Twice the speed limit.

Well, I guess now we know.

The Amtrak train that derailed near Philadelphia Tuesday night– killing at least seven and sending over 200 to area hospitals– appeared to have been traveling at more than 100 miles an hour, a speed twice the limit in the section, as it approached a sharp curve on the track, two people with knowledge of the investigation told The Wall Street Journal.

So, more infrastructure spending then, eh? That’ll teach them unionized workers.

20 Replies to “Twice the speed limit.”

  1. Remember the waterton water scandal?
    Remember how much noise the media made about the employees not being unionized/public employees?
    any chance those same media people will say anything about those at fault in this case were unionized government/crown employees?

  2. Yes, but it was reported by Fox, and we all know 2+2=5 if Der Fuchs says otherwise.

  3. Lance, this kind of blog post is bound to make John Lewis all butthurt. Didn’t he issue an edict against this kind of thing?

  4. Photo radar would have clocked it.
    Wouldn’t have stopped it, of course, but they would have sent the driver a ticket two months later.

  5. He was probably sexting, texting, twittering, facebooking, and instant messaging all at the same time.

  6. Watching one of the alphabet networks while waiting for a prescription and it was all about “crumbling infrastructure” still, long after this was known. Even after they reported that the driver had been taken to the police station.

  7. I am amazed and somewhat perplexed that the NTSB hasn’t interviewed the primary witness in this major accident. So now the engineer has lawyered up and the whole thing will drag on forever. The NTSB’s only purpose is to find the cause and not to press criminal charges.
    I am also appalled but not surprised that the politicians are already throwing about partisan accusations about infrastructure spending.Truly disgusting.

  8. Heard a report this morning’s Fox & Friends from a actual commuter on board that train was running late and possibly making up for lost time time. So far engineer has union lawyer-ed up and is staying mum to the press. As is usually the case will have to wait and see over time if this pans out before making further judgements. As it stands the train was doing 100 in a 50 zone.

  9. I didn’t know those crappy old things could even go 100mph.
    Same thing that happened in Aldershot Ontario to a VIA train a couple years ago. Buddy put the pedal to the metal and rolled it right off the tracks.

  10. The Queen of the North, running into Gill Island and sinking, takes the cake for not addressing make-up sex on the bridge during the regularly scheduled safety meetings…

  11. I see the Whitehouse is already blaming republicans for this knowing how liberals always blame someone else becuase liberals cant think at all

  12. the same thing happened in Ontario a while back. a train exceeding the sped limit for a specific area of track and guess what, a serious accident happened.
