36 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. 2 links regarding Trudeau and a coalition…they are about a day apart. The change mirrors the reporting in the last Readers Tips.
    I conclude that the SDA reports caused the big change in less than 24 hours. SDA gets results…THAT is power!
    Yesterday- http://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/trudeau-might-be-open-to-coalition-with-ndp-but-not-with-mulcair-as-leader-1.2327461
    Today- http://globalnews.ca/news/1940031/justin-trudeau-now-says-he-is-unequivocally-opposed-to-liberal-ndp-coalition/?hootPostID=54a0b0007d54f6752762d80fa93305ba

  2. Something Stupid. Imagine my disappointment when none of:
    Justin Tru-dolt
    Bar-yuck Obumhole
    Hillarious Clinton
    David Sukzooki
    Lizzy May
    Fat Al(ManBearPig) Gore
    Wynne-ei-eigh! (snor-r-r-rtt!!)
    Al (un)Sharpton
    Eric Hold-up
    Peter Manhole
    ..popped up.
    Well, Nancy`s ok. I guess.

  3. A first nation child, 10 years old is accused of killing a 6 year old child. The accused child killer suffers from fetal alcohol syndrome. The accused killers parents took the stand today at an inquiry and said there are no services on the reserve for there son. Well this is where I get pissed off. Maybe if that miserable drunken b tch of a mother and abuser father had not done this to their son another child would not be dead. These two useless pieces of human garbage should be put out of there misery.

  4. Re: Something Stupid!
    I recall driving around with my Chevy II and listening to Frank Sinatra (my favorite) sing this and many others like it. We’d install a ”reverberator” on the rear speaker that made the music sound like we were sitting in a large hall. Here’s what a popular music site has to say about the song.
    ”The single spent four weeks at #1 on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart and nine weeks atop the easy listening (now adult contemporary) chart, becoming Frank’s second gold single as certified by the RIAA and Nancy’s third. It was the first and only instance of a father-daughter number-one song in America. The single also reached #1 on the UK Singles Chart the same year.” (End of quote.)
    Keeping in mind of course that Sinatra and his daughter Nancy were competing against hits like ”Penny Lane” by the Beatles, ”Light my Fire” by the Doors, and ”Ode to Billy Joe” by Bobby Gentry.
    This one also reached No. 1 in 1966 and got Sinatra two Grammy Awards.

  5. The Canadian Wheat Board is bought by a U.S. firm and Saudi investment fund:
    “Until Ottawa ended its monopoly in 2012, the Canadian Wheat Board was the prairie farmer’s link to food companies around the world. Now the former giant has been taken over by a U.S. agrifood company and an investment fund owned by Saudi Arabia.
    The $250-million deal announced on Wednesday marks the final stage in the transformation of the Canadian Wheat Board, which was formed by Parliament in 1935 to guarantee western farmers would get fair prices for their wheat and barley.
    Global Grain Group (G3), a joint venture between food company Bunge Ltd. and a unit of Saudi Agricultural and Livestock Investment Co. known as SALIC Canada Ltd., will pay $250-million for a 50.1-per-cent stake in the grain trader. The rest of the equity in CWB will be available to farmers who sell their grain to the company.”

  6. Poor wittle Justin–Mommmy will save him from those awful Conservative attack ads!!
    CBC,Ca headlines describes the scenario as follows: ” Margaret Trudeau says she dreads ‘bullying’ attack ads against son Justin. Famed political mom says she has a more ‘peaceful view of life than aggressively breaking down other people”
    Is that right eh?? What about the defamation against Mr. Harper that Margaret’s favorite network publishes on an a daily basis?? Just look at the comments on this story.

  7. And yet most studies show men do better than women in marriage. They earn more and have better health than their single counterparts. If they get cancer they live longer, probably because their wives pushed them to check out some sign while in its early stages and because of more community support.

  8. THis has nothing to do with ANYTHING, except for ME!
    I AM, at 7:30 this morning playing my first round of competitive GOLF!
    9 Holes of competitive golf at CEDAR CREEK DOWNS in Woodstock Ontario, played with my yougest son, and my son-in-law, as part of the year long MENS’ League competition, for (best, lowest score,holr-in-one, etc.) fun and small time LUCRE!
    Spring has SPRUNG in Ontario, Canada
    I AM , Joe Molnar

