26 Replies to “Vagina is the new black”

  1. Terry (and Senator Sherrod) are clearly racists and the elite must shun them lest they infect the masses.

  2. Theres lots of racsists out there Al Sharpton,Jessie Jackson,Louis Farakhan,NAACP,NBPP,the parents of Trayvon Martin and Micheal Brown, as well as the Ferguson and Baltimore rioters and looters

  3. I’ve frequently mentioned to people – think Leftists – how deeply entrenched political correctness is in our culture. To this I frequently get a blank look or sometimes a “C’mon, you’re exaggerating.” But this story is proof positive that the new way to get what you want is to play the victim card and accuse whoever you want of racism, sexism, etc. About the only people you can’t play this card against are Muslims. Other than that, it’s a rather effective tool to get what you want.

  4. I am shocked to hear President Obama say such hurtful things about an (allegedly, anyway, or at least convincingly enough to get her into Harvard)aboriginal woman like Elizabeth Warren. LOL.

  5. Put the this and the last story together:
    #FHRITP with Barry Soetero’s V*gina monologue; seems to be a lot of ‘crotch rot’
    going on…
    Tinea cruris the new verbal disease of the politically correct attempt at ‘mowing someone else’s lawn’.
    Out of all the real problems in the world; these two wanker wonders would be the very last.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  6. Few of us are the bigot Obama is. It is acceptable to say any racist things about whites with impunity in Obama’s Amerika.

  7. Agreed, but was the coffee you choked on also BLACK?
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  8. Whenever I see or hear one of these vapid, self-righteous snowflakes banging on about how offended they are, my mind cuts to a juxtaposed mental image of the men and women defending Stalingrad against the Wehrmacht. I think it’s a psychological defense mechanism that reminds me that there can be real men and women who can face real adversity and function in the face of it. Looking and listening to that woman and her ilk would leave me in utter despair for the survival of the human race.

  9. NOW defending a fake Aboriginal like Fauxcahontas is really a bridge too far.

  10. Agreed W. S. Not only is Obammy denigrating poor Fauxcahontas as a woman, but as a person of (very, very, bleached out) colour.
    Let’s call it Wanbabesquawgony.

  11. …..and then the creepy thing called Political Correctness exclaimed to the slippery president, Barry O….

  12. So now we have two flakes, both tributes to affirmative action, fighting for the podium under the victims flag. Hillary, whose only goal in life is to improve the lives of the middle class while she remains in the shadow of poverty and poor Bill is forced to make speeches in order to put food on the table. Good grief. Hard to believe that millions of LIV’s swallow this bullship and vote for these people to represent them.

  13. HAR HAR HAR! Giving blacks and women the vote has proved entertaining, if nothing else.
    Yaknow…real commies employ useful fools as cannon fodder. These turkeys put them in management…

  14. I think that we are starting to see what the remaining years of Obama’s presidency will be like. Given his legend in his own mind mentality, he is going to insult everyone regardless of political affiliation. There are going to be a lot of bus speed bumps.

  15. Obumhole: ‘If I had a son, he’d have a black vagina!’
    ‘Nope, that ain’t right.’
    ‘If I had a black vagina, it’d be my son.’
    Er no. Oh wait, ‘If a black vagina had a son…Wait a minute!!
