3 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: I’ll Miss The State Of Florida”

  1. That must be the wrong graph, because Premier Wynne told us that the reason for introducing ‘cap and trade’ was because of increasing “catastrophic” insurance claims. Then again this is just typical Liberal tactics, bait and switch, change the narrative when the facts don’t conform to the claims, or the BIG lie when all else fails. The voters in Ontario must be proud of this majority government as I don’t see any on-line petitions for recall. Pity help them in the next few years.

  2. probably lays over a sunspot cycle . hate when people try to put lines through a sine wave.

  3. Not to diminish any blame to Wynne’s Liberals, but the insurance industry has been pumping this catastrophic loss risk for years. They hope to profit from higher premiums under the guise of increased costs.
