43 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. I was just there. Personally, I’d rather pay the difference to go to the Dominican. One thing that I think gets ignored in all this is that some 80% of Cuba’s economy is fueled by tourism, and the tourist areas look very nice. Cuba goes to great lengths to make the tourist areas look and feel like the functioning capitalist areas tourists are used to in other countries.
    Get outside the tourist zones, though, and the fact that the place has been crumbling since 1961 becomes obvious.

  2. Cuba can trade with 199 countries. It cannot trade with 1 country. The dysfunctional economy has everything to do with the absolute failure of Stalinist economies and nothing to do with the United States. The primary issue the U.S. has with Cuba is compensation for seized property. Since Obama is a Marxist-Leninist what does he care about seizure of assets.

  3. All the chicks are whores, and “night soil” is a vegetable gardening commodity, Yay progressives.

  4. I know lots of people that have vacationed there. They are always surprised when I tell them why I will never visit, simply because I do not want my vacation dollars supporting a communist regime. I cease to be amazed at how many willlingly overlook this and are perfectly fine with travelling there.

  5. more amazing is the people that have no idea how 90% of the people live.
    there is a famous documentary by the erstwhile expert in everything , Dr. Fruitfly , expounding on the virtues of the Cuban agricultural system and sustainability , the fact that they cannot even feed their own people was never mentioned. that they collect $hit in buckets and spread it on their fields.(night soil as they do it at night) was hailed as a breakthrough , ( hey think Egypt 6000 years ago for that revelation )
    of course put on CBCpravda with great fanfare ,
    going to Cuban style agriculture would likely starve better than half the world.

  6. The cars may be obsolete from the 50s, but take a look at the building behind it … that’s workmanship from the stone age.

  7. Heh – Proglodyte think – if they think Cuba has rustic charm, they’ll love Detroit.

  8. It’s probably because, as Totten points out, the locals seem happy and friendly and if you never leave the tourista areas it really doesn’t look that bad. I was travelling with someone who speaks fluent Cuban Spanish who was doing humanitarian work, so we got to see rather more of the island than most tourists.
    I’d never been, and I wouldn’t go again, but I figured one more Canadian putting $900 in the coffers of the regime wasn’t likely to make much difference in the grand scheme of things and I wanted to see for myself.

  9. How quickly liberal have forgoten the CUBAN MISSLE CRISIS and the usial stupid liberal demacrats(Carter,Obama etc)act like the total idiots they are appease Castro and might i also add amounst the idiots Slick Willey and the ELIANS GOZALLAS incedent more proof liberal demacrats are scoundrels

  10. This supports the notion I’ve long had, namely that Leftists are mostly closet racists who view Blacks and Hispanics as “helpless little people” who are incapable of accomplishing much in life and need the help of The Left to get through life.

  11. Human petting zoos are just so fun and quaint — unless you’re the one caught in the cage.

  12. Always go twice a year.
    Always will.
    The people are nice -the food is yuck.
    Perhaps Obama will screw up a good thing.

  13. That battered old junker Buick reminds me a little of my late dad’s 1957 Dodge, except his car was practically new. He bought it slightly used, kept it a very short time and then traded it on a new ’59 Dodge with even larger tail fins. I have no idea why he didn’t follow the Cuban example and try to keep it running for the next 58 years . Maybe because he lived under our rapacious Canadian capitalist system and not in the socialist paradise that is Cuba. Go see it before we ruin it.

  14. The Liberal Left has always loved it’s poverty stricken black and brown cultures!
    It’s called cultural enrichment. The poorer and more desperate “they” are, the more culturally enriched the Liberal Left becomes.

  15. Strange.
    I didn’t know it was a Buick – thought is was an Oldsmobile. ??? I am guessing.
    Anyway, an old car with both the trunk and hood up and a guy (wiring up the bumper)
    And a Lady , dressed to the Nines in 20th century attire – just casually strolls past. Sure would hate to see this Society –
    ‘carpetbagged’ by the USA.

  16. I’m with Paul on this one. Never and never. Thank you very much. Not going to a communist country on purpose.

  17. I also was just there. I liked it. I was in Havana and also traveled further south to Trinidad. The people are poor, but they are not destitute. Actually, I think the poverty there is more tolerable than in some of the slums of Detroit or other US ghettos. Education is free. They have good health care. Arts and culture are pretty good. Before the revolution there were many desperately poor people and the government was run by corrupt thugs. I do not support communism or Castro, but I think you need to view the evolution of different countries in context. I would say they are probably much better off than in some poor African countries or other countries in South America. We really cannot compare their situation to our standard of living and expectations in Canada. As far as the food goes — what’s your problem? You don’t like cabbage? Anyway, an interesting place to visit if you can get out of the tourist resort areas.

  18. “more amazing is the people that have no idea how 90% of the people live.” I don’t think that most of us in Canada know how 90% of the people live either — and we have no excuse.

