Up and Become a Marty for Allah? They realy need to cut back his sallary by 85% or more

  4. A very good friend did his master’s in physics at Cornell, some years back; he would be absolutely mortified to hear this comedian roll out the red carpet for ISIS.
    Training camp for ISIS at Cornell; what next beheading demonstrations in the Bailey Hall? They may have to conduct the immolations on the field as the ‘training’ might burn the place down. On the other hand, that may be the objective.
    From Ivy League to Intellectual Bankruptcy in little more than 50 years, hapless wonders would be an understatement.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  5. Some of us here think, me being one of them, that the left is covertly allied with radical Islamic groups like ISIS as they have a mutual hate for classical liberal democracy.
    This Cornell Dean septic pond scum should be arrested and tried for countenancing terrorism.

  6. Replace all liberal arts colleges with library cards. That “Assistant Dean of Students” probably couldn’t pass the standards to be a Walmart greeter in the private sector.

  7. Just another leftists indoctrinator who needs to be deported back to what ever god forsaken hole he crawled out of

  8. Absolutely. The protectors of the Islamists are the radical left. Note Obama’s eagerness to see Iran a wire a nuclear bomb, and his leaving Iraq to the mercy of terrorists by withdrawing US troops.

  9. University is unaffordable because of the growth in administrative costs. Fire this clown, in the name of the students.

  10. An ISIS club. Terrific. The guys from Delta Tau Chi would never have stood for this.

  11. I would support this exchange of cultural and social ideas so long as the the meeting room borders the back wall of the University shooting club range.

  12. Thanks but I have enough whackos to deal with. We don’t need anymore in our libraries.

  13. As a Cornell Alumnus, this is distressing and not generally reflective of the people I continue to deal with at Cornell. This guy is an assistant-dean of students, which means he is basically a salesman. The administration has of course distanced the university from the comments, especially as today is “giving day” as the culmination of a fund-raising campaign from alumni. Mr. Scaffido may be looking for employment elsewhere next year.
    The frightening thing is that Cornell is a world leader in nanotech and 3-D printing and is opening the billion dollar high tech research centre in New York City. I am sure the ISIS kind would love to get training there. Bin Laden I understand was trained as an engineer (civil).

  14. Juxtapose ISIS clubs in University with an SDA article from two days earlier and the insanity comes full circle:
    “Safe spaces are an expression of the conviction, increasingly prevalent among college students, that their schools should keep them from being “bombarded” by discomfiting or distressing viewpoints.”
    Ummm… WTF?

  15. As pointed out by Murray, this guy is basically a salesman….. a “used car” salesman to be exact. Promise anything to get the sale. He knows that international students are hit with big fees and he’d like to recruit this one to help with University expenses.
    He ALSO knows that no ISIS fighter is going to get a VISA to enter the U.S. so he is safe in saying that the University would not stand in the way of one coming ….because it will never happen.
    And, likewise, he knows that the U.S. is not going to allow material aid to those groups on the terrorist list, including Hamas and ISIS.
    In short, I don’t believe the commenters here are giving enough credit to the con man Assistant Dean who believes he has a naive fish on the line.

  16. Dum, dum, dum. Were no people with a junior high school awareness of world events available for Assistant Dean?

  17. I’m married to an Americian; believe me, her and 90% of her friends have never even heard of ISIS. Unless it is on a Football Jersey, no clue, don’t care, not interested.

  18. Has everybody heard the Cornell Alma Mater? Here’tis:
    High above Cayuga’s waters,
    Is an awful smell.
    Some say it is old Cayuga,
    Some say it’s Cornell

  19. Back in the day when men were men and half the women were men Cornell was a hockey powerhouse. If you were a young hockey player hopeful it was a great place to be noticed by NHL scouts. Even though I know liberal university types are braindead in many ways; this video is full of sarcasm and likely staged by some film student. In a way it sends the message better than any cartoon of peace be upon him could.

  20. Cornell is a Harvard wannbe … so I suppose this gives them some kind of “cred” with their FAR-LEFT benefactors. Meh.

  21. David, you are severely mistaken.
    Benghazi was the result of the US government (Obama/Clinton) funneling confiscated Libyan weapons to Al-Qaeda, the very group that perpetrated 9-11. Obama has also left hundreds of millions of dollars in weapons behind for terrorist groups to gather up.
    ISIS fighters (those not recruited in the US) and other assorted thugs can simply walk over your border and be welcomed by Obama and the Democrats running the show, given drivers licenses and the right to vote. What could go wrong?
    If you haven’t figured out yet that Obama and his thugs are on the other team then you sir, are the naïve fish.

  22. That guy is so liberal he would be sure to find Satan a chair at a full interfaith celebration.

  23. Ha! Have you seen the film The Social Network? What was written in the snow on the back window of a car as Zuckerberg came out of the Gates lecture?
    The Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences didn’t do so well in the latest times Higher Education Supplement ranking the top 100 programs in the world: http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/world-university-rankings/2014-15/subject-ranking/subject/engineering-and-IT
    Harvard does have a first-rate math department, though.

  24. @Markon: Oh P L E A S E……………………..
    I can see the poster at Cornell in my mind’s eye:
    Martyr Auditorium – tickets $50.00
    September 28, 2016 (men only)
    September 29, 2016 (women only – Hijab required)
    Your trainer, ABDUL AMOK is a fighter fresh from the Caliphate with 3 years experience.
    Abdul will cover: bomb making, use of AK 47 AND M16, as well as what you as a good Moslem can do for the cause.
    Bring a dish to share.

  25. So what is Concordia saying to gather + 6000 Muslim students? Another question then came to mind about how many Muslims are attending Canadian universities.
