7 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Giant, Smoking Mirrors”

  1. Wait until one of the big lithium batteries Mr. Musk is developing for use in houses develops indigestion.

  2. Mehh, quality control, made in china. Not much of what’s made in China lasts 5 years. How many trouble free years did he expect ?

  3. Oh please Gaia h8erz- these Chinese solar panels are perfectly safe. And anywayz – asphalt roofs spontaneously combust almost every single day. Er, right?

  4. Mr Musk is no doubt aware that building codes will be quickly updated
    to “bunkerize” any “electricity bomb” he comes up with. That is if the
    powers that be even feel that cooperative. The additional construction
    costs for protection of people and property and hiked insurance premiums
    to cope with catastrophic battery failure will add considerably to the cost
    of an already very expensive home.

  5. So much for their so called Green Energy think about all that smoke this fire produced