  19. Yes, I’m sure Cuba is a Nirvana. After all, how can a country where the MAXIMUM wage is $20 a month be anything but?
    And regardless how much the foreign-owned hotels pledge to pay their employees, the state takes it. And tips? Go ahead, feed the kleptocracy; the server that did such a good job doesn’t get to keep a dime.
    Absolute theft. Cuba makes Vietnam look like a capitalist nation.
    I’ve been to Vietnam, will never return. And unless/until Cuba turns itself around (will pigs fly?) I’ll give it a wide berth.
    And yes, that’s a 1956 Buick Century.

  20. I’m told the cars are shit. Held together with bondo, wire, duck tape…whatever.most have replaced the motors with some kinda russian diesel. Just talked to a guy who went there. Took a bunch of break shoes that fit 50’s gmc products. Guess none are available in the commie paradise.
    Apparently the fields are now plowed with oxen. No more Belarus tractors. Great progress. Good on ya fidel.

  21. Most of us in Canada are not as ignorant as you assume– Linda
    And you Linda– may take all my guilt home with you. It weighs less than an ounce.

  22. It will be interesting to see what happens when the Castro brothers crap out. Shouldn’t be a very long wait. I suspect a normalization would be logical considering Cuba is almost joined at the hip geographically. If I were a betting man I would put money on Cuba leaving the dark side and taking baby steps towards democracy. Wouldn’t matter if Obama initiated talks or not, although it might speed things up slightly. The Castro’s have run their course and no one can fill their shoes. If the next leader tries for the status quo there will be a full blown revolution. Maybe we can even get them to join Canada ? There must be one tropical country that we can buy while waiting for this global warming, and we are always told we behave much better than Americans. Only 11 million people and far better immigrants than Muslims. I like it.

  23. I agree, and I’m with Paul, “Never have, never will”.
    Scar is right, Cuba is just another failed utopian Marxist socialist state.
    Every Canadian dollar spent there is a dollar that keeps communism afloat.

  24. “I would put money on Cuba leaving the dark side and taking baby steps towards democracy.”
    Or, it could go like Venezuela and get an even more radical leader. It will be interesting to see which way it goes.

  25. I hope Cuba rises from the ashes. I think Canada should have spent a lot more time there, simply so we could have had our own holiday paradise some day. We could have done wonders there! Too late now!!

  26. LindaL: Yes, the people *are* destitute, once you get out of the tourist-serving areas. Education is free, if you’re willing to tolerate the state telling you what you’ll study and what you’ll do for a living for the rest of your life; health care is @#$%ing ABYSMAL: we were delivering rudimentary medical supplies that Cuba can’t get and can’t buy. Yes, they’re better off than horrible countries in Africa, but they’re about a million times worse than they were before la revolucion. That’s not a defense of the Bautista regime, but a criticism of the Castro one.
    abtrapper: one of my travelling companions scuba dives, and he brought a few dollars worth of rubber o-rings (several dozen) for scuba gear for a Cuban friend of his. The Cubans have to make theirs by melting old tires because they can’t afford to buy them. For those who don’t scuba dive, this is the safety equivalent of making your brake shoes out of old rags, compost, and prayers to St. Christopher.

  27. “That Buick is worth a fortune.”
    If that’s true then Fidel Castro is a great humanitarian and an economic genius, and not a Communist thug. Unfortunately, it’s not true. I’m guessing you can get a 1955 or 1956 Buick Century (I think it’s a 1955 model) in unrestored but reasonably good condition for under US$10000. The car in the picture is not in reasonably good condition.
    Just because that car is running doesn’t mean it’s valuable. In Cuba it’s worth something. However, to restore that battered piece of junk would cost many, many thousands of dollars. Your profit if any would be small. You can probably get $30000 to $50000 for one that’s fully restored to mint condition, but from your comment you know nothing about restoring cars. Neither do I but here’s someone who does.
    The Buick Century… Four-door hardtop sedans are interesting and handsome in their own right, and are more affordable. Operating expenses are typical for the era, which are generally low, though restoration costs can quickly surpass the market value of the car. Buyers considering this route are best advised to seek out a “done” car first.

  28. Lindal,
    You are either an idiot, or a naive fool.
    Some Cuban facts:
    Ration books ! (for potatoes, dry milk, eggs, chicken)
    Imprisonment for Speech and/or Belief
    Oppression of Blacks (via the unofficial Colour Gradation Scheme)
    Oppression of Homosexuals (via imprisonment for their “crime”)
    Wage of $ 1.10 per Day
    Free “Education” (at the end of which you are Told Where and What you Will Do for the Rest of Your Life)
    Exportation of Doctors (f. Pol. Propaganda Purposes) as Indentured/Slave labour
    Free “Healthcare” (if you can find a Dr.(see above), and can find/pay for the medication)
    Corruption: the Cuban Army is the State Corporation in charge of the Tourist Industry (Clean as a Whistle 😉
    Only Two years ago Cubans got the “right” to use cell phones
    Internet “Participation” is 12% of the non-tourist Population
    Only one year ago Cubans got the “right” to buy/sell the houses they’ve been penned up in since the 70’s
    Next time you go, get of the bloody reservation, learn Spanish, and open your F*cking eyes.
    Niall from Winnipeg
    Viva La Cuba Libre !!
