Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors

Now is the time at SDA when we juxtapose!
Avery Haines, 2015

Avery Haines, 2000: “It’s not so much about me any more,” she says. “It’s about people feeling they can’t say anything.”

Ms. Haines has already blocked me on Twitter, precious thing.
Beauty. This story has been corrected to state that the men Hunt confronted were not hurling vulgarities.

77 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Sorry Kate but I think the doofus from Hydro One got exactly what he deserved. He wanted to be on TV; well, now he is all over it. I wonder how he likes being famous.

  2. I think him losing his job was a bit too much, don’t you? Social media was firing on all cylinders as everyone was trying to track down who this doofus was (on that part I do agree with you on), and find out as much information as possible including who his employer was. The modern day bullies aka SJW’s won’t stop at anything to ensure that they are the boot stomping on a human face for eternity. There’s no need to defend what he said no matter how crude and disgusting it was. The stellar over reaction from the SMM (Social Media Mob) is causing me to think it’s time to unplug and head for the deep wilderness.

  3. He can thank his lucky stars the word niggardly didn’t come out of his mouth.

  4. Only “some” people end up on the receiving end of this “justice”.
    If you could see the invective that doesn’t pass the filters here, or the emails that Kate gets and has gotten for the past decade.
    Was doofus an idiot? Yes. I don’t actually care that he lost his job. I am more than a little bit aggravated that the SJW’s will claim his scalp, trumpeting to the world how sexism is rampant while ignoring their ideological peers.
    And that’s about all I’ll say about FHITP.

  5. You know he and his friends didn’t actually say it to her? In fact, the CITY report on it had to issue a correction because the original version of the story lied that the guy had said it.

    NOTE: This story has been corrected to state that the men Hunt confronted were not hurling vulgarities.

  6. The liberal pigs beleive their are more eqiual then us lower critters We birds are two legs but were Mad DIRTY LIBERAL PIGS

  7. So the guy from Hydro One got fired for something he did NOT say? Witch hunts, anyone?

  8. @Frances — He told the reporter she was lucky she did not have a dildo in her ear…that is just as bad as the original vulgar comment.

  9. No, that is reference to a famous FHRITP video. And there was nothing wrong with the original comment either.

  10. He was being a jerk on his own time and there was no association with Hydro one. I don’t see this as a offence that should end in job termination unless Hydro one owns their employees 24/7. I’ve heard worse at company Christmas parties.

  11. I do not enjoy public use of an obscenity. I think it shows off the (lack of) intellect of the person using it, in some cases, trying to shock in order to be funny, a-la Lizzy May.
    This behavior is both deplorable, and offensive, but I would not go on a PC witch hunt either.
    So I sit here, tapping away at my keyboard at 3:30 am, wondering which is more offending? Uttering obscenities and sexual epitaphs at reporters in general, never mind female reporters, or government trying to crack down on what common sense would dictate as nothing more than boorish, immature behavior.
    I thought you couldn’t legislate morality. Yeah, I don’t believe that either!

  12. Must be nice to be on the side of the righteous.
    I wonder how secure she feels after destroying another persons life?
    How long does any bully last?
    I’m so angry I could spit.
    A Steve

  13. Maybe they just got tired of seeing another cliche blond cheerleader journalist – I know I am. But not a firing offense.

  14. The guy should lawyer up. I see a 7 or 8 figure settlement from Hydro One for wrongful dismissal. Let’s see 6 figure salary, the guy looks to be about 30–so another 35 years of employment + pension from that extra 35 yrs of employment… (35x100k+his pension today+what he would have put in his pension over 35 years)…this is gonna hurt

  15. When the islamist sympathising supporters of Gaza were protesting and shouting “obscenities” in front of Calgary City Hall last year, and causing a “disturbance”… why wasn’t this same criminal charge levied against them?
    Does the criminal code only apply to the favored group of the day?

  16. “Does the criminal code only apply to the favored group of the day?”
    In Canada, does the sun rise in the east?

  17. Imagine someone talking back to Josef Goebbels in the early days of the Socialist Third Reich, they’d be finished as well.
    The consolidation here is that the idiot is probably a TO Liberal, I’ve found that 9/10 rude obnoxious people I’ve ever met are lefties, *(when they feel safe and can get away with it). They east their own.

  18. When I was a kid I was one of those stupid little boys that grown ups pointed to as justification for having The Strap in schools. I was especially obnoxious with the stupid little girls that are being cranked out like sausages by today’s politically correct schools: the humourless, spoiled cankle blossom princesses that made adults wonder about strapping the bad girls too! I would call them names and they would scamper off to tell a teacher or a principal – and I would be in chit again! I didn’t care; in fact it only encouraged me more!
    Things haven’t changed much. This gal is still the snitching clot pole that those girls of my twisted youth were; and there are the usual minority of pasty faced beta male twinks and wieners that will gasp in horror at the loss of humanity. FHRITP? HAR HAR HAR!!!! I think those people are f****d in the head!
    Perhaps this is really what ‘social justice’ is – a means for stupid people to recreate the playgrounds and battle fields of their failed youth and strike back at the bullies that gave them wedgies and mocked them for their idiocy.

