Wildrose Country

Fool me once:

The Mainstreet Technologies automated phone survey of 3,121 Alberta voters conducted on April 13 shows the Wildrose and NDP in a statistical tie for first place at 31 per cent and 30 per cent support among decided voters, respectively.
The Tories are in third place with 24 per cent, while the Liberals come in at 10 per cent, and the Alberta Party at five per cent in the survey.

41 Replies to “Wildrose Country”

  1. Looks like the pc’s are splitting into their true colours, The ndp is picking up the lefty pc’s voters (majority) andthe wild rose is gaining the few true conservative votes that were still in the pc tent.
    Lets unite the right manning said, lets bring the right under one tent prentice and smith said..lol
    Pc’s are finished this election. But now you will see just how many commie socialist there actually are in alberta. And i bet its alot more than most think and no i dont think its because they moved here Thats part of it, but Its about unions and protecting jobs both in gov and outside gov like fat contracts with gov.
    Anyway if wild rose doesn’t win a majority conservatism in alberta is officially dead. And we will be finished as a nation. there will be no justice, only hate crimes, discrimination, ect ect for those who dont speak the right language. the ndp will destroy this province in 1 term.

  2. Paul, sadly, you might well be right. The socialist hydra has penetrated everywhere.

  3. Ken i was at our local wrp memeber luch meet and greet and i met more global warming beleivers than the nay sayers. And the candidate is a true conservative…lol seriously she doesn’t buy into the global warming crap. But here they are yapping on about in the wild rose party. the socialists and communist and marxists and eco fascist progressives are in every party. We are finished folks!!

  4. Wow. NDP tied with Wildrose for first place on any issue in Alberta of all places is truly scary. Lets hope it is just a protest fad against current Alberta government policies that will fade away come election time.

  5. Wildrose was consistently ahead in the polls during the last election, too (although both parties’ internal polling showed the WR lead collapsing over the weekend before the election). I’ll believe the PCs are out when they’re out. Expecting the PCs to get REALLY ugly over the next two weeks.

  6. Unfortunately Paul, there is a large chunk of the population that is ill informed on the details of global warming. I had a conversation with my father-in-law a few weeks ago about it. He’s a smart guy, conservative, president of the chamber of commerce, retired from a CEO position for an agricultural firm. Yet he had never heard of climategate, didn’t know who Anthony Watts or Steve McIntyre were, hadn’t heard anything about the 18 year pause, the tampering of data…nothing. The only information he had about it was from the evening news. It wasn’t something he was interested in, so he just accepted it as being true. Unfortunately, the mainstream media still has a good chunk of captive audience that they can lie to and influence. Take for example Fox News. It’s regularly mocked or derided by progressives and liberals as being a “Republican Propaganda Machine”. Yet these same idiots will then turn on ABC, NBC, and CBS and not ever realize that these three channels are more of a “Democrat Propaganda Machine” than Fox News is a “Republican Propaganda Machine”. They accept as fact everything they hear on these networks, yet question everything on Fox News as having a hidden agenda.

  7. We’ll see. The NDP will likely do fine in Edmonton and maybe Lethbridge West but that’s it. They aren’t winning anywhere else. With Wildrose, I am just not sure where they win outside of the central and southern rural ridings. Maybe NW and SE Calgary? Seems like a massive uphill climb.
    I’ll be voting for the Wildrose guy in Calgary Glenmore but, sadly, he has no chance. Seems like a good guy as well.

  8. …and an un-elected “premier” has been and will continue to make all the decisions until an election is held.

  9. Joel you obviously don’t understand Westminster Parliamentary tradition. The present premier of Alberta is legitimately the premier and will continue to be the legitimate premier until he is defeated in a general election or drops dead or resigns. He did not need to call this election and his calling it shows he has been hanging Joe Clark for too long.

  10. “hanging around Joe Clark”
    …and we all remember the damage he did with the devil you know statement which got the Cons instead of Reform.
    Don’t discount voter stupidity and fear.

  11. Pete
    Do you think you turned a light on for your father-in-law, or does he seem to continue “believing”?

  12. There are three things I see happening with a NDP socialist government.
    #1- end of any kind of free speech. Only PC approved speech will be allowed. The HRC will be expanded to capture all free speakers.
    #2- TAX increases, that will make Prentice look like an amature.
    #3 Green scheme fiasco galore.
    FYI, I have mailed a letter regarding donating to Wildrose. Two conditions, one if the WRA is for AGW then no money. Other is property rights. No answer on either one so far.

