13 Replies to “At long last.”

  1. God clearly hates Hamilton. Why else would they stick them with Rod Black as announcer even on a webcast? Couldn’t they find a junior high school student or roadside drunken hobo who knows more about football?
    I especially tire of his insistence on telling us that “Player X was on the practice roster of NFL team Y four years ago.” Who cares? Someone is feeding him these useless facts to rattle off as he can’t process and comment on the game in front of him.

  2. Follow-up: I just saw on a football forum where Hamilton fans were discussing where to stream the Ottawa radio play by play to avoid Rod Black.
    That pretty much says it all.

  3. Could be worse turtle, Strombosnuffleupagus could decide he wants to cover the CFL too.
    Little tiny comments from a little tiny man in a little tiny suit

  4. Thank ya Gawd! Real sport instead of the who gives a Sxxx neverendum hockey FUBAR down south.
    Anticipating the first stamps game – 28 – 3 -Lions get an early taste of the whuppins to come.

  5. Don’t u mean “Winter is Coming”?
    Arrg! I thought this was a ” Game of Thrones” thread.

  6. Steve E – Speaking of Strombopalopolus, does anyone know why CBC refuses to do close-ups of him between hockey periods, but does so, everyone else? Is this some kind of union/contractural thing, or has he a broken nose, or is it just because he is as stupid as he is arrogant?
