From a First-World Perspective

This is right up there with the Mullah’s saying Iran’s quakes are because of women, but belief is belief.
Having said that, if you don’t respect local customs, expect locals to make custom of you.
The greater lesson here? Your Facebook and Twitter world is small, you’re small and no one gives a damn about how precious you are at home. Imagine the lack of respect needed to do this. Maybe try streaking during Remembrance Day or through a Healing Lodge next time.

22 Replies to “From a First-World Perspective”

  1. “the pair could be charged after allegedly posing naked atop the country’s highest peak… Malaysia’s foreign affairs ministry identified them as Lindsey Petersen and his sister Danielle Petersen”

  2. At least they were clever enough to not be trekking for peace in a Raghead Caliphate. A caning will be something they can tell their friends about for years. Enduring pain is character building. Looks like a win/win/win for them.

  3. “The greater lesson here? Your Facebook and Twitter world is small, you’re small and no one gives a damn about how precious you are at home.”
    Amen to that.
    Heh. I guess this was a case of “think locally, act globally”.

  4. The gals must of had huge jugs to cause earthquakes, bwa ha ha.
    On a serious note, to side with the Malaysians, who claim that showing their assets on a mountain top, caused an earthquake, ranks right up there with believing we are doomed from AGW…making that reason for arrest. Pathetic.
    I don’t endorse, or care really, if they doffed their tops, it wasn’t on a public beach, or the town square. But, they cause earthqaukes……….okeedokee…………..

  5. “… if you don’t respect local customs, expect locals to make custom of you …
    How does that apply to visitors in Canada?

  6. she let out the over shoulder boulder holders. or in german , datstastopemfromfloppen

  7. Will they be whipped for this travesty?
    Wouldn’t it be easier for the two involved to simply stowaway onboard any fishing trawler and make their way back to civilisation and out of this mess?
    Or is it better to make 1st world travellers aware of the chances one takes while traveling through backwaters?
    The chance of me traveling to an islamic country is zero, not “almost zero”…

  8. Hmm. Does this tie into the Paleo diet thread? “Eat what we tell you in the way we say to prepare it, or we’ll prosecute you for the next natural disaster.” Applying, particularly, to halal products.

  9. Brother and sister posing naked… together???
    How far are we from young people demanding the right for sisters and brothers to marry?
    The end of Western Civilization is near…

  10. The two pranksters are idiots. The Malaysians are even bigger idiots. This is news?

  11. Screw these two.
    They are further proof that political multiculturalism is as much of a success as softening Michelle Obama’s image is. These thoughtless twits DIDN’T think this through and would not have even if encouraged to do so. After all, nothing is wrong and everybody loves the multicultural Canadians.

  12. Charging them with going out of bounds, disrespecting local custom, indecency is fine, saying stuff like that is plain stupid and actually flies in the face of Islamic teaching

  13. Canadian Press
    “Local media reported Sunday that a senior official with the Sabah Parks said the Canadians could face charges in a native court for allegedly violating local native laws.”
    Those poor Noble Savages(local native?)

  14. Ok, adult (was going to say mature) sibs together stripping nude is sicko; have to wonder if this is just a lark or WHAT! And really, in this day and age, WTF were you (not)thinking??

  15. Yup a couple more young Canadians that have finally figured out that Multiculturalism sucks!
    Whip em and send em home, we have some new conservative voters to look forward to in the next election. LOL

  16. If the group of young people were kept locally, and tried and fined for violating a regulation against what they’ve done and then released. I’d believe it.
    Tourism is too important a part of the economy for them to risk deterring young tourists, and it is only the young tourists who climb mountains in groups.
    On the other hand if it is the federal government of Maylasia that is holding this young pair of Canadian siblings. Then I suspect it’s Islam.
    Even in relatively moderate Muslim Malaysia, the Islamists have had a growing influence.
    Islamist doctrine cares little about the tourist economy for an impoverished mountain community of animistic pagans, but publicly punishing the infidel for violation of the Sharia.
    For that they’d forgo tourist dollars to send that message.

  17. Just shaking my head, gave a little chuckle and moving on to more important matters.

  18. This was on the island of Borneo. I think there are still plenty of non-Muslim tribal types there who are still pretty primitive, and it was their customs that were being mocked. The fact that central government in Kuala Lumpur is islamic is almost a aide issue here.
    I’d say, take the transgressors to a public square, strip them naked in front of a crowd, and flog them mercilessly with a wet noodle, while a comedian on the P.A. system makes disparaging comments about their endowments. Then put their clothes back on, and ship them home, with holes punched through their passports.