  13. Does the Wildrose party even have a leader at this point? I have been hanging up on their auto-beg calls.

  14. Alberta’s population was 2.6 million in 1993. Now, it’s 4.2 million.
    The Alberta that I used to know is still there, but it’s been swamped. It lives on in Wildrose. What caught my interest from the 2012 results was the big overlap between what Wildrose won and what was left to Social Credit in 1971. The province has purpled.
    I doubt Wildrose will crack 40%. However, if Calgary is willing to put the blame for the last 10 years of misrule where it properly belongs and if there is sufficient distaste there for being obviously played by Prentice’s calculated maneuverings, then Wildrose might fashion a slim majority.
    Reading comment threads over the weekend, regardless of the news source, there’s zero love for either Prentice or his party. The PC’s margin of majority lies in scaring the bejeezus out of enough fence-sitters into holding their noses.
    I am happy to see Brian Jean has learned something from Tim Hudak, or any other failed milquetoast conservative for that matter. Accepting your opponents frame is a sure loser, it’s better to go down swinging.

  15. Alberta voters need to decide if they want a government with a province or a province with a government.

  16. I heard Katz was getting his cheque book out.
    Is there any comparable between the way the Oilers are ran and the province?

  17. Alberta born and raised here, dang few of my contemporaries would vote NDP. Must be them danged imported “bums and creeps”.

  18. I’d say our conversation definitely had an impact on him. He was especially pensive when I mentioned how all of the “solutions” that get pushed seem to be nothing more than a tax on energy consumption. If it were truly such a crisis, why wouldn’t we immediately cease importing anything and everything made in China, since it is Chinese factories consuming Chinese coal-generated electricity that is the number one contributor of CO2 output? And why do all these highly concerned AGW speakers, activists and scientists fly around the world attending conferences in exotic locales when they could save a ton of fuel (and CO2) by videoconferencing?

  19. I have a brother who has lived half his 50 years in Alberta.
    Love him but…
    He liked Redford until she was exposed.
    Likes Prentice because of fear of the Wildrose Party.
    Love Obama? Despite failures.
    Hates Trudeau.
    Hope he votes federally…last provincial election was 1st time ever.
    Supported Redford.
    Sad…he is a bright guy led by the media.
    Another brother that lives there despairs about the (liberal) PC party. Hope he votes everytime.

  20. The result of elections in Alberta are uncertain.
    Prentice is a rather smart guy, though seems to steer toward socialist way at times.
    He told the crowd that they should look in the mirror in regards of government spending.
    He was right in this case. Who wanted all that free stuff from government? Are you kidding me?
    The two previous holders of the office squandered as much as they could. The idiot Stelmach and the queen Redford went for the socialist vote of the nurses and teachers running for the leadership.
    The media masturbators constantly rub LIV’s on how bad the school situation is, how the health care is a disaster, how Alberta is on way down to complete oblivion. Albertans never had it so good, though free stuff is free stuff.
    Albertans have been voting for the Progressive Conservatives, (henceforth Progressives) simply as a default situation, since the other parties are socialist more or less to hard socialist.
    Now of course that there is the Wild Rose, there is a new alternative, although Smith wanted to turn it into another
    Socialist party as it turned out.
    Right now, Wild Rose is jockeying here and there giving directives to candidates to sing the party line.
    In the riding right here, there is a person that nobody ever heard of running, they want people to vote for.
    This is the first time that option of sitting out the election is appealing.
    Whoever you vote for, you are screwed. Makes one want to scream “I can’t take it anymore”.
    Those polls are not really accurate, as other mentioned, the Edmonton is socialist since there are the paper pushers in their well supplied jobs that want to keep it that way.
    Lethbridge is very much the same, read somewhere that 40% of the working people in Lethbridge work for one of the governments. They vote socialist.
    Rest of the province is more conservative, though the immigration from the Eastern Canada, the Middle East and Asia is changing the politics toward socialists. People from third world countries love free stuff. They can’t believe their luck and how stupid the locals are.

  21. My $0.02. I have lived in Alberta for 38 of my 40 years. Voted WR last election.
    I think the most realistic solution we could hope for in Alberta this time around is a Minority PC government. WR did not make gains last time mostly because of concerns surrounding their experience. I don’t think much has changed – especially since Danielle’s traitorous actions. However there is considerably more anti-PC sentiment this time around.
    This could get interesting…

  22. The raw province wide numbers don’t tell the whole story.
    Wildrose owns essentially all of rural Alberta save the larger cities of red deer Lethbridge etc.
    And suburban Calgary is a count flip between wr and the PCs. The ndp are in the very urban parts of EDM and Cgy.
    My estimates put the wr at 30-35 seats, ndp 20-25, PCs 15-25, a few to the LP and 5-10 toss ups.
    If the perception firms up that the PCs will not win the most seats there is a significant possiblity that the of support disintegrates with the majority moving to the wr. Then the PCs could be reduced to single digits.
    Almost no chance of a majority.

  23. its only going to get interesting if WR runs candidates in every riding. there are still 8 ridings in Edmonton they don’t have a candidate. would love to vote for wr again but no candidate means I cant.