  9. Wife’s Diary:
    Tonight, I thought my husband was acting weird. We had made plans to meet at a nice restaurant for dinner.
    I was shopping with my friends all day long, so I thought he was upset at the fact that I was a bit late, but he made no comment on it. Conversation wasn’t flowing, so I suggested that we go somewhere quiet so we could talk. He agreed, but he didn’t say much.
    I asked him what was wrong; He said, ‘Nothing.’ I asked him if it was my fault that he was upset. He said he wasn’t upset, that it had nothing to do with me, and not to worry about it.
    On the way home, I told him that I loved him. He smiled slightly, and kept driving. I can’t explain his behavior. I don’t know why he didn’t say, ‘I love you, too.’
    When we got home, I felt as if I had lost him completely, as if he wanted nothing to do with me anymore. He just sat there quietly, and watched TV. He continued to seem distant and absent. Finally, with silence all around us, I decided to go to bed. About 15 minutes later, he came to bed. But I still felt that he was distracted, and his thoughts were somewhere else. He fell asleep; I cried. I don’t know what to do. I’m almost sure that his thoughts are with someone else. My life is a disaster.
    Husband’s Diary:
    A two-foot putt, who the hell misses a two-foot putt?

  10. I’m guessing you missed a two footer Joe? Better take along a four leaf clover or two next round.

  11. Great song. I was thinking that before this post, when I heard it on Pandora not too long ago. I have been sort of listening to it a lot. That harmony is wonderful.

  12. Maybe Pope Francis should have called the genocide an act of Jihad:
    “Yet Turkish authorities weren’t always so reluctant to accurately label the genocidal horror unleashed against the Armenians a century ago.
    Talaat Pasha, the powerful Ottoman interior minister during World War I, certainly didn’t disguise his objective. “The Government . . . has decided to destroy completely all the indicated [Armenians] persons living in Turkey,” he brusquely reminded officials in Aleppo in a September 1915 dispatch. “An end must be put to their existence . . . and no regard must be paid to either age or sex, or to conscientious scruples.””

  13. Something stupid like sitting in a tree to keep it from begong chopped down then falling from the tree and either getting injured or killed heck tree sitting is stupid and Julia(Butterfly)Hill is idiot her and her equialy idiotic freinds and supporters

  14. So lets recap shall we????
    A popular male Muslim host of the state broadcaster has had several complaints from female employees (and others) that he browbeated, hit (punched in a cute 50 shades kinda way)and or raped them… From the internal report: the report that Ghomeshi’s behaviour violated CBC standards, and that his behaviour was “considered to create an intimidating, humiliating, hostile or offensive work environment.” probe also indicates that the whole thing was mishandled and now folks are being let go by the CBC…..
    Anyone think he could have gotten away with this so long if he was a white christian male?
    Defund this place please….

  15. RE Something Stupid.
    Sinatra hated that song.
    When it became a hit, and they were looking for another duet to record, he suggested “Something Stupider”.

  16. Sounds like an apocryphal story to me. Sinatra was always crazy about both his daughters – they were the loves of his life – and I doubt he would have said anything bad about a song that put his beloved Nancy at #1 on the Billboard charts for four weeks.
    Plus, it was Frank Sinatra who found and suggested the song:

    Frank (Sinatra) had played (songwriter C. Carson Parks’) recording to (Nancy’s) producer, Lee Hazlewood, who recalled “He asked me, ‘Do you like it?’ and I said ‘I love it, and if you don’t sing it with Nancy, I will.’ He said, “We’re gonna do it, book a studio.'”

  17. Blogwrath…since the media won’t ask:
    Is Levin still ’employed’ by the taxpayers of Ontario?

  18. Liberal Wynnetario.
    Who’s Kathlenn Wynne here for?
    “Costs are higher at Toyota’s assembly plants in Cambridge and Woodstock, Ont., than they are at its factories in Kentucky, Indiana and other U.S. states, so it makes sense to build more expensive vehicles at the Canadian operations, sources said.”
    “Toyota moves Corolla to Mexico, highlighting high costs in Canada”
    “Toyota Motor Corp. plans to shift production of Corolla compact cars from Cambridge, Ont., to a new factory in Mexico, ending an era that began when the company opened its first Canadian assembly plant in 1988.”

  19. AGW RIP.
    “through holes cut through six feet of ice above the wreck”.
    “Video from beneath Arctic ice reveals secrets of HMS Erebus 170 years after ill-fated Franklin expedition
    Ryan Harris, an underwater archaeologist, offers “up-close-and-personal” look at the Erebus, which was part of the ill-fated Arctic exploration team that set off from Britain in 1845 under the command of Sir John Franklin”
    “through holes cut through six feet of ice above the wreck”.
    “Arctic sea ice gains can be seen on new government map of Canada
    More sea ice represented on 2014 map due to 30-year median analysis”
