34 Replies to “Pollspotting”

  1. Yup, send yr flyin monkeys off to screw up the poll, Kate.
    That’ll convince the Pentagon, the Wall Street Journal and Coca-Cola that human-created climat change is a vast communist conspiracy. 😉

  2. Joke Conservative huh.More like Joe Shmoe the liberal troll.What happened to global warming…oh right the globes cooling oops.

  3. glad you are more intelligent than the 16 Nobel laureates who said human-created climate change is the biggest threat to human life, Mr. Flyin Moron. I’m sure when you tell that to the mould growing in Mom’s basement it’s really impressed!

  4. Done. It is not often we get a chance to blow holes in their attempt to manipulate science.

  5. Sorry Joe, sixteen Nobel laureates or six hundred, if they’re wrong the’re still wrong.
    Science is based on truth and facts, not consensus.
    Unfortunately, the global warming religion is awfully short on both truth and facts.
    Remember the flat-Earth “consensus”?
    How about the Sun-revolves-around-the-Earth “consensus”?
    Besides, after Obumbles got his Nobel “prize” just for showing up, I’m afraid “Nobel laureate” doesn’t quite have the panache it used to.

  6. Messing with the data,fudging the information heating the themometer and tamering with the equipment and AL GORE,DAVID SUZUKI lying through their big fat teeth about and Greenpeace as well in on the dirty little plot

  7. I have a simpler comeback: what you do not live, you have no right to require. Until I see Drs Suzuki, Gore, et al, cutting back their lifestyles to below mine, I feel no obligation to cast myself upon their altar of self-sacrifice, said altar being only too obviously only for the peons.

  8. “That’ll convince the Pentagon, the Wall Street Journal and Coca-Cola that human-created climat change is a vast communist conspiracy. ;)”
    How pathetic. Glad you consider Coca-Cola as a maker and shaker. The wall Street Journal is a rag suitable for bird cages. The Pentagon should concern itself with winning wars, not influencing public opinion, and you should turn off the computer and get out of mommy’s basement.

  9. A nobel ain’t worth much these days in case you haven’t noticed. If a murderer like Yasser Arafat can get one, and a lazy, affirmative action president another, then trotting out a nobel as a sign of anything, is rather weak.

  10. The MSM is catching onto the Fraud.. Neil Cavuto FOX Business had a Anti-Fracking twit on with an oil expert. She began with the usual Rote of a consensus of scientists. He asked her to name one of those scientists…She couldn’t and her little bottom lip was quivering.. He didn’t make her cry, but it stopped the Rote nonsense..
    The irony was that the Oil Expert said that the EPA regulations would be easy to achieve… Of course anything that increases the price of Oil is cash to the Oil Companies. The Green freaks are morons who do a service for big oil nationally & OPEC
    Neil could have asked her if the creator of the Hockey Stick was an accredited Mathematician, or an Artist

  11. There is no empirical evidence to support the AGW hypothesis. None. What all measured and proxy data show is that atmospheric CO2 concentrations correlate positively with, but lag, the integral of average global temperature over all time scales for which measured temperature data or suitable proxy data exist. This fact precludes the AGW hypothesis that “temperature scales linearly with anthropgenic CO2 forcing”.
    The hypothesis does not agree with observations and is therefore falsified. Empirical Science 101.

  12. “”The irony was that the Oil Expert said that the EPA regulations would be easy to achieve… Of course anything that increases the price of Oil is cash to the Oil Companies. The Green freaks are morons who do a service for big oil nationally & OPEC”
    and there is the whole scam in a nut shell. Shell is big on “wind farms” (government subsidies)and support this bullshit because it enriches them.

  13. Well, I did that silly little survey. The last time I saw so many leading questions was a CBC interview with turdo la doo.

  14. Poorly framed questions, in a couple of the comment boxes I had to add that the question, as written, was meaningless. If “climate change” means “human induced climate change” then my answer is…. It was good that natural variability was an option for almost all of the questions.
    I thought about adding “post hoc ergo propter hoc” isn’t good science, but there was no sense in confusing the poor student.

