It’s Probably Nothing

ISIS is operating a camp just a few miles from El Paso, Texas, according to Judicial Watch sources that include a Mexican Army field grade officer and a Mexican Federal Police Inspector.
The exact location where the terrorist group has established its base is around eight miles from the U.S. border in an area known as “Anapra” situated just west of Ciudad Juárez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. Another ISIS cell to the west of Ciudad Juárez, in Puerto Palomas, targets the New Mexico towns of Columbus and Deming for easy access to the United States, the same knowledgeable sources confirm.

Just a 20 hour drive from Minneapolis!

h/t Davers6

26 Replies to “It’s Probably Nothing”

  1. I’m thinking if ISIS attacks a small town in Texas it may go a bit different for them than when they attack one in Syria.
    Just sayin’.

  2. Justin Trudeau should send Canadian immigration legal representative to Mexico so they can discover the ISIS terrorists “root causes.”
    You know-
    Sort of a ‘Welcome Wagon’ to help them readjust, and offer much better living locations/conditions in Canada..

  3. During WW11 the Japs contemplated invading California. One of the brass nixed the idea, claiming “in the United States, behind every tree there is a gun”.
    I suggest that applies to Texas as well.

  4. “More British Muslims have joined Islamist militant groups than serve in Britain’s armed forces.”
    I’d rather the British (and other) Muslims join Islamist militants groups than have them join my army.

  5. The japs did violently invade the Phillippines, D-Day style, slaughtering civilians. After liberation by the Americans a study was done of Phillipino collaborators. Guess what, it was the wealthy and the celebrities who flung themselves at the feet of the savage murderous invaders and promised to do anything as long as they could retain some of their privilege and luxury.

  6. If ISIS attacks a Texas town I agree that Texans would fight back hard. The Obama regime would likely send in that “civilian force”, the ones now training against “terrorist” attacks in populated areas, to shut them down.
    The Texans that is.
    It should be obvious to all right now that Obama truly is on the other side.

  7. Obviously it is just an unfortunate coincidence that the push to let anyone and everyone into the US (with full funding/medicare etc) comes at a time when ISIS fighters might infiltrate, spread out, and attack only when the number of fighters is huge. They’ll all get free Obama phones and the chance to vote Democrat too.!

  8. It might be appropriate here to remind everyone that Mad Tom doesn’t see any domestic threats from ISIS. Move along folks. BTW, they have bumper stickers in Texas that read “We don’t use 911”. I hope this doesn’t go badly for our new neighbors.

  9. This is an interesting revelation and not in the least surprising.
    Rich @ 9:23 is onto something there. This might all be part of the Muslim Brotherhood coalition plan.

  10. It’s also interesting, and certainly just coincidental, that the US gov’t purchased millions upon millions of rounds in pistol calibers for use by federal agencies. Also curious was the erratic shortages of 5.56 ammo in recent years and the reclassification of some ammo for that calibre effectively cutting access to abundant, inexpensive supplies.

  11. Terrorists training camps here in america and most likley lots of nerecrutes flooding accross the border that Obama wants He is a Terrrorists and a traitor IMPEACH OBAMA NOW RRAAWWKK

  12. After much analysis, 9-11 was described by experts as “a failure of American imagination”, meaning we couldn’t imagine ANYBODY crazy enough to take flying lessons in order to kill themselves by flying planes into tall buildings to kill us infidels.
    I genuinely fear we are now facing another failure of American imagination, specifically that Islamic terrorists who entered from Mexico IN LARGE NUMBERS stage a well-coordinated attack in multiple cities at the same time on the same day, leading to the Obama administration declaring a national emergency and MARSHALL LAW / a giant “national lockdown” ( for “the children” an our own safety, of course) … and the timing of this will be on ELECTION DAY Nov. 2016 OR very near the January 2017 inauguration of a NEW President … and this “national emergency” will of course REQUIRE that the current president and his administration remain in power “until calm has been restored and the perpetrators have been apprehended” (for the children” and our own safety, of course).
    OK, today I sound certifiably paranoid (as anybody who described 9-11 the week before it happened would have sounded) …but Obama IS a traitorous muslim ‘Manchurian candidate’ and terrorists ARE getting in via Mexico … so stay tuned for the rest of how this scenario plays out in the months ahead.