  24. When the low-info voters wake up to the fact an election is happening they’ll trudge off dutifully to the polls and vote PC as usual. The bus loads of seniors remembering good old Peter Lougheed will be coming in droves to cast their vote for the good old PC party.
    More technically…there are 25% of undecideds out there. They’ll prop up the PC’s at the last minute. It will be less a squeeze from right and left and more of a run up the middle. Wildrose will be lucky to keep what they’ve got after the PC hate machine fires up in week 4 of the campaign.
    Does it really matter though? As Paul_in_Calgary mentioned, the Wildrose is a weird cabal of anti-PC people. Many are not conservative at all and are appalled to learn that most supporters of Wildrose are hard-right wingers. Brian Jean gave $10,000 to Jim Prentice when he was running for PC leader only 9 months ago or so. The NDP don’t stand a chance here. They might win ten seats or whatever, but who cares?
    Prediction? I’ll give it to you even though my track record blows. (I thought Hudak would win and Danielle Smith would be on her third year as Premier)
    PC: 66
    Wildrose: 10
    NDP: 10
    Liberal: 2

  25. What’s not to like about Brian Jean?
    That he thinks Facebook is an appropriate venue to push politics. Facebook is a damned virus. And it’s owned by Commies.

  26. The only reason the Non Democratic Party is ahead in Edmonton and Calgary are all those union workers who are afraid that something might be done to stop them from their big six figure incomes [referring to the administrative staff … the front-line workers just get by with their income.] If not for the unions, they would be a spot on the map.

  27. Who would have thought? This is the town that has elected Nenshi twice. The demographic of people coming to Alberta/Canada for freebies all vote.

  28. The only question we have is how much resolve there is compared to how much fear there is. If everyone is resolved the vote will likely be a WR minority and an ND led opposition. If there is sufficient fear out there the PCs will pick up votes from the WR or the ND. If the NDs are looking very strong a number of WR will vote PC to keep the socialists out. If the WR is looking strong a number of NDs will vote PC to keep the neo cons out.

  29. One of Danielle Smith’s excuses for her treachery was the fear of the Libs and NDP winning by vote splitting on the right. If it happens, one can only blame these underhanded confederates for enraging enough people to cause it to happen. It’s like she taunted them with her excuse.
    It’s another example of “That what was feared the most has come to pass”.

  30. That’s what I said; “bums and creeps”, to steal a phrase from Ralph.
    Boy, he caught a LOT of flak for that comment, but he wasn’t calling ALL easterners bums and creeps, he was just saying that a lot of undesirable people follow the money to try to get a share by hook or by crook.
    I’m being a LOT more red-necked, calling left-wingnuts (the type who vote NDP) bums and creeps.
    The first time I voted, I voted Conservative, and Peter Loughheed booted out the Social Credit. I voted WR in the last 2 provincial elections, hoping for similar results.

  31. I have always considered Prentice a PC in the Joke Clark mould. A Red Tory, definitely left of centre. As far as I was concerned, when he ran for provincial PC leader, he carried that with him.
    Then, even after the defections, when he came out with his “proposed” budget, promising cuts, cuts and more cuts, I thought maybe he had got Religion.
    Then he came out with the real budget. Same old Red Tory crap. Like Redford and Stelmach, he’s a Liberal left-winger in Tory clothing.
    The ONLY choice we have for a right-of-centre party is Wildrose. ALL others are varying degrees of socialist.
    We’re screwed!

  32. Seriously. A poll. Ya saw that last time. And in BC. And in the federal election. Real estate agents and pollsters. My favorite people.

  33. Actually you do not have any decent choice if the current leader of Wildrose is actually a believer in the AGW fraud as some have suggested.

  34. Ab hasn’t been conservative since the Manning years. Just like the US -the progressive era hit with Roosevelt….Teddy not FDR.
    Ontario was ruled by progressive conservatives following WW11 for 42 uninterrupted years. 42 tears of constant growth. After Bill Davis well Miller actually came the ndp and Bob Rae. Things went south.
    Here in AB we went south without having to endure the ndp. Guess we might be in for a hard shot of reality. Prentice looks weak.

  35. I have a relative who works as an EA leech for a minister in the “PC” government. She proudly confesses she believes in Keynesian economics. Am I missing something here, or is there a Commie hiding in her closet?

    I will not vote for a Political Party that:
    Tells me it is MY FAULT we are in a financial Mess.
    Tells me they are NOT Cutting the one thing that desperately needs cutting – their own Public Service which happens to be at least 85% of their budget.
    Tells me I now make too much money and are therefore increasing my income tax.
    Tells me I now need to pay for so called Universal Healthcare.
    Tells me I now need to pay more for Alcohol (65% of which is already tax). OK Fair Enough…time to get back to making my own WINE with my single right hand middle finger RAISED in their general direction.
    Let those burn in HELL that promotre Socialism, Victimism, Progressivness, Political Correctness, Diversity, Global Warming, MultiCultural, Neutral Gender socialy engineered Govt/Lame Stream Media BS.
    ….I guess that makes me a slightly right of centre WildRose guy..??

  37. Well, I voted Wildrose last time, and it sure shook things up, so I’ll probably do it again.
