10 Replies to ““Without Scotland, England’s energy security drains away.””

  1. See any parallels with Quebec politics?
    “SNP delivers socialist policies” but does so with funding from the ROC (rest of the country). Also, as in Canada, the ROC managed to elect a majority government in spite of the parasitic “Nationalist” party in its pissant dissident province.
    As well, what comprises a “socially deprived area” anyway.

  2. “See any parallels with Quebec politics?”
    If there are any it’s few. If god willing Quebec was to finally separate, we’d build an Israeli style security wall around the province and allow it to starve to death like the Palestinians.
    The difference with the Palestinians is that Quebecers would sit around apocalyptic wasteland cafe’s sipping little cups of water endlessly philosophizing on whether it was more Stephan Harpers fault or George Bush’s.

  3. In referendum 55% of Scots voted to stay with Union. And the whole country is not a black spot. Edinburgh and Aberdeen (until recently) were economic power houses. Scots get about 10% per capita above the UK average in government spending, although the numbers are vague. Part of the reason is geography with dispersed rural populations.
    I think where the analogy with Quebec may rhyme is that we seem destined to have a neverendum. Scottish parliamentary election in 2016, EU referendum in 2017… it just goes on and on.

  4. Scottish leftists should go it alone, Venezuela proves what an oil rich country can achieve with socialism…

  5. put Alberta in there with Venezuela now
    saw and interview with Rach. Notley .
    obtuse to the max.
    will see about pipelines
    climate change
    carbon tax
    what NDP doesn’t realize is their royalty share is more than cut in half . uneconomic wells will pay zero royalty as they get shut in . the royalty is already sliding scale and drops at the price drops and drops as the rate drops. increasing royalty will just cause more wells to be shut in .
    stranded oil , ie no pipelines have increased operating cost and either don’t get drilled or get shut in .
    they are Rubes ,
    the press is giving them a pass like they did with Jack Layton and Justin Hair Apparent Trudeau .
    they get gleeful over 20 year old MPs that have zero life experience

  6. And all along I thought that Scotland had sent all of their Far-Left Socialists over to Canada.

  7. @ Frank Q – I have often pondered what separated individuals at the ports of Glasgow and Liverpool that made some get on sail ships with their families where many died in pursuit of a new life, and those who stayed behind. I don’t think then that political beliefs had much to do with it.
