Bureaucrats are ruining childhood

We used to call it playing outside, now it has to be called “free range parenting” just to stop the cops from taking your kids away – except that doesn’t work does it.
That and much more on the latest Blazecast.

12 Replies to “Bureaucrats are ruining childhood”

  1. In my old neighbourhood (rural) the local elementary school was a mile or so down the road.
    The school had a whack of “strip development” alongside.
    ALL the kids HAD to ride the school bus…..including the kid who lived next door….who was not allowed to go home for lunch.
    Apparently this was an edict from the school board….who also banned ANY soccer, running or tag during recess.
    Back in the day, in Grade 1, I walked the mile and a half to the one room school. Alone! No older siblings except in the morning. Grade 1 was sent home at 3…..the rest at 4.

  2. Thank Gaia that the government got these kids back indoors and in front of the safety of a computer screen where they belong! Another 30 minutes of fresh outdoor air and adventure and those kids may have started responding with independent thought and reasoning ….

  3. Our grammer school still allows the kids to go outside and play a playground area with swings,slide and monkey bars and a baseball area i havnt heard if they have Mechelle Obamas goverment mandated diets yet

  4. We are well on the way to becoming a nation of weenies afraid of their own shadows and fearful that some busybody might misinterpret our motives when it comes to our children. One phone call to child protection services and it will be up to you to prove your innocence. To prove you are a responsible parent as well as having to prove you are aware of any inherent risk by leaving your children unattended. The bureaucratic gods will give you a lecture and warn you of penalties in case you dare to repeat your offence. There are no laws against what you did but they don’t need any. If, in their opinion, you did something they disapprove of, the bureaucracy will side with them and you have no recourse unless you take it to court. Then it’s a gamble that you get a judge with common sense. Meanwhile your kids are in purgatory and don’t understand what they did wrong , or what mommy and daddy did wrong. Bureaucratic gods don’t like to be challenged or to have their power trips questioned because the know what’s best for your children. Even if they have none of their own, because they took a course in college or on line that elevates their status above mere parents and as a bureaucrat they feel the power of control. No one gave them that power but abuse now encompasses things we would have laughed at 2 generations ago. Bit by bit it spreads out because it goes unchallenged. It’s easier to abide than to buck the murky system that could have some busybody making a phone call and have the neighbors talking about your parenting skills, or lack thereof. It’s nanny state by a thousand cuts. Have you noticed that kids have access to a 1 800 number in case they feel your parental control is harsher than they like ? So much more, but one thing’s for certain. Land of the free does not apply to us. It applies to the bureaucrats that limit freedom to what they feel we should have. At the rate we are losing control, just imagine how many more freedoms we will lose over the next 40 years. But of course it will be for our own good. Think of the children. Tried riding your bike without a helmet lately ? Enjoying a smoke on a park bench ? Playing with real lawn darts ? Seen a playground with real jungle gyms like we grew up with ?. Nanny is watching and nanny is the bureaucracy.

  5. What people still don’t get is that, when a Neo-Marxist like Hillary Clinton made her famous quote, “It takes a village to raise a kid.”, she actually meant it. You parents can stand down, because the village will decide what’s best for your kids. The village will decide what you will learn about and what you won’t. The village will put on computers and TV what the village thinks is best for your kid. The village will parent your kids when they’re in their rooms at night alone with their smart phones, not to worry. The village will raise your kid, you can go off and do what ever, no worries, the village will be there. Who are you to question the village, your just two parents, the village knows what’s best. The village will raise your kid, right under your eyes!

  6. Melissa Hyphenated-Noviewer wondered aloud when they could finally take kids from parents to truly educate them and raise them.
    If you think the stuff about childhood is bad, wait until you see what they have planned for families and marriage….. Oh. Right.

  7. “It takes a village to raise a child.”
    Never let that be said without pointing out that it takes whole families living their own lives to make a village.


  9. But, of course!
    If you make sure the kids are raised as fragile snowflakes, they grow up to be perfect progressive democrats, who want the government to criminalize anything that might make them feel a little insecure!

  10. cje…ya nailed it.!
    Safety of their computers no less…!! So that deviants Like Kathleen Whynne can groom them such that other deviants like Benjamin Levin can prey upon them.
    What a sick F’d Up society we have become.
    Progressive Politically Correct Diverse Gender Neutral eunuchs…the end result.