  19. These people disgust me – not the potty-mouth fanboys with cardboard brains , but the self=righteous craven SJWs who are really too timorousto cope with free society, so they use the sledge hammer of the state to settle every little inconvenience which they feel threatened by.
    Pathetic, craven, skanky people who all deserve to be XXXXed right in their PXXXX ’till they man up – what ever will we do when the ISIS hordes arrive in the street and it’s filled with craven pussies like these who can’t even stand an insult let alone a jihad.

  20. Well, I have no sympathy at all for the pigs who were yelling that kind of crap in a public venue. I’d be harder pressed think of poorer excuses for men. And if I was on duty as a cop in the area and heard that language being used I’d have no problem charging them with causing a disturbance.
    However, our poor little victim is hardly a shrinking violet herself, is she? So her complaint about being victimized lacks some credibility.
    Let’s put it this way. If criminal charges were laid, and I was the accused’s lawyer, I would be rubbing my hands with glee at the prospect of getting her in the witness box.
    Should the asshole have lost his job? Depends. If he was fired because the employer truly didn’t want this kind of pig on staff, I’d have no problem with it. However, it is much more likely that his firing was nothing but a politically correct knee-jerk response by an institution (Ontario Hydro)that is so lacking in ethical principles itself as to make its pious claims as hypocritical as those of Ms. Haines.

  21. Was this guy fired for his views, his words, his legal actions outside of work?
    If so, looks like a might fine court settlement will be discussed in the next year.
    However, I doubt hydro will be so bold as to state that in his termination letter.
    As for criminal charges, any prosecutor that is dumb enough to push for charges should be warned that the purple dildo isn’t in their ear, rather it would seem it is up their azz.

  22. He was a vulgar juvenile arsehole but he was not representing Hydro so it was none of their business to fire him.
    However, this is not what Wynne call sexual harassment.

  23. If politicians could be fired would Ms May be fired for her irreverent rant at the PPG dinner?
    This fellow was obnoxious but whether it called for losing his job is debatable. Hydro One may have the right to police their employees at work but whether that extends to acting like an idiot in private life could be litigious. In that case this guy could get a fistful for wrongful dismissal, it had nothing to do with his job.
    Ontario Hydro has more employees on the sunshine list than any other company and we pay dearly for their services, in fact we are royally screwed every time we get a bill….nice they have such high moral standards or whatever.

  24. Glenfilthie >
    “Perhaps this is really what ‘social justice’ is – a means for stupid people to recreate the playgrounds and battle fields of their failed youth……”
    I disagree slightly, those same “stupid people” are simply emotionally and personality weak people who become that way regardless in adulthood.
    Social “Justice” I believe is weapon for a much greater means to an end created by far more intelligent and ruthless elitists who use the weak Liberal Left as useful idiots.
    Jr. Turdeau as an example falls into the unintelligent offspring of Liberal Marxist elitists, who knows where his own meal ticket lays.

  25. Just watched that Haines clip where she joked about black lesbians and whatnot. Wow. She should be charged under the Ontario Human Rights Act. I believe that there’s no statute of limitations on that sort of thing.
    Haines comments were hateful and hurtful and clearly in violation of the law.
    Someone should go round her up.

  26. marc;
    Absolutely bang on!
    There is a pretty good reason why presstitutes are held in such low opinion in society.

  27. Settlements in a wrongful dismissal are generally based on a formula of one month per year of service. In this guy’s case that would likely be less than one year’s salary. Settlements rarely include compensation for lost fringe benefits (Pension, Group Insurance etc). If I was the HR person for Hydro One I would offer him three months and a clean reference for future employment. He’s going to need that.

  28. My guess is this guy will be lodging a complaint with his Union and probably a followup lawsuit. The vulgarities while immature are nothing compared to what plays on the nations airwaves and theatres and at the end of the day are subjective as to causing offence. I suspect interviewing soccer fans after a game, should be one of those moments where live tv broadcasts should be time delayed and the producers should have known this, as the practice is common in the Media Industry. The crown and police chiming in, is truly the scary part.

  29. If my son went up to a woman and said stuff like what they claimed he said, then I would smack him across the head. I worked in camps and ships, swearing was a huge part of that culture, but when a woman we stopped and behaved ourselves. Now I work in the office and I don’t swear(or try not to)around women, even though one of my female co-workers grew up in Faro, Yukon and could likely out swear me. Clearly we have 2 sets of entitled weenies, one taking offence to everything and another set demonstrating they have no class.

  30. Ontario Power – LOL
    I said he was probably a Lefty Union Thug.
    The Feminist SJW f*cks over the Union loudmouth, ya gotta love it.

