17 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Any crumbs to make Harper look bad will be pounced upon while perverts and deviants get a free ride. In order to get the control craved by the socialist masses they will fight anyone that holds control in policies they disagree with. The very idea that someone with religious and moral standards contrary to their own vision is in charge and shaping policies just drives them nuts. They don’t really know what they want but they know it can’t be dictated by anyone that puts the wellbeing of the nation in front of their personal views. That’s what happens when everyone is a special snowflake raised to believe their view of nirvana is being ignored and the media caters to the path of least resistance. Much easier also when the media has little competition and can smell more money in a different political party, rather than cut backs from the party in power. Any cause the right considers logical must be fought tooth and nail simply because it’s not a cause that the left embraces. Duffy is only important because he’s linked to Harper. Levine is not. That’s all. If Levine had ever even spoken to Harper the difference in reporter turnout would be remarkable. But he’s a Liberal. One of their own, so not many crumbs to pounce on. Keep the spotlight on Duffy. He knew Harper.

  2. On Evan Solomon Power & Politics it seemed Michael Coren was bucking for a job with CBC. He was the Liberal foil to a man upset with the Liberal education grooming policy. Coren was actually defending the curriculum. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

  3. Well said.
    Tewchip, Coren was already going over to the dark side for quite while before SunNews shut down. I had already quit watching him during the winter.
    Brian, keep up the good work.

  4. Levin’s sentencing hearing is going on now. He’s expected to get at least two years in the pen. I have only two words to wish: gen pop.

  5. He means the penalty phase of the trial. Even when you cop a plea you are still on trial until sentence is served.
    Levin’s sentencing portion was delayed as per the usual pedophile tactic of searching any and all avenues to reduce the sentence.

  6. Gave Coren a lot of credit over the years, but I once heard him giving big praise to the late Christopher Hitchens. (You know, the type who picks on deceased saintly nuns, and who attacked Oriana Fallaci, because she refused to reveal her private audience with Pope Benedict, prior to her death by cancer?).

  7. Well i wonder if the late Chris Hitchens is regretting his arrogant rejection of a higher authority then his own the same to the late Carl Segan who came up with that COSMOS and STAR Poppycock

  8. Glad to see these comments as I thought I was imagining it. There definitely was a shift in his thinking in a few areas that caused me to shake my head in disbelief.

  9. Part of the media viciousness over Duffy is the outrage that one of their own had the audacity to go over to the Other Side (Conservative, common sense, that sort of thing). I remember how Duff used to seem evenhanded compared to so many other pundits. Who knows, he may even have said some things as a pundit that did not toe the Media Party line. There are senators (and MPs) with worse spending records, but the Duff is viewed as a traitor by the msm band of hyenas, and must be dealt with accordingly.

  10. Good point “first timer”, though we always new the media was jealous of the perks of members anyway. I always liked Duff’s commentary, and as a rule, he was honest in his reportage.

  11. In addition, the Mike Duffy story is one of national news whereas Levin, whose crimes are more distateful was not a national figure.

  12. True, but Rob Ford was not a national figure, either, and the msm had no problem covering anything negative about him and placing it on national news. It is because of the Conservative affiliation. Ford was mayor of our largest city; Levin was heavily involved with education in our largest province. The coverage has not been equal.

  13. True, but Rob Ford was not a national figure, either, and the msm constantly was on the hunt to broadcast nationally any negative tidbit they could find about him. It is because of the conservative affiliation. Ford was mayor of our largest city, and Levin was heavily involved with a controversial curriculum in our largest province. The coverage has not been equal.

  14. Sorry; the first post did not show up for a few minutes, and I thought it had been lost in the clouds.
