23 Replies to “I Felt A Great Disturbance In The Narrative”

  1. Could he be saying this in hopes of getting a better deal on HIS charges? He wasn’t with for the whole ride either, casts some doubt. Could have been in seizures by then?
    The other rumor going around is that he had a previous spinal injury and surgery shorty before his incarceration and death as his alleged application to Peachtree for lump sum was leaked on line. Can’t fathom someone post-op deliberately harming themselves but then again I don’t know if his street drug impairment (if positive) would.

  2. As is always the case, not all the facts are known about the story, but that doesn’t stop people from reacting to their pre-conceived bias….

  3. HMM….rush to judgement….
    If it ain’t written down it never happened…..personal testimony holds little weight in court.

  4. I am sure that another arrested guy must be an instant good guy when he puts JBTs in good light, unfortunately the fact remains: the moment the goons arrested him (did they finally figure out why?) his safety was their responsibility. So even if the story was true it makes no difference.

  5. Next they will find the witness claiming that he seen Freddie fall down the stairs… nice to know that cops in Baltimore are going through the ZOMO playbook.

  6. 50 bucks says Emperor Obama will nationalize the country’s local police forces by the end of the summer. It’s all part of the plan. And the spineless ball-less Repubs will let it happen.

  7. Hmmmm – maybe the Obumbles cabal (team Stalin) have found a way out of the election cycle which will surely toss them out (and possibly incarcerate a few of them) – a nation wide hoodie war would be an excuse for national martial law under crisis conditions – suspension of elections and the constitution – give the O-team time to plan how to keep martial law rule in place permanently and entrench American communism.
    I’d be willing to bet there is an Obama operative on every major metro council who is ready to start or prolong race riots (as we saw in Ferguson and Baltimore) – and there are certainly lots of ex Acorn hoodies on the ground ready to heed the call to battle and incite rioting – it’s a prefab calculated civil crisis ready to turn on at the flick of a switch – or a few well placed social media posts.
    Never forget that Obama is first and foremost a Marxist – sired and raised by Marxists and steeped in Alinsly gangster-Marxist culture.

  8. I concur…and have noted that these race riots, once decadal events are now occurring almost weekly. Expect more in the coming months……

  9. @ Colonialista: No need to be so dismissive of the story. If true he was banging around in the van, possible explanations include:
    1. He was attempting to appear beat up (as suggested)or
    2. He was on some bad drugs or
    3. He was thrashing around in extreme pain or
    4. He was having a seizure or
    5. ????
    Also, I note that the other prisoner did not say anything about police violence to Gray while he was in the van.
    I’m with @Pete on this. I don’t know what happened so I’m going to reserve judgement for a while. You should too.

  10. Interestinly enough, I was just discussing this scenareo with my 15yr old daughter yesterday.
    You might remember, that here at SDA shortly after the 2008 election; many posters here predicted such an occurance.
    That said, IMO the government would pay dearly for such a move. It seems to me that the people here are fed-up with their politicians on both sides of the eisle. I don’t see an end-game for Obama if he pulls such a stunt. White folks would go ape-isht! That is a ‘sleeping dog’ that the government dares not poke.JMO

  11. *
    you gotta go with the professionals, right?
    the national post still has an article up stating that freddie was shot by police.
    by the time cbc gets hold of it, he’ll have been horsewhipped and hung from a streetlamp.

  12. Oh really they do not know? How about the most obvious hypothesis: they worked him over. And yes they know exactly how to work you over to make it look like an accident. And the Baltimore medical examiner would never help his palls mayor and police chief. Never.
    And did they finally decide what crime was he committing in the first place? Or did they arrest and brutalized him for the grand crime of running away from police who wanted to arrest him for running away from police?

  13. I suggest you check this out:
    … sorry but I have trouble believing the Baltimore cops and their handlers.

  14. … which will constitute a great disturbance in Ms. McMillan’s narrative.

  15. The spontaneity of these rent a mob folks could easily be confirmed, simply get a warrant to access the cellphone records of each violent protester arrested..
    If these same gadgets show up as having been present at each of these media riots, you have evidence of orchestration of idiots to cause public chaos..
    After all it is hard to claim you are just an aggrieved citizen if your cellphone shows you were at each and every “Whites are killing innocent Black Folk” festival.
