Renegade Regulator

Restore CSA;

We are pleased to announce that PS Knight Co Ltd, the owner of RestoreCSA, has published the latest edition of the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC). The CEC is the body of electrical law that is enforced in every province and territory in Canada and is passed into law Federally for enforcement on Federal lands.
For two decades, the only way to access electrical law in Canada was through the Canadian Standards Association. That just changed.


9 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. other firms have surrendered to CSA in the hope that by making protection payments they’ll please their enemies and somehow make friends out of them. It hasn’t worked.
    Now where have I heard that before?

  2. Interesting to see that Moore sided with CSA. But then Moore seems to like useless monopolies.

  3. Now will Moore eat his humble pie?
    This seems like a great success for the RestoreCSA group, a David and Goliath situation. Congrats (for now).
    Next can we tackle some Provincial ‘ministries’ that seem to have forgotten the ‘public servant’ role, and want to ‘rule’ over us?
    I can dream.

  4. Now will Moore eat his humble pie?
    This seems like a great success for the RestoreCSA group, a David and Goliath situation. Congrats (for now).
    Next can we tackle some Provincial ‘ministries’ that seem to have forgotten the ‘public servant’ role, and want to ‘rule’ over us?
    I can dream.

  5. No, the CWB is privatized and must enter a competitive market and survive on its merits. The CSA should not be given that opportunity, it should be dissolved.

  6. So should we look for the “UL” or Underwriters Laboratories symbol?
    If ‘CSA approved’ is more meaningless advertising, then it would seem to make sense to simply avoid any product playing that game?

  7. James Moore is one “conservative” that I wouldn’t mind seeing out the door in the fall.
