12 Replies to “Weep Ye at Their Sorrows”

  1. Madison E. Johnson, my dear child, you should be singing from the rooftops that you are in a ‘safe space’.
    Moreover, you need to ‘toughen up’ and up your game…wallowing in ‘sturm und drang’ self pity isn’t going to cut it.
    The late 150 students of Garissa University in Kenya would literally DIE to be in your ‘privileged place’.
    You need to weep, good! Start with the students half a world away…at least that is worth weeping about.
    Peasall sisters – Where no one stands alone
    Once I stood in the night with my head bowed low
    In the darkness as black as the sea
    And my heart was afraid and I cried,
    Oh Lord, don’t hide your face from me.
    Hold my hand all the way, every hour, every day
    From here to the great unknown
    Take my hand, let me stand
    Where no one stands alone.
    Like a king, I may live in a palace so tall
    With great riches to call my own
    But I don’t know a thing in this whole wide world
    That’s worse than being alone.
    Hold my hand all the way, every hour, every day
    From here to the great unknown
    Take my hand, let me stand
    Where no one stands alone…
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  2. I chuckle at the bubble kid mentality of this pathetic creature – Im so glad the cloistered group of SJWs are programmed with self destruct mechanisms, means less to mop up when tshtf.

  3. It was so much simpler in the old days. Every time drips like her wanted to beat a retreat, they created their own little happy lands by smoking a joint or two and emptying the refrigerator.

  4. Imagine this spoiled witch (that could be a typo) trying to raise children (she won’t) and holding down a 50-hour/week job (she won’t), plus commute (on mass transit?? she won’t) and actually having clients or customers and (OMG) co-workers…she won’t. She will be under qualified to ask. “Would you like fries with that.” But since daddy is popping for the tuition, it is unlikely she’ll ever have to work. She will just be a contemporary “Valley Girl” driving her Beemer to see her shrink twice each week, being serviced by the gardener and ending up a wine-guzzling, pill-popping wasteland. ☺ Pathetic little twerp.

  5. Hans, for whatever reason society has replaced that safe space with the illusions social justice komsomol of emptiness.
    CAS, this empty human is in the mold of the Canadian Senate Page Brigette DePape with her Stop Harper sign and US snowflake Sandra Fluke. Angry emptiness.

  6. Eco-FReakos want to take humanity back to a primative exitence becuase their strict diets of nuts and berries have effected their brrains cuasing ireversable brain shrinkage from normal human size to pea size and they have all probibly watched AVATAR 2000 times or more

  7. So she wants a place where she can go to express her views, and be around like-minded individuals. When I attended little old U of S decades ago, they had a similar program in place. It was called “Making Friends”.
    ‘Course, the prerequisite was that you actually had to be interested in other people, even those outside your bubble.

  8. .. And yet she’ll be just qualified enough for a six figure government job paid for by transferring wealth from those she hates the most: straight, white males.

  9. If she was deaf, she could be Obama’s receptionists. Oh that’s already taken. Then maybe she could be an interpreter if they hired a deaf interpreter for the deaf receptionist. Isn’t it a lovely world?
