11 Replies to “Radio Free Pony”

  1. Does this now mean that we can no longer call Justin the Shiny Pony and now have to refer to him as “Starlight Glimmer”?

  2. Lol…”Comrade Stalin Glitter”…gotta love spell check when a Trudeau is involved…Mother Corp making sure that no disparaging remarks are allowed thru…???

  3. Screw you Lance!
    JFC – Little Ponies?!?! What next? Smurfs? GAH…CareBears…???
    Hork! spit!
    It is my conviction that these obnoxious cartoons are micro aggressions that encourage discrimination against white men with triple digit IQs and work ethics. I feel threatened to the point of nausea by these awful, awful characters and need to seek a safe place where my feelings won’t be hurt by callous cretinous cartoons!
    If anyone needs me I will be over at David Thompson’s. That boy knows how to look after those of us with fragile dispositions and esoteric tastes…

  4. Finally, a legit reason to watch My Little Pony.
    Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

  5. That article is a brony trap! DO NOT READ. Lance is just looking for brony converts.

  6. In so far as to how liberals think today you would be bang on.
    Brandon Morse was describing Soviet Marxism to a T.

  7. So I went to one of the brony pages (adjacent to the asshole of the internet) to see if any of them were clued into this.
    Nope still a bunch of idiotic degenerates. Hopefully it will leave a tiny spark in the youngsters.