  31. The government confirms what it thinks freedom of speech means:
    Ontario Energy Minister Bob Chiarelli said that regardless of where this individual works, this behaviour is “absolutely unacceptable.
    “Freedom of the press means freedom to be able to communicate in a reasonable manner,” Chiarelli said. “And if that is brought to my attention, and we can identify who that individual is, certainly we’d take that back to the office and take some kind of action.”
    One can only imagine who will determine what “reasonable” means.

  32. Now even the Kathleen Wynne has weighted in.
    People need to learn how to be obnoxious without being obscene. The casual use of vulgarities is mind-numbing. In France most people learn the art. I remember being in a bus (oh gasp!!! Ms. McMillan! One of your faithful readers has been in a bus) whose attempts to make a turn were being frustrated by a very inept automobilist. The bus driver leaned out of his side window and began a commentary with “dear fat one, when are you going to learn to drive” etc.
    With these females men should go out of their way to insult them and hector them but without vulgarity – “did precious take a shower today? Or yesterday? Your mom is too poor to afford decent clothes for you, I see” etc.
    Or phrase insults as a question – not “f**k you” but “does precious need a good f**king?” This is pushing it – better no obscenities – but it probably would work.

  33. “I think there are a number of charges that could be laid,” said Meaghan Gray, Toronto Nazi (police).

  34. I also have difficulty mustering any sympathy for his change in employment status. He messed with her at her work…… tit-for-tat as they say. Maybe if sometime during his upbringing someone took the effort to teach this twit that actions have consequences he may have conducted himself in a more respectful manner on camera. Anyways, assuming he’s unionized, Hydro will likely lose any challenge of his dismissal in court.
    As I see it, the SJW’s of today are the poster child of a major disconnect plaguing our society. You cannot have any reasonable discussions on “rights” of citizens when the “responsibilities” of citizens is totally ignored. They are truly hypocritical as is exposed by their apparent acceptance of Islam in the west.
    BUT, worst of all, I can’t get this friggin’ image of Harper addressing the HOC while Lizzie May stands behind him shouting hateful vulgarities out of my mind. 🙂

  35. It’s hard to charge a leftist Union thug in Toronto for having a cat fetish, whether it’s his or hers.
    “F*ck her in her pussy”
    It’s hard to believe, but there are allot sicker Liberals than that out there.

  36. You can only get ONE years’ salary, plus special damages.
    Its a not a 35 year payday…..

  37. The guy has every right to be an abusive vulgar pig and his boss has a right not to employ abusive vulgar pigs.

  38. So, no vulgarities uttered by the fellow in question. Yet a lot of people, whose only evidence was the allegation itself, decided to lynch the man. To the people commenting on this site that agreed with the lynching: care to reconsider your remarks?

  39. While this behaviour of young men is certainly disgusting and stupid and should not happen, to make a criminal case out of it could be considered obscene distortion of justice.
    To combat this would better work as the last comment of the reporter asking what his mother would think about it. That sounds as a real kick in the gut.
    In the case of Heines lady, the episode sounds like something out of invasion of body snatchers.
    They catch you, they cocoon you and when they area finished with you, you become a polite, conforming, bend over backward, your head up your ass (however unlikely this sounds), humanoid.
    This is done on daily bases by the very same news manufacturers mining for victims and victimhood.
    It is really time to stop the bullshit.

  40. I think Haines’ remarks illustrate perfectly that the same scions of political correctness who work so hard to foist it on the suffering masses, see it as the same ridiculous joke as those masses who are the objects of such chattering-class condescension.
    At the same time, whereas once there may have been a sense of public decorum to which society expected its members to adhere, after “occupy” boorishness, gay pride parades featuring overweight, middle-aged men in thongs waving their private parts (something I would find revolting wether the individual were gay, straight or whatever), others making obscene gestures directed at churches, and the assault on legislatures post election by disaffected leftists, all championed by the leftist media, that same leftist media is in no position to complain when that breakdown of public decorum comes back to them. What goes around comes around. Haines and her ilk encouraged this lack of self-restraint with its attendant behaviour and now they’ve got it. Boo hoo.

  41. blackfox >
    “To the people commenting on this site that agreed with the lynching: care to reconsider your remarks?”
    Absolutely not, I think both the Fem-Nazi and the Union-Nazi should lose their jobs!

  42. “his boss has a right not to employ abusive vulgar pigs”
    He wasn’t at work, so his boss’s opinion of the matter is worth exactly the square root of jack shit. The only reason anyone knew where the guy worked is that the SJW youth were sic’d on him via the twitterverse.
    A disciplinary matter? Maybe. An arbitrary firing? That sound you hear isn’t actually Niagara Falls; it’s all the drooling labour lawyers.

  43. The Soviet old guard must be smiling in Hell right now.They may have lost the war temporarily, but they’ve won it in the end as we become more like them every day.
    Maybe we should start the gulags now,while there’s still cheap labor to be had.
