Renegade Regulator

We also requested copies of Industry Canada’s correspondence related to our company, PS Knight Co Ltd, and the CSA and its affiliates. We wanted to know what they had been saying about us, what they had said to CSA about us, and what orchestrating between them was underway. Well, Industry Canada advised that this search will require 27,983 hours of time and we have accordingly been invoiced for $279,780.

6 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. Ten bucks an hour? That seems pretty cheap on an hourly basis, but it will take the equivalent of one person working 14 years to do this?
    A CSA label means nothing now, one would think our media grandees would want to tell the public about this, but this story doesn’t seem to have any traction, I don’t get it.

  2. Because we don’t have real journalism in Canada anymore.
    Broadcast Journalism courses… they were for those who’s marks couldn’t get them into any other course. Why they are so easily let by the leftists and corrupt authority.

  3. “… A CSA label means nothing now…”
    It means something to me. To me it now means the product is more likely to be defective in design or manufacture than untested products. Why build something properly if you can just buy an official stamp of approval? If there is no such stamp your product must compete on its merit, so you have a reason to get it right.

  4. You might want to contact Ezra and Brian at to get them to shine some light on this issue.
