32 Replies to “Operation Empty Chair”

  1. I just ran the numbers. At the current destabilization rate, Mars will be at war with Saturn by the end of this maladministration. You heard it here first.

  2. I sent the following email to the reporter and editor that was posted at the end of the article:
    That’s a nice piece of editorializing in the last paragraph. You just
    can’t admit it when your boy is wrong, wrong, WRONG… on ALL COUNTS.
    There’s a great many… even a majority, I dare say, of Americans that
    “shows little respect for how the current president is running the world”,
    and the second part of that sentence really blows my mind:
    How can you take responsibility for something you weren’t responsible for
    in the first place? Bush has been out of office for nearly 7 years!!!
    But then, you know… BLOOMBERG!
    Editor: Do you really enjoy it when your reporter does your job for you?
    I though editorials were for editors, not journalists.

  3. har! Right on Sid – best to simply mock the mindset that thinks the more you screw with people the more prone they are to love you for it and accept peace.

  4. Bush’s “win win” view is very much off the mark. It would make
    more sense to theorize that Putin’s early cooperation had secret
    strings attached by Vlad that the Americans had agreed to in the
    heat of the moment but tried to ignore later.
    Using conventional armed forces as glorified policing patrols
    in Iraq and Afghanistan was a very ill thought out idea.
    Disbanding Saddam’s military en masse was another huge mistake.
    The British,French, and others most familiar with those countries
    had much more realistic plans on offer but he wouldn’t listen.
    But his worst error was to leave large numbers Clinton’s politically appointed
    operatives in place within his government’s permanent civil service to buy the
    cooperation of DemocRats in congress for his foreign policies.
    That was unheard of in the entire history of the US.

  5. Sgt
    I agree most with your comment that the dismissal of the army wholesale was the key error post invasion. Question was could you rebuild a non denominational army out of that….I don’t know the answer, but perhaps they should have tried Rather than complete demobilization. Who knows what threats were coming from the Shia side on all of this, as Saddam was Sunni and was increasingly relying on that within the armed forces for religious and tribal reasons.
    But now that army has metastasized into ISIS/ISIL/DAESH.
    The only part I am sure of is the support for the Kurds. Everything after that is a mess.

  6. And then the Bloomberg scrunts go from reportage to editorializing in the last paragraph especially thus leading to the rest of Instapundit’s quote, “… So remember, as late as 2010, the Obama Administration was bragging about how stable and successful Iraq was. And, of course, when Bush left office Syria, Yemen, Libya, Egypt were all stable. But they’ll blame Bush as long as they can get away with it, because it’s better than admitting that Obama has been an absolute disaster in foreign policy.”

  7. I know one thing for sure about planets:
    Venus has always mostly controlled Mars. She knows, he doesn’t.
    Back to Bush…I think W is too late in coming out now and it only looks like a campaign push for Jeb which only stinks in my view.
    Of course Bush calls Obama naïve, like Kate with her “Operation Empty Chair”. Jeb, like Hillary are “establishment” figures. The fake Blue vs Red that low info people are fed by media thus think they have a “choice”. Washington is corruption central of the world and run by an oligarchy of bankers and powerful interest groups from all over the planet.
    Bush cannot open up like say Rudy Gulliani did in calling Zero on the fact he his basically un-American and does not like the American model. The media would then put Jeb in the Tea party extreme category as “unelectable” because he is racist.
    If Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton take power in 2016 it will be yet another strong evidence of an existing Oligarchy in place.
    I keep saying the new world order is true and at least true in that it is a vision by many of the most powerful people. There is existing fact that the Bush’s have long been proponents of a NWO (Watch many of Bush senior speeches for example). The Clinton years with Al Gore’s mandate to be world’s advocate for global warming is all part of the NWO plan. The biggest proponent seems to be Obama himself who chaired the UN at one point which is against a rule in the US Constitution that no commander in chief shall preside over any other political entity that is not sovereign to America.
    I would not be surprised Obama becoming chairman of the UN one day.
    The New World Order vision is not evil in it’s intent but like any social experiments like Communism always ends up in mass misery because man’s selfishness and greed are always in the way.
    Elites trying to play God.
    How would you like Canada to give away it’s sovereignty to a new World entity?
    Keep your powder dry.

