26 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. I half-heard this report and didn’t quite believe or comprehend. So, it is true! Trudeau is quite willing to whore with the Dippers as long as there wasn’t an adult in charge of them.

  2. Peterj: Re: The asteroid hitting the earth!
    Scientists say there is a chance of it smashing into the planet, though it is expected to fly past.
    “It has a 0.00055 per cent cumulative chance that it will hit,” Judit Györgyey-Ries, astronomer at the University of Texas, told astrowatch.net.
    Slim odds!! About the same odds as Elizabeth May become PM of Canada!!

  3. “Slim odds!! About the same odds as Elizabeth May become PM of Canada!!”
    And equally as devastating.

  4. AGW RIP.
    “Controversy over ‘incontrovertible’
    The roots of the conflict can be traced to 2007, when the APS released a statement on climate change stating, “The evidence is incontrovertible: Global warming is occurring.””
    “Physicists Battle over Meaning of Incontrovertible in Global Warming Fight
    A semantic fight causes American Physical Society to change statement on climate change”

  5. Of Liberal Wynnetario & ex-buddy Ben Levin.
    “Sex-ed protest: Hundreds of parents rally at Queen’s Park”
    “Hundreds and hundreds of parents and politicians alike hit Queen’s Park Tuesday to protest the Ontario Liberal government’s new sex education curriculum”
    “Ben Levin sentencing: Day Two”
    “This morning, the Crown requested that disgraced former Ontario Deputy Minister of Education Ben Levin serve three years and six months for counseling a person to commit an assault, and creating and possessing child pornography.”

  6. PET Cemetery Report: Of Liberal Wynnetario, Benny, and Selfie.
    “Trudeau’s visit to the Paramount eatery quickly turned into a mega ‘selfie’”.
    “Amid cheers from his Mississauga team, he also baked some pita bread in the oven.”
    “Sex-ed for Trudeau: Concerned parents track Liberal leader”
    “A group of parents then approached Trudeau and asked him to convince the Ontario government to reverse its decision on sex-ed in the provincial schools curriculum.
    “We understand (sex-ed curriculum) is a provincial matter, but our voice is not being heard here,” said Eileen Lu, who was leading the group of Mississauga-based parents. “We came here to request Justin Trudeau to influence over the Liberal Party here in Ontario.”
    The Liberal leader reiterated that it’s a provincial issue, but promised to pass their concerns on to the Kathleen Wynne government.”
    Great Leader and pals:

  7. Peter, that was hilarious, I watched a couple more after than. Reminds me of my student days.

  8. How to gain power without having the bother of winning an election: just usurp voting power using the unelected in academia, the media, and the now megalomaniac Supreme Court:
    “Quebec town can’t have prayers at council meetings, top court rules.”
    One person complained, but apparently all those who had no problems with prayer before town council meetings can be disenfranchised, by order of our progressive overlords. Why would the SCOC even hear such a case? For answer, refer to statement above.
    Remember: humans affect the climate, nature balances budgets. free enterprise “didn’t build that,” governments create jobs. Make vaping illegal to keep it out of the hands of kids. Legalize marijuana to keep it out of the hands of kids. As long as the triumvirate progressive overloads agree with something, it’s automatically good. That’s what must be ended this October – the confiscation of wealth and innovation, the approximately right, in favour of statism, the precisely wrong.
