15 Replies to ““ISIS is getting its ass kicked by the Kurds.””

  1. True, but the Kurds have air support, at least they did in Kobani. I suspect without it they would have lost Kobani to ISIS.

  2. No surprise. Arabs can’t fight. Ask the Israelis. They’re only good at martyrdom. Why do you think they use suicide vests?

  3. Perhaps if the Americans won’t ship arms to the Kurds, they should ask Russia and China if they’re interested in helping out.

  4. Dear Kurds,
    You have friends in America. Unfortunately they are not the ones running the country. Trust no one. Ask the Israelis.
    Good luck !

  5. The biggest problems facing the Kurds is that they have no friends willing to step in on their behalf. The shia and sunni both hate them and any alliance would probably be short lived. Turkey is watching with interest and self interest in the hope that the kurds are destroyed while providing a handy buffer zone in keeping the most destructive rabble from their own border. ISIS is a threat that Turkey is quite confident it can deal with if its border is penetrated but the Kurds have been a thorn in their side for many generations, so they will sit back and watch the Kurds bleed without providing any assistance. Kurds will only protect and fight for areas in close proximity to their homeland and can’t defeat ISIS on their own. They aren’t even trying. They only want to keep ISIS away from their own turf while keeping a close eye on their real enemy, which is Turkey. Nothing would make Turkey happier than to see the Kurds eliminated completely. There’s many parallels between Israel and the Kurds but the threat to both is nothing new for either one. A country threatened with annihilation will always provide superior fighters.

  6. Saying ISIS is getting its as@ kicked by the Kurds is like saying that flea is bringing the elephant to its knees. Methinks Totten’s brain is getting fried from too much sun.

  7. You may be right as ISIS has been expanding into western Syria and has taken some more villages and territory there. Lose some territory to the Kurds and take some elsewhere.
    It would probably be good for the region if the Kurds could carve out and establish another state in the region which could act as a collector for Kurds that might want to leave Turkey, Syria, and from other countries.

  8. “……the Kurds could carve out and establish another state in the region ….”
    And that is precisely the Kurds biggest problem. Turks, Arabs and Persian’s are terrified of that prospect. All are natural, historic enemies of each other but regard Kurds as subhuman…..like Jews.

  9. Muslim Kurds are supposed to be our heroes? They are Muslims! They will get around to cutting our throats when they are not so busy.

  10. Funny how the people running the American government show a cosistent inability to recognize the difference between winners and losers. They backed South Vietnam. They propped up a Northern Alliance so-called leader in Afghanistan and now we find out that they are tying the Kurds’ hands behind their backs. Recognize these people as a nation, arm them and finance them. Let them kick the bejesus out of ISIS and send them back where they came from.
    Why would you give money and arms to Baghdad? The last bunch of stuff was abandoned to the the ISIS forces without a fight. Why waste time with this buch of useless tits?

  11. Meanwhile ISIS is moves within 60 miles of Baghdad as a couple more towns fall to them. Hard to get really concerned about these areas as Iran and Saudi Arabia fight it out with their proxies.
    The Kurds are different. They have a strong ethnic identity and their struggle has survived decades of opposition. I spent a evening talking to a Kurdish fellow at a dinner. Very intelligent and very committed to a independent Kurdish homeland. You will see, we will prevail. This dinner was before Saddam was deposed!

  12. It’s funny how the friends of the American people across the pond, England (I don’t include Scotland on purpose), Israel, the Kurds, Poland, etc…, are not the ‘friends’ of the Obama administration.

  13. Basically this is just a process of correction of the blunders of the Versailles process post WW1.
    That convention screwed up the Balkans bigtime and even created an orphan Czecho-Slovakia which has now become the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Palestine/Syria/Iraq is another legacy of that process.
    It seems every instance of the Versailles convention redrawing maps/borders, they planted the seeds of conflict.