  8. Mostliberal leftists dont realy think becuase their brains have shrunk from all thosee years of drug use and smoking Stupid Weed on their hookas

  9. Bush is as guilty as Obama, along with the entire US government for this disaster. Their only defense is that were “only following orders” by the dark forces who selected them for president.
    After all, it was Bush who started a war against Iraq on bogus lies and let the real culprits of 9/11 walk away scot free. The Saudi’s got away with this because they own the Bush family and many many more in the US establishment.
    Don’t you ever wonder what was in those 28 redacted pages from the official 9/11 report have to say about the Saudi’s?

  10. Oh, for the love of God. Cut the BS. Your nonsense about “bogus lies” is the typical vomit that comes out of the looney left. The blindness of the left to the other side of the equation in the world is stunning. As though China, Russia, North Korea, etc., aren’t working hard in the background to destabilize things. The left seems to think that everything that happens in the world is by manipulation by the U.S.
    Really, you do need to try to think a little deeper than a bumper sticker.

  11. Well said, Joey. Leftist are so egocentric in knowing all the answers to the ills of the world, not knowing or being able to recognize one-tenth of the questions. There is an ancient axiom that states something along these lines “The difference between a wise man and a fool is that a wise man will listen to what a fool will say and consider it, whereas a fool listens to no-one.” Bush did not act on his own while serving as president, he listened to and took advice from his advisers, Obama listens to no one. That is the reason we are in such a sorry state today, there is a fool in the WH and the rest of the leftards are so busy trying to cover for him that they are forcing the rest of us into what is now an untenable situation.

  12. W may not be quite as conservative as I would like but I believe him to be a good man.
    Anything he did, he did because he loved the USA and believed he was doing the best thing for the country.
    Barry on the other hand, would have a difficult time convincing me that he loves his country.
    Better a man who loves his country and may not be perfect, than one who hates his country and purposely ruins it in the process.

  13. You are right about the left and their bumper sticker mentality. The difference with the left is that their side can do no wrong ever that’s why they blame Bush for the current malicious incompetent.
    Blame Crash is right about manipulation and treachery thought. The Saudis have tentacles in Washington just like other juggernaut $.
    Too many old school Conservatives still cling to the notion of “choice and difference” between two monolithic parties and that the current establishment Republican is much better…Not anymore it seems. They also seem to hide away from any notion that some conspiracy or part of bigger picture plans are probable. Like the left and their media, they throw the “tin foil hat” insult sometimes too soon.
    Go read the comments from a link at Drudge about Jeb leading Hillary in the polls in Virginia. they pretty much all say the same thing: “t’s media driven, it’s rigged, we don’t want another Bush. The system is corrupt beyond repair less a revolution “.
    You might want to dig a little deeper too.
    BTW, I do not believe in a planned 9/11 a la bombs planted in the towers and all that nonsense. Do the Saudis have blood on their hands though? You betcha.

  14. I think the Bush family is just the tonic the GOP needs, if it can get over its internal squabbling. Then see what happens when Bubba shows up again so everybody can talk about his failures as president too. This would be great theatre in the upcoming POTUS election where Ms Clinton will certainly call upon her husband for moral support. I hope he doesn’t charge her $750K a speech. Then again, perhaps that’s how the cool 1%er’s (liberal athletes, actors and way cool Democrats like Harry Reid) “split income.”
    IOW, refuse to accept the Democrat, liberal media and progressive view on who the good guys are. Yes, they’ll blame all the negativity on the GOP; so what, blame all the failures on the Dems. Stop trying to be the nice guys and show some real leadership, not like the play it safe BS of Mitt Romney.
    Well fine, let’s have a pitched battle about who was the bigger duffus as president, see how slick Willy likes that. I think he has an excellent chance of winning, don’t you? Bring on the elder Bush, wheel him out if you have to, for a real brouhaha about foreign policy. While they’re at it, the GOP can ask Americans how they like being “a part of government.” Most importantly, start being Republicans instead of neo Democrats and most of all, please, stop talking about social issues like abortion and same sex marriage. The bigots get to paint you a bigots when you do; no it’s not fair – get over it.
    Please, who else but Jeb Bush can realistically take down Hillary Clinton?

  15. I never saw W as the sharpest knife in the drawer but he loves his country and did what he thought was best at the time. 911 was chaotic and and the mindset at the time did not leave a lot of room for wishy washy decisions which in hindsight now were prone to a few mistakes that had unforeseen consequences. Hindsight is always 20/20. The economic crash was towards the end of his reign and although he can take some blame for that I believe he would have made changes that could have left the economic situation better than it is today. The difference with Obama is that the mistakes he’s making do not require hindsight. Unlike Bush he’s surrounded himself with incompetency to match his own and the consequences are immediate. Even worse is that he’s not finished yet. I didn’t care much for W when he was in office but he looks like a true gem when I compare him to Obama. The difference is as vast as it is in their wives.

