26 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. If you search for and go to the Alberta NDP site, the first time you arrive there you will be greeted by a screen that has a picture of Ms. Notchley and a slogan that reads, I kid you not:
    “Ready for Rachel”
    She does kind of look like Hillary. Now that is scary.

  2. Consitering that 95% of the news is bull kaka and only %5 is real news who want to these over paid liars

  3. I wonder if Sailer’s Law can be reworked for Notley.
    “The most heartfelt articles by female politicians tend to be demands that social values/economic laws/religious freedoms be overturned in order that, Come the Revolution, the politicians herself will be considered hotter-looking to the immigrants she’ll import by the thousands.”
    Yup, seems to apply.

  4. Gov. Jerry Brown fiddles while California Burns.
    Orders a $10,000 dollar fine for anyone that uses too much water,
    Blames it on-
    Climate Change, Global Warming, Catastrophic Climate Change.
    Man Made Plastic Wrap, Canadian Women Dressed In Tiny Polka Dot Bikinis.
    Its Not his fault…

  5. Liberal Wynnetario.
    Who’s Wynnetario here for?
    “Ontario parents plan to pull kids out of school next week to protest Wynne’s sex ed”
    “A student strike called by parents alarmed by the new sex ed curriculum is going ahead for May 4-11 despite an attempt to mollify critics by Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne.”
    “Kathleen Wynne finally meets OPP in Sudbury bribery probe
    Premier Kathleen Wynne has finally met with Ontario Provincial Police detectives investigating bribery allegations related to a Sudbury byelection three months ago”

  6. Darwin is great – the folks are friendly. I walked into a pub downtown mid-day (to escape the aforementioned heat of course) and there were three people standing around watching a game of hockey (yes, the ice variety). Without even thinking, as I walked by them I asked who was winning – ^Dunno mate, we’ve got no idea what’s going on”.
    I spent an hour with them explaining the game.

  7. Another reason for the PC’s in Ontario to vote for Patrick Brown, he’s not part of the PC Groupies who have been part of their downfall.

  8. Liberal Wynnetario.
    “GM to cut 1,000 jobs at Ontario plant
    Automaker outlines plans to invest $5.4 billion in U.S. but nothing in Canada” (cbc)
    “Electricity woes knock Napanee out of the race for Goodyear expansion”
    “Goodyear will not be going ahead with a multi-million dollar plant expansion in Napanee, as the international tire giant has decided to open up in Mexico.”
    “Industrialist-BonVivant says:
    April 29, 2015 at 3:48 pm
    I started, built and operate a manufacturing business in Ontario, where I have lived most of my life. When I started, Ontario was the manufacturing/industrial heartland in Canada, and it was not unusual to see people from other provinces seeking work here when times were tough there. I always thought that Ontario would remain strong.
    Now, it is twenty years later. And I am actively working on a multi-year strategy which will see my successful business moved out of the country, along with its 50 or so well-paying jobs. I know many others who have already left.
    If anyone is wondering where all the good, well-paying jobs went, I can tell you. They left Ontario because it has become an anti-industrial, socialist-minded place. More will follow, as will I. Those that remain can look forward to menial jobs paying low wages, high unemployment/underemployment and a decaying standard of living.
    Remember to vote Liberal again in the next election if you want to speed up the process.”

  9. AGW Kills.
    “Dutch researchers disappear on their way to the North Pole”
    “The coordination centre says it is warm in the area and the ice is breaking up.”
    “Two Dutch researchers presumed drowned in Nunavut
    Men were surveying ice outside of Resolute Bay”

  10. I’m voting Patrick Brown. Why?
    1. He reaches out to the Ontario population at large.
    2. He wants to rejuvenate the “PC” party of Ontario
    2a.and is Conservative.
    3. He is not a member of the establishment, party or otherwise.
    4. The Red Star doesn’t like him.