  13. Good comment Davers6.
    That’s essentially how I always answer 9/11 troofers.
    A failure of imagination, gross incompetence and coverup of such, as opposed to an “inside job”.
    That is America’s Achilles heel: a belief that, with historical precedent, it’s all over there … somewhere …. not even locatable on a map.
    And what about that Muslim enclave in upstate NY.
    We don’t seem to hear about that anymore.
    Apparently they are “known to police” who are now completely brainwashed by PC.
    “Known to Police”. The Keystone Kop joke of the modern era.

  14. I doubt if anything in Texas would be a target. The state is perfect for launching into all other directions N. E. W. with supply routes coming from the south by water and mexico through a porous border.
    They would leave Texas in small groups with pre determined targets which are already infiltrated with operatives and probably have been for months. It’s not the ones training outside the borders of Texas that pose the real threat.I would suspect that to be a diversion. Draw attention to the obvious. It’s the ones that are already trained and are nowhere to be seen that pose the real hazard. Since profiling is not politically correct, it will make it that much more difficult to catch them even if the authorities suspect the same theory I have. They will have learned not to use cell phones or anything that can be traced. Most will be indistinguishable from Mexican immigrants. All they will have in the way of information is the objective of their own small group and the time/date of their launch.
    At least Canada will be relatively safe as there are much bigger targets throughout the USA with a far bigger bang for the buck. Although the Toronto transit authority should be worried a bit and the Lions gate bridge in Vancouver coming down would be a very news worthy event. Just speculating and not under estimating a savage enemy with time and patience on their hands. I still maintain that a good education has no bearing on intelligence. We should be able to dismiss or verify that theory some time this year. If I’m right it will also prove that these people have absolutely no respect for our anti bullying laws. That will really upset a lot of our social engineers.

  15. Agree-
    I have a feeling that an attack will come, and it will be such a shock that Oblame-Ammo will no longer be around to declare Martial Law.
    His ass will be impeached because the American people will demand it, but that will be too late.
    Many combat veterans have shared with me that the soft underbelly of our undefended, no guns allowed public schools,
    will become prime targets.

  16. Guess whom they will use it against?

    The Department of Homeland Security is set to purchase over 62 million rounds of ammo typically used in AR-15 semi-automatic rifles,
    just weeks after the ATF was forced to back down on a ban on M-855 bullets.
    Where in the hell are they storing all this ammo?
    434,000 pounds, 217 tons of ammo.

  17. “a failure of American imagination”,
    Except Tom Clancy foresaw it. His suicidal pilot character had the honor to at least not include a plane load of innocent passengers. He also wrote Teeth of the Tiger, which sounds a lot like this scenario.
    We’ve been lucky that our enemies have been relatively incompetent, with a few exceptions.
    But it only takes One Exception.

  18. Isokura Yamamoto, fabled WW2 IJN combined Fleet admiral was quoted as saying:
    “Invasion of the United States is impossible. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.”
    It is hard to predict how effective a Texas community would be against a surprise attack by merciless, cruel, implacable attackers, indifferent to death. This is 2015 not 1862….Consider the marked difference between well trained green troops versus battle-hardened veterans. Walter Mitty doesn’t long survive under fire.

  19. sasquatch, America has already been invaded. all this talk about fighting back and how dangerous it would be for an invader is just bunk. there are now millions of illegals in America who do not give a damn about the country or the people. the p c mindset that we see here in Canada is rampant in the u.s. and hiding will be the main activity when an attack occurs. as one poster said, anyone shooting back at an attacker would be in more danger than the attacker because of the p. c. nonsense that passes as thought these days. I made the point some time ago that while americans have the right to carry guns under the second amendment so do the undocumented enemies of the u.s. who are currently in the u.s.

  20. So basically we agree that current Texas Towns lack the spirit of Northfield Minnesota when the James/Younger showed up.

  21. Northfield’s population was mostly swedish immigrants and most of the men were civil war veterans. The james/younger gang had no idea what they had bitten off and paid dearly for their ignorance. I like to think Texas is still a bit like that. The only question is how much damage the bad guys can inflict before they meet their virgins. I doubt if these cells expect to survive and will gladly sacrifice themselves for Islam. That’s our disadvantage , we have rules and respect life. They don’t.