  16. Don’t write off Bush’s style as stupid, perhaps it is folksy. He has degrees from Harvard and Yale not based on skin colour and the Air Force made him a fighter pilot which is normally a sign of above average brightness. The Middle East was pretty darn stable in 2008 compared to today. Today’s instability is the result of over 6 years of sailing without a rudder. In Obama’s delusions Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Syria, etc. are all going to blossom into Liberal democracies.

  17. There is absolutely no doubt the Bush trio are all individually smarter than Obama.
    There is no intellect in Obama.
    Obama is a lazy spoiled bum that lucked out because of his skin color and affirmative action. A narcissist is soulless. He is lazy because is narcissism tells him he does not need to study to perfect himself because he thinks he is already perfection.
    He surrounds himself with worshippers to keep enforcing this fantasy. So, unlike Bill Clinton or W Bush who had to compromise and negotiate on their second terms, you will never see that of Obama. There is no hope of him ever consulting to see why he is so unpopular or study to try and comprehend what the nation wants.
    There is something dark though in Obama’s psyche that makes this vain man so dangerous and it is also his upbringing:
    Communist grand parents living in Kansas that moved to Hawaii to avoid the communism crack down of the 1950’s. Hawaii is a Liberal/socialist stronghold and was more than all the other continental states at the time. One must have very strong political convictions to pack up and basically abandon homestead and past roots. Obama’s mother grew up in that milieu and so became a communist herself marrying a communist; twice.
    Frank Marshall Davis was a close relation to Obama and many claim he is his father. A rabid communist that was closely watched by the Authorities. He was also into porn. You can google Barry’s naked mother if you want. Those pics were taken by Davis.
    Obama spent ten young, formative years in a Muslim school in Indonesia before his mother decided to dump Barry on her parents back in Hawaii.
    Obama grew up to hate Christianity because he connects it to be mainly the ‘white’s religion and that white colonization of the past is related. So of course he hates what America represents and would like to “Fundamentally change it”.

  18. Mot commenters today have a pretty narrow focus when it comes to current mess in the middle east. Lord knows, the ME has been a mess for a very long time, but the current stew started in earnest during the time of Clinton and George W. Sr. The west got seriously involved (this time) when Saddam invaded Kuwait and Kuwait asked for help pushing him back over the border.Destablization occurred with George Sr’s successful rout of Saddam’s boys, leading to the whole enchilada falafel turning to goo.
    Nobody in the west was going to have a lot of luck fixing that problem, as the future has shown. 911 raised the bar in a way the west couldn’t ignore, but like all things Arabic, no three people can agree on who’s more devout.
    Obama was never smart enough, or interested enough, in the ME to be bothered to do anything productive – he still isn’t. He’s a pretty boy who’s more interested in being a genteel colonial snorking caviar and fine wines than any kind of statesman. He’s been running the clock since 2008, and continues to do so. Y’all can go piss up a river…

  19. Is that all you got Joey? Your biting commentary is all gum and no teeth. I noticed how you side stepped the business I wrote about your beloved Bush’s Saudi buddies. That’s understandable, a lot of people look away when an uncomfortable truth collides and destroys their beliefs.
    Then that there is your assumption that anyone who does not goose step to the blood thirsty neo-con dogma are a pack of lefties is also totally wrong. I too supported the war against Iraq, but now I can clearly see that it was wrong.
    For the Love of God Joey how many more millions of human being have to be murdered before you open your eyes and see the truth of what’s happening.

  20. “how many more millions of human being have to be murdered before you open your eyes and see the truth of what’s happening.”
    About 6 billion if the Muslims get their way, but please give us your version of the truth and what’s happening.

  21. GW only major fault is that he took the high road and didn’t dis Obambam in public. Everything the Bushes have done was for their country, the same cannot be said about this current administration.
    btw, Pluto is miffed she has been left out of the planetary social scene…

  22. Haven’t they been at war with everyone and even killing each other for centuries or a thousand year or something?
    seriously when was the middle east ever stable?

  23. It’s refreshing to hear Bush call out Obama.
    Now- what is everyone else going to do about it?
    Obama is starting a war that someone else (and future generations) will have to deal with.
    Is he being impeached?

  24. I see some eco-nut case is already blaming the Napal Quake on Global Warming sure did’nt take long for the first nut to fall from the tree did it?