  15. Wow, Joe, you’re up early. I thought the HRC’s didn’t start “work” until 9 or 10. Oh, you haven’t gone to bed yet.
    Never mind.

  16. Nobel credibility was seriously trashed when they gave Obama the peace prize. it exposed them for the politically correct elitists they are.

  17. Monkey Survey for Climate Change idiots.

    Please clarify your answer for questions 4 and 5. – heh

    Climate changes each year.
    Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring.
    4 times per year.
    Global Warming sounded better..

    First I heard AGW- Global Warming, then I hear Climate Changey,
    Which is it?
    Please explain in 500 words or less.

  18. Opted not to mess up someone else’s thesis. Call me a wuss. But I did go over to the University. It’s defined as liberal and offers two- and four-year degrees and graduate degrees in education and liberal arts as well as continuing education. IMO most of the program offered aren’t in great demand in an ever increasingly competitive marketplace.

  19. Another climatologist came out firmly against anthropogenic climate change. Love using their own tactics against them.

  20. Yes C_Miner this young female teacher asked a couple of pertinent questions like that as well. I guess I was my daughter today. She doesn’t buy it either partly because she loves the beach and wonders when we’ll get a warmer summer again where you can actually go to the beach more than 1 weekend in the season.

  21. I see AL GORE wants global warming skeptics persicuted what that mean al Burning at the stake all those who refuse to ecept you and your goddess Gaia as their surpreum deities those who refuse to grovel to you and kiss your feet and leave you offerings of money? GO JUMP IN A LAKE AND TAKE GAIA WITH YOU YOU FALSE GODAND CON-MAN

  22. So many who have little understanding do not realise that to start assessing atmospheric changes which could lead to changes in climate one needs to have have qualifications and experience in the engineering sciences of thermodynamics, heat & mass transfer, fluid dynamics, reaction kinetics, process dynamics and control (which includes process measurements) as well as a good grounding in mathematics and statistics. You can find all these as chapters in the Chemical Engineering Handbook.
    I have yet to discover that ANY climate scientists has any understanding of these subjects. Try to ask a climate scientist about the Grashof number or the Prandtl number or the Schmidt number (Dr Gavin Schmidt of NASA-GISS admitted he did not know what it was or of its use)
    I hope that my answers to the poll put some doubt in the mind of the researcher to at least look into a copy of the Chemical Engineering Handbook at his university. The lies and stupid output of those who call themselves “climate scientists” have given science and technology a bad name.

  23. Just got notification from landlord that Earth Hour is this Saturday.
    Make sure everybody turns their lights ON between 8:30 and 9:30 p.m. to give Gaia a message.

  24. Thanks for reminding us,I had forgotten about EH!
    I just bought a new energy efficient big screen TV so,like the Indian Chiefs,I can watch HNIC (Saturday 4PM- 10PM) without wearing my glasses. Do I qualify for some sort of environmental award?
    Last year,I’m pleased to report,on my block, the only house that was dark during EH was one where the owners were not home, off running their restaurant where they probably kept the lights on,too.

  25. “glad you are more intelligent than the 16 Nobel laureates who said human-created climate change is the biggest threat to human life”
    They were wrong about Global Warming, which ended 18 years ago, and rebranding it as Climate Change doesn’t make them any righter.

  26. Yes don’t forget to light a lamp to remember the unfortunate of the world who can only wish they had electricity to make light.

  27. Until my so-called carbon footprint reaches 1/1000th of that of Gore & Suzuki (which will never happen) – they and the rest of the libturds can byte-me.

  28. I have a master’s degree and I didn’t have any qualms about messing up his research. It that passes for research for a graduate degree then we are all doomed. His advisers should be taken out and shot for allowing that to go out.

  29. Joe Conservative [sic], we owe it to higher education to provide accurate information to that college senior. She is unlikely to have heard rational arguments on campus.
